
GOLDIE Is Not Normal

#COMEDY #FANTASY #HIGHSCHOOLROMANCE Teenage high schooler, Goldie Markell is a bright, perfect, angelic teenage girl, born without a belly button! That's right. No belly button, no depression even... her belly is smooth as an eggplant! And even though her parents say she is perfectly normal, she knows well that she is definitely not normal. Because... No normal human, in fact, no other existing human was born without a belly button. And so, Goldie is convinced that if people ever found out about her not having one, they would call her... a freak. And they would probably expunge her from society… or do something much worse... "Light the torches! Raise the pitchforks! Kill the witch!"... That sounds about right. Yup.  This is why all her life, Goldie has worked conscious of the fact that she has no belly button, and ensured that she kept it a deep, dark secret. Hidden away from the world. And as it seems, the gods are with her because everything is going great for her. That is, until she hits puberty and suddenly, she starts growing wings! ... Okay, hold on. As if coming into puberty late was not bad enough, Goldie finds that she is all of a sudden growing wings like a freaking animal! Why was she growing wings?... Wings of all things! How do you hide something so big? Why was puberty so different for her? How was any of this 'normal'? These questions lead Goldie to answers she could never predict, as she finds that not being 'normal' is only the beginning of the many tragic escapades of her highly eventful life... Because, poor Goldie finds that not only is she not normal, she is barely even human! So… what is she? What is her true identity? And how can she continue to fake a 'normal human life' as a regular teenage high school girl whilst keeping hidden her secret identity as whatever unknown creature she is?... ...especially when her strange, unusual process of maturity into adulthood comes with the strangest, most spontaneous, most difficult to hide, and most disaster-prone physical symptoms? How is it possible that she would not soon be discovered by her friends, her schoolmates, her oh-so-handsome and observant crush, who somehow always happens to be there when the weirdest things happen, ...and the ever-watchful eyes of the government? Let's pray for Goldie, shall we? ____ Book cover Art Credit: weheartit.com

SpilledInk · Fantaisie
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177 Chs

Keeping A Secret Identity Secret

"I-I'm not human??!", screams Goldie, completely baffled.

"Oh… my… God!", baffled, Goldie cups her hand over her mouth, frozen in shock.

Just then, another question props into Goldie's mind:

"Wait… if- if I'm not human, then, what AM I?"

Just then…


The doorbell rings, interrupting the Markell family discussion.


Stunned, Goldie and both her parents turn to look at the entrance door at the far end of the living room.

Someone was at the door! And here, Goldie had just screamed about not being human.

Thankfully, their doors were soundproof, but what if someone, namely, the person who was currently at the door had somehow heard?

And who could that be, anyway, coming at such a time?


The doorbell rings again almost immediately.

"gasp!...", Goldie's heart falls as she remembers something important and begins to panic.

It was a school day!

"It must be Jasmine at the door! She's come to pick me up for school!"

In all the chaos, Goldie had forgotten it was a school day, and now, she had basically run out of time as Jasmine, her best friend, whom she rode with every day to school was already here to pick her up!

"She can't see me like THIS!", exclaims Goldie in a hushed, exclamatory tone, panicking.

Indeed, Jasmine could not see her like that… wearing a tank top with her back exposed with two disgusting new wings growing out of it! That would be horrible.

Not only would Jasmine freak out, just one glance would be enough for her to find out that Goldie was not human!

"Oh, dear! Go… quick!", instructs Becky Markell, Goldie's mother, sending her daughter off as she instantly rises from the sofa.

"I'll get the door.", she says, making her way to the door of their posh, luxurious, modern home.

"Keep her busy… I'll be as fast as I can!", Goldie calls back as she heads up the stairs, quick as lightning to get ready for school.

"Wear a jacket to cover THAT!", her father calls after her from the base of the stairs.

Yeah, we wouldn't want that being seen at school now, would we?

Thankfully, the growths, though large, were still narrow enough to be covered by a jacket, no problem.


Once Goldie is out of sight, her mother opens the door to find a brown-skinned beauty of Goldie's age behind it; slender, and dressed to the nines for 'school', (obviously she is one of the rich kids).

She has an impressive bed of long, dark brown extra-curly hair, sparkly white teeth, and the prettiest smile ever.

"Hi, Jasmine?", says Becky Markell, Goldie's mother in the sweetest, nicest tone ever.

"Good morning Mrs Markell!", Jasmine greets politely with the cutest courtesy like a well-raised child.

"Oh, good morning, sweetie.", Goldie's mother responds with a happy smile.

"Here for Goldie already?"

"Yes, Mrs Markell.", Jasmine nods, retaining her bright smile.


"Well, Goldie would be out soon. Come on in…", Goldie's mother invites.

"Thanks…", says Jasmine, following after Goldie's mother as she makes her way into the beautiful, edgy, expensive and modern Markell home.

Everything looked neat and sparkly, advanced and posh… telling that Goldie's family was wealthy, sophisticated, and interested in technology.

But of course, both Goldie's parents were world-renowned scientists and inventors. Their home, therefore, would depict that.

In Jasmine's eyes, everything looked rather impressive… as usual.

She could even spot some new stuff standing in the living room…

'What is that?... a… a vacuum?', she wonders, spotting an interesting contraption with a sleek, robotic design on the side.

It was rather fascinating. She had seen nothing like it before, and could not help but wonder what it was for.

'No doubt, something amazing…', she muses.

The Markells were widely known for their incredible inventions which were highly significant in technological advancement.

Suddenly, whilst admiring the new, techy additions to the living room, Jasmine spots Goldie's father, Mr Markell, seated calmly on the large sofa in the living room as he watches the morning news.

He was calmly pretending to watch the morning news as if nothing happened.

"Good morning Mr Markell…", she calls out in a polite greeting.

"Hello, Jasmine? How are you?", says Mr Markell, turning away from the screen to acknowledge Jasmine's greeting.

"I'm alright sir. Thank you.", responds Jasmine with a nod.

"And your parents?", he begins, making small talk to stall Jasmine. Jasmine's parents were family friends. They lived just down the elitist, posh neighbourhood too.

"They're good too.", nods Jasmine with a smile.

"Yeah, you know, I saw your mother, Magi at the supermarket just the other day, did she tell you?", asks Goldie's mother, beginning a random story to buy some time for Goldie who was apprehensively readying for school at the moment, like a tornado.

"Yeah… hah. She might have mentioned something like that…", Jasmine chuckles in response, wondering why that was important. Their mothers came from the same neighbourhood, and so would most likely frequently meet up at places like a supermarket.

That wasn't anything special. But yeah, her own mother, Magi Simons, had mentioned their meeting, so she guessed it was something special for mothers.

"Yeah, I was so excited to see her, since it had been a while since we met up.

We had a lot of catching up to do, so we shopped together for a while…", Goldie's mother goes ahead to tell the story with glee.

"...it was specifically when I was getting mini chocolate chips and blueberries to try out my new chocolate chip pancake recipe… speaking of which…", she turns suddenly to face Jasmine, causing her to stop in her tracks.

"Do you want some chocolate-chip pancakes? I'm trying out a new recipe…", begins Goldie's mother, with intentions of 'keeping Jasmine busy'.

"Oh no, thanks. I already had breakfast. I drank a glass of milk and grabbed some toast on my way out. Haha…", giggles Jasmine sweetly.

Like all teenagers, she had barely had a proper breakfast hurrying to get out of the house super early for school.

"Haha… That's barely a proper breakfast. Come on, I'll make you something nice. Do you want some eggs or bacon?", presses Goldie's mother, desperate to feed Jasmine a good dose of distraction.

"You don't have to worry, Mrs Markell. I'm good. Since Goldie's not down yet, I'll just head straight to her room and-", says Jasmine, straying towards the stairs.

As a regular visitor and Goldie's best friend, it was completely natural and usual for her to go straight up to meet Goldie up in her room, so she makes for the stairs to make her way up to Goldie's room!


Goldie's parents panic, seeing Jasmine make for the stairs with intentions of meeting Goldie… and her brand-new, disgusting, baby chick wings in her room upstairs!

Instantly approaching the stairs in a few quick strides, Jasmine places a foot on the first step and her hand on the stairway railing, beginning to climb up the stairs!

"No!-", Goldie's mother suddenly blurts out with her arm slightly outstretched in Jasmine's direction.

