
Chapter 19

Cinderella rushed out of her room to that of Cassidy, the later was on her bed smoking a cigarette, she looked at Cinderella and laughed, "Sofia where are you going? come smoke with me!' she said laughing. "You fool! what the heck are you doing? you're hopeless, I'll go look for Natasha" she running off. "Go on bitch go look for whoever you wanna fucking looking for I don't care, I'm only important to my parent after all" she said laughing, if only she knew.

Natasha had just walked out of her bathroom with a bathrobe, "what's up?" she asked with a smile. "Natasha let's go meet the boss, the snakes are planning something big, they want to bomb Mumbai and we can't let them get the gold" she said, Natasha was confused, but rushed to wear her clothes to accompany Cinderella to the dojo where she had called for everyone.

Abbey was already there, he was in only black pants, he had been training earlier, when he saw everyone start coming out, including the boss he was trying hard to impress, he calmly bowed, "what's up? it's not training time is it?" he asked with a smile. "We have a lot to discuss" Cinderella said.

A Lake in China

Master Roshi stood up on his feet, he scratched his long beard thinking. "My love you know there's something fishy, I have to say I think the two I told you about are twins? it's so obvious, they both have that light in their eyes, and the birthmark their father has, a lot of things shall I say are better ignored, I don't think I shall say a thing as there's a lot of things they both will find out, I do not know what that is, but they have a lot coming their way, especially the male child" master Roshi said to himself and laughed heartily.

".... there's nothing to worry about, we shall not do anything, let the bombing happen the only thing is that we shall be the one to take the gold" Golgotha said after Cinderella said everything.

"let the bombing happen? you aren't serious are you?" Willa asked perturbed. Golgotha arched a brow, "don't interrupt me!" he said coldly. "how can you let a lot of people lose their life because of money? venture into one thing, this organization of yours has no real cause" she said angrily, "you don't want me to be angry..."

"Child" master Roshi called out as he entered, everyone looked in his direction and Willa walked to him with a smile, "master" she greeted, "come with me dear, to my room, we shall talk" he said scratching his beard, as she followed, throwing a hateful gaze at all the Asis agents there and leaving a look of hatred lingering on Golgotha, he was furious.

Master Roshi sat on a pillow cross legged and Willa sat opposite him with a dry smile, what he said was in her mind, she couldn't help but clench her teeth, "how are you?" master Roshi asked with a smile, "fine master" she replied. "You are strong to still be here, smiling, you've been through a lot" he said. "I have losing my dad, my sister, and even getting raped.... I have a cause, and I won't let anything stop me, I have to find my brother and in order for that to happen I need to be strong" she said with a frown.

"For what purpose do you want to find this brother of yours?" master Roshi asked. "It's been 20 years master Roshi, 20 years my brother was stolen as a child, 20 years my mom cried each night she rocked me to sleep and 17 years my dad dedicated himself to becoming an undercover agent just to find my brother and what happened? he was murdered! he was murdered which caused my younger sister to die... there's someone behind it all and only that person can lead me to my brother and we both will get revenge for everything!" she said with hate evident in her eyes, *sigh*

"You habour so much hatred in that heart of yours child" master Roshi said with a wise smile, making her sigh as her brave stand faltered, "look child your great plan will have to change" he said, "no it can't..why? why does it have to change?" she asked with a frown. "Dear you have no future in fighting or in violence, you can never be as half as good as the person who took your brother, or murdered your father on stage, the person has allies everywhere and you are alone, don't you think it's easy for them to get out a gun and shoot you?" he asked and she was quiet, "I thought as much".

"You need to find allies, you need a lot of them, and they are outside, you can make an impact with the skills you have in computing, you even have an offer, they could be your allies in exchange and they'll do the whole work for you" master Roshi said. "but master, how can I work for them? they kill people! something I won't ever be able to accept or to let sink in" she said, master Roshi smiled, "child this world is a very wicked place everybody has what they want so do they, you complain that they would let people be killed and only take the gold, but have you no idea that other organizations have their eyes on the gold, even if they step down, the death of the people in Mumbai is inevitable" master Roshi said, leaving Willa thinking.

"They have a cause and you have no idea how lucky you are, you have disrespected the soon head of the Asis organization time without numbers and still you live, you should be grateful, he has a temper though young, you'll need him, I have advised you since I won't teach you how to fight, I've done a thing or two you have the final say" master Roshi said and walked out with a wise look.