

23 Years after the world ago, the whole world put an end to a three hundred years of war. It ended by a certain pact that is signed by at least the 7 big continents and 23 small continents. This pact is known as "THE REVOLT". In the present day, in year 23 ATR(After The Revolt), Samuel Cardis Lamnient, a new generation that never seen war through his eyes, set his adventure to fulfill his curiosity about this "new world."

Saddam_Mahendra · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

CHAPTER 1 : Morning meeting (Year 22,ATR)


Sounds of the front door being knocked harshly.

"Wake up, Cardis!" a loud girl's voice heard behind the door.

Cardis was still lying on his bed half awoke.

"ahh~ dear god. Can't i have just one relaxed morning?"

He get up from the bed and take a random shirt lying on his table. His long golden hair obstructing his left eye. Then he started to walked towards the door.

"Yeah, yeah, shut up,Rachel!" He opened the door.

Behind the door was a girl about his height in the staff uniform.

"It's breakfast time. Change to a proper clothes, will you?"

*yawn* "What's the big deal, it's just breakfast. Just bring it to me."

" No can do. You have a meeting with Mr.Richard afterwards. Now go change!" He pushed Cardis inside and then slam the door.

"What kind of personal attendant is this rude to her boss?"

After changing to a proper attire, Cardis arrived at the dining train car. His messy golden hair was already been tidied up, proving his former prince title is not just a word.

"Prince Cardis, over here!" A familiar voice came from the other side of the room. There, He sees an old man waving his hand towards him. He then walked to the old man.

"Don't call me prince, Richard." Cardis talked coldly as he take a seat.

"Good morning to you too, young Cardis." He only answered his cold words with a warm smile.

Mr. Richard is a dwarf with a really buffed body, just like any other hard working dwarfs. His bald head but really long beard and short height also really giving out his race. But right now, he used a really fancy outfit unlike most dwarfs usually used.

"So, how do you think of this train so far, Young Cardis?" He began to ask questions while still picking his order from the menu.

"Honestly, better then i expected! Are you sure this is just Golden Railroad's second time traveling the whole world? Ah, Amanda, please come here!" Cardis called a cat eared waitress.

"Ho ho! It is! Combining dwarven technology with The great Albert Einstein's specialty magic is an amazing idea by your father!"

"what would you take, Mr. Cardis?" The waitress named Amanda arrived.

"One spaghetti meatball for me and Mashed potato for Mr. Richard."

"Hey! why do you order for me all on your own?"

"I know what you like."

"And i don't? Whatever. Just take the order, little missy. Oh, and also two glasses of White beer!"

"really? beer in the morning?" Cardis was annoyed.

"It's for me anyway. You can just order a glass of milk." Richard gave Cardis a smug smile.

"Is that all, misters?" Amanda calmly asked.

"Yeah, i guess so."Cardis gave up.

"Alright then, excuse me."