
Chapter 10

Golgotha walked out of his room, in a white shirt and black pants, he looked wierd, he entered the elevator and looked at the buttons, before he could press one, Cassidy joined him in the elevator, she didn't say a thing and only looked at the other side, hoping he would say something, but Golgotha didn't have the strength for that, he ignored all the buttons and pressed the last one, which read basement.

Cassidy arched a brow, "the basement? I've never been there" she thought as she looked at Golgotha's face, he looked very tired, it took a while before the elevator dinged and the doors opened. Golgotha walked out and before Cassidy could come out, he pressed the button and the elevator doors closed and she frowned, "what was I thinking?" she yelled as the elevator rode to whichever floor Golgotha pressed.

Golgotha looked at the several elevator doors, his eyes fell on the one which was alone unlike the rest which had silver colors, this elevator was simply white, he was almost there when he saw a team of scientists, they all bowed to greet him, he nodded as he pressed the button and the elevator opened, there was only one floor, he pressed the button and the elevator immediately rode down, Golgotha sighed.

"Is the boss going to see her?" one of the scientist asks, "who knows, it's been so long since he last went there" another replied as they pressed a button and the elevator which they entered closed shot.

Golgotha walked out of the elevator, he was now in front of a large door. He walked closer and let the security scanner, scan his eyes, the door opened, but instead there was another door, he put his thumb and it was scanned, the door opened and now he entered a large room, a very large room.

The room had only white, no other color, in the quiet room a beeping sound could be heard. There was a transparent wall and a flower garden could be seen through the wall, with lots of butterflies, some Asis members were there, he watched them, but they couldn't see him, to them, it was a plane wall, the room was modified to filter the polluted air mixed with the smell of fresh garden, and let only the smell of flowers enter the room, so the room had a nice smell.

In the middle of the room, was an hospital bed, there were a lot of hospital machines around, a pale body lay on the bed, several tubes attached to it, in different positions.

Golgotha walked to the center of the large room, he stared at the lady, she looked like an Angel, her long black hair scattered on the pillow, it was now reaching her ass, she looked lean, yet it fitted her, she looked very beautiful, and innocent, her eyes were closed, like she was asleep, but who would know, she has been like this for 10 years.

Golgotha sat on the stool beside the bed and looked at her face, he didn't say a word and only stared, he moved his hand on her cheek, he touched the scar which had healed over the last 15 years, it was barely visible but it was there, he could still see it, though it would take others some time to notice it at a close distance, he smiled.

"Keep fighting Lizzy" he said with a smile, he had not smiled in years, and though it couldn't be called a smile, it was one.

After spending all his afternoon there, Golgotha finally returned to his room. He was tired and needed rest, he'd be leaving the organization in a few days to go to China to train.


Willa looked around frantically, she looked at the map she was holding, and looked around again. She had been wandering around for almost a week now, all she had on her was the map and the clothes on her body, she fought hard to hold in her tears. It all seemed hopeless, she would have to find the place no matter what, she was all confident before she came here, but now, she wasn't anymore, it began to drizzle, she folded the map and looked around as the rain began to fall more, she looked around and saw a former shop which was now home to rats, she rushed there and sat on the floor, as the rain fell heavily, she saw a sack and used it as a duvet, to cover herself.

Tears slowly fell out of her eyes. The past days had been bad for her, nothing had gone well.

She was almost asleep, when she heard some voices, she slowly opened her eyes and saw some Chinese guys, they walked towards her, she became alert, the 3 guys were speaking Chinese which she didn't understand, her phone which she was using for translation had been stolen.

Before she could do anything, something had been sprayed on her face, and she fainted immediately.

4 Hours Later

Willa slowly opened her eyes, she looked around and was shocked to see three naked men, she immediately looked at her body, she was naked and she felt her body wasn't the same anymore, she knew what had happened, tears filled her eyes. Her hands and legs had been spread open and was tied.

"Look the beauty has woken up" one said in Chinese. "It'll be more fun now" another said laughing. The last one walked to Willa and immediately climbed her, "Please" she said. The guy smiled as he used his hand to adjust his cock inside her, he immediately began to penetrate her thrusting deeper each time, Willa cried, screamed, shouted but nothing helped.

After 15 minutes the first came down from her and another climbed her and the same thing, before the end of the night, Willa had passed out more than 5 times, but the men were only getting more excited, they were even taking pills to give them strength as they raped her over and over and over again.