
Chapter 25

Emerson walked out of the private jet with a lot of body guards and some snake members, he slowly removed his eye glass and smiled, "finally we're here! and tomorrow the bombing will happen, after that Davidson NC will give me the secret to destroying that goddamn organization and then I'll be the head!" he analyzed his plan with a dry maniac laugh, the members stared at him astonishingly, he was truly more evil than the old boss, a commoner became their boss, how ironical.

Cinderella and Vincenzo stood in front of the mansion, the guards eyed them, "who are you?" one of the guards at the gate asked holding his gun tightly, "are you blind or what? the boss sent us to look after his wife and step son" Cinderella replied, "you both don't look familiar" the other guard said, Vincenzo rolled his eyes, as he handed over a card to one of the guard, who immediately froze up, "oh we are sorry...we didn't mean to stop you" the guard had a 360° change of attitude, he watched as Vincenzo and Cinderella walked in after the gates opened for them.

"What got you so freaked out?" the other guard asked, "they...they are rank S" the guard replied, the other guard was equally surprised, they were mere rank C, they couldn't cause troubles for their seniors, else their deaths, they watched the two enter the elevator and soon they were out of sight.

Vincenzo and Cinderella said nothing to each other, they were camera everywhere and they wanted to do a clean job.

Xiachan was in the beautiful living room watching a kids show with Jing, she had a smile on her face as she rubbed her belly slowly in a rhythmic pattern, she was the only one who seemed to be enjoying the cartoon, as Jing was by far lost in thought, he was wondering how the agents from the Asis organization would get through the tight security of if they'd even come, he fidgeted with his superman action figure as he stared absent mindedly at the TV, they were about 10 guards there in the living room with them, he felt an headache coming.

"Good morning Mrs Emerson and young master Emerson" Willa greeted respectfully as they stepped in. Xiachan looked up at the two new guards that had just stepped in, she wasn't surprised, they had all been coming one by one, Jing also ignored, he was in a terrible mood, the remaining guards arched their brows, none of them were to speak to the lady and her son, but this two? just who were they? as if noticing the conflicts on the faces of most guards, he smiled, "Rank S" he said, making them all bow in a respect.

In the Snakes Organization rank S was the highest rank, so once ever lower guard hears rank S it's not an exaggeration to say they tremble in fear.

"What's the occasion? so many guards" Xiachan said as she stared at them, "well ma'am we are here to serve you as your personal body guards, the boss is on a dangerous mission and needs you and your son to be safe" Vincenzo said, Xiachan frowned, "what mission?" she asked, "that is as far as we can say, but you two should come with us, we shouldn't be here in the mansion, we shouldn't be in a particular place throughout today" Cinderella said.

"I thought that too" one of the guard said, Xiachan was worried as she slowly got up, Jing stared at the "two S ranked guards" with suspicions, but he could see the snake tattoo on their necks, he got up as well, "let me get my bag pack" he said and ran off.

"Are those from the Asis organization?" he asked himself out loud after slamming his door, he picked his bag pack, threw in his father's framed picture, his water bottle and a few books, then ran back out.

"The 10 of you should ensure you protect this mansion, it contains a lot of secrets and information on the Snakes" Cinderella said with a stern look, "yes ma'am" the men chorused as they led Xiachan and Jing out of the mansion, they got into the jeep they had come with, which had a certified Snakes number plate, the guards watched as they drove off.

"How dangerous is the mission?" Xiachan asked worriedly, "calm down ma'am for your baby's sake, your husband will be just fine" Cinderella said, as she turned to look at Jing who was staring at her, she smiled at him and winked, his eyes flew wide open as realization dawned on him, she was Cinderella, he smiled, she had come, she really did come to save them, just like he requested.

"Your story is touching, but what makes you think you belong with the Asis, for all I know you just want revenge, and I can help you get it, without you having to become part of us" Annie said, Willa smiled, "I really have to do this, and also find my twin brother, I don't want you doing it for me, I'll do it myself" Willa said, Annie sighed, "Take us back to the organization" she said as she looked outside the window, "maybe I should have taken her as well" she thought with a frown.

3 hours later

"What the hell? the Asis organization? what the fuck are we doing here?!" Xiachan yelled when she woke up to find herself in the open car parking lot, she immediately looked up and saw the Asis symbol and she was beyond frustrated, "mom calm down, they saved us!" Jing replied, "no they didn't, your dad hates them" she replied, "he's not my dad and he'll die anyways, he intends to kill innocent people" Jing said, "well... that's the nature of the organization! so you knew and kept quiet?" Xiachan yelled as she got out of the car.

"Yes mother! yes! not only did I know, I was also the one that contacted them!" Jing yelled back, Xiachan immediately slapped him, Cinderella's hair stood as she held Jing who was about falling from the forceful collision of his mother's palm with his cheek, he turned red as he tried hard not to cry.

"This woman! damn you! what can a mother are you? all you know is yourself and your wretched husband, do you even take care of your son?" Cinderella yelled, by now some members had come to take the mother and son duo away but stood to watch.

"and who are you to tell me that? I take proper care of Jing" Xiachan yelled back, "you don't! mother you don't! all you know is that bastard Emerson and your unborn child, who is not my sister or brother or whatever! you never cared for me! you never did, Emerson maltreats me right under your nose and I see you kiss him everytime, you've only ever neglected me!" Jing yelled in one breath and broke down in tears, Willa held him tightly as she struggled not to cry.

"What are you saying Jing? mama loves you!" Xiachan said, "and yet you killed dad" Jing said in a low voice loud enough for everyone to hear, Xiachan almost fell down when she heard it, he knew? how did he know? she was confused, ashamed, frustrated and furious, sh immediately began feeling pain from her lower abdomen.

She screamed out in pain, "doctors, call the doctors, she's in labor" someone shouted as they carried her, Willa joined the crowd, while Annie ignored and went inside, trying to device a means of getting Willa out.

Xiachan was placed on a stretcher, and some people followed including Willa, she saw another section of the organization, the hospital, she didn't want Xiachan to lose consciousness, she had a thing with mothers losing their babies, so she had a very worried expression on her face, they were halfway to the ward, when she saw Golgotha getting into an elevator which was restricted, they made eye contact, but then he looked away, as the elevator closed and she focused on ensuring Xiachan didn't black out.