
Golden Fate

Read the story of God resetting the world, and rebuilding a new world filled with humans, fantasy races and Golden Blessings. While also indulging in yourself with tales and adventures about Hydro the Beast kid.

Sora_Gemini · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Chapter 7: The Auction Pt. 2

"The Auction is about to begin!" yelled a masked Beast man wearing a brown suit, standing upon a stage in front a pedestal.

"Here we go..." whispered Isaac.

Hydro eyes lay upon the auction man as he held and a wooden hammer.

"For our first item this evening, we have this pair of human footwear orginally resonated from the ancient times of the Old World,"

Another Beast man walked onto the stage while pushing a sliver trolley with a pair of some black worn-out shoes with perfectly tied up laces. Number plates immediately stood as prices went and skyrocketed.

"Two thousands!" spoke one of the audience.

"Three thousands!" howled another.

"Five thousands!" screamed a Beast woman wearing pink clothes and lots of jewelry.

"Five thousands, anyone else?" the whole audience sunk into silence.

"Five thousands! Sold!" the auction man slammed his hammer upon the pedestal, and the other Beast man walked off stage with the pair of shoes.

"Hey Isaac..." Hydro whispered.

"What is it?" Isaac replied while not making eye contact.

"Is it just me or are we being watched?" Hydro whims quietly.

"So, you have noticed that too?"

"I had this uneasy feeling every since I arrived the Hades District,"

"Same here, do you think you can sniff them out?"

"Sniff them out?"

"I mean if you can find out who's stalking us?"

"I don't know, but..." Hydro hesitated.

"But what?"

Hydro leans close to Isaac's ear while pointing out in front of him. "That man smells familiar,"

Isaac's gaze shifted down towards a man wearing a dark red cloak, sitting three rows in front of them. "Do you know him?"

"I don't know, I can't see his face. But I swear I recognize his scent from somewhere," Hydro gulped.

Isaac's narrow his brow before taking a gentle sigh. "I believe you, but we before we can dealt with him. Let's focus on why we're here, okay?"

Hydro nodded.

The auction man called out for the second item. The betting went same as the previous one, the Beast woman wearing pink won again.

"Ten thousands! Sold!" the sound of the wooden hammer echoes through the auction house.

"Alright, the third item is about to come up. Are you ready Hydro?" Isaac said.

"Yes," Hydro stammered.

"For our third item is quite a treat, for this is a item that was commonly used in ancient times. However, we currently are unaware of what it's used for,"

On a sliver trolley, there was a box made out of glass. Inside the box was a black rectangle with pink cover attached to it.

That's the special item said in the letter? What is it suppose to do? It looks like a weirdly wrapped chocolate bar; Hydro turns to Isaac with confused look on his face.

"I'm just as confused as you are." Isaac simply said.

Even when he was confused, Hydro lifted his number plate and betting has begun.