
Golden Fate

Read the story of God resetting the world, and rebuilding a new world filled with humans, fantasy races and Golden Blessings. While also indulging in yourself with tales and adventures about Hydro the Beast kid.

Sora_Gemini · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Chapter 11: The Promise

"Pyro..." Hydro stuttered.

"Glad to know you still recognize my voice." Pyro spoke through the item.

Tears swelled up in Hydro's eyes, dripping down his fur like cheeks. "I missed you..."

"I know, I missed you too. You're my little brother after all." Pyro said.

"You... You are... a total jerk! You left me behind! You promised, we would travel around the world together! You lied to me!" Hydro cried, unable to stop the tear pour down his face.

"I'm sorry... I did want to take you with me but that old fart stand against it."

"Then why didn't you wait for me?! Why couldn't you waited and stayed with me, Auntie, Uncle and Grandpa?!"

A light chuckled was heard before Pyro spoke. "Because I was a very impatient pup back then. I was far too curious about the outside world, and my stubbornness got the better than me. I left because all I thought was seeing what the entire world had to offer."

"You're so cruel," Hydro sniffled.

"Huh? What do you mean? The last thing I remember, I was never nice to begin with." Pyro chuckled.

"That's true. We would fight a lot while we we're both pups."

"I remember Uncle Sora had to tie me up against a tree because he thought I was set the house on fire."

Hydro giggled, wiping his dried out tears and continued the conversation with his older brother about all the mischief they did while they we're still pups.

"Hydro..." Pyro spoke in a melatone voice.

"Is there something wrong?" Hydro replied.

"There's something serious I need to tell you."

"What is it?"

The room felled into silence.

"Remember how we first met?"

"My memory of that time is still a little fuzzy, but I remember you found me laying on the beach."

"There was more than that." Pyro said.

"What do mean?" Hydro questioned.

"When I found you, I saw some type of monster trying to EAT you," Pyro spoke hastily.

As shocking as the news were, Hydro was completely calm. It was as if he expected this, however, there was one question chewing up inside him.

"Was the monster a woman?" Hydro asked sheepishly.

"Do you remember?" Pyro said with concern in his voice.

"Not exactly, but I think I knew her,"

"Really? If she was your friend, I would hate to see what your enemies are like." Pyro said sarcastically.

"Is she still alive?"

"I didn't kill her, if that what your asking. She had a Blessing, and it was far stronger than mine at that time." Pyro said, where Hydro sighed with relief.

"Why are you so concerned of a monster that tried to eat you?" Pyro questioned Hydro.

"I don't know... but lately I've been having this weird dream of me drowning, and in every one of my dreams I saw a woman. I don't know how to describe it, but I feel a some kind of connection with her somehow." Hydro said as he tries to remember the woman's face.

"Okay, whatever you say fish pup." Pyro said with a snarky voice.

"Pyro..." Hydro spoke.


"Where was that beach? What was the beach called? How long would it take for me to get there?"

"What?! You seriously want to go back there? On that God forsaken island?" Pyro yelped, fully aware of Hydro's intentions.

"What island? Tell me, Pyro please! I'm begging you!" Hydro whims.

Pyro reminded quiet for a moment before he groaned with irritation. "Even if I didn't tell you, you would then try to find it yourself! Why are you always been like this?!"

"Pyro... please. I want to, no, I need to know! Didn't you said the reason why you left was because you were curious about the world?" Hydro continued to whims.

Pyro took a long deep sigh before speaking again. "The island was called Stewart, it's around somewhere far out the outside the Australian Terra. Which is basically half across the world from where you are."

"Thank you." Hydro said.

"Can you even handle that? It's quite a long journey." Pyro said.

"Sounds like a waiting adventure." Hydro snarked.

Pyro chuckled full heartily. "Since when you got so confident? I thought you were afraid of danger?"

Hydro giggled. "I was, but that was before I experienced all the events that happened tonight. Now, I'm really jealous of you. You got to see the whole world before me, but if you were able to do it. Why can't I? Nothing stopping me."

"Except that old dog." Pyro chuckled.

"Then I'll leave in the morning. The fog is too thick for anyone to see me, and no one will be awake to stop me." Hydro said enthusiastically.

"HA! That's brilliant! What about saying goodbye?"

"I leave a letter on my bed."

"How will you get out? You're not going through the front door are you?"

"I'll use the window, this Phoenix can even carry me. If it's still here in the morning." Hydro said as he turns his direction to the currently sleeping Phoenix laying on Hydro's shoulder.

"That Phoenix was controlled by a Blessing, it should have wore off by now. If it's still there, then it must have a liking to you. Not surprising, you were always in good terms with animals unlike me," Pyro pouted, which Hydro giggled in response.

"Hey Pyro."

"What is it now?"

"What are you doing right now?"

"Talking you?" Pyro joked.

"No, I mean what are you doing in the world. Are you on an adventure right now?"

"Yeah! I'm with a group of friends right now, we're on a quest to slay a Demon Lord or something like that." Pyro laughed.

"That's sounds cool!" Hydro howls excitedly.

"Why you asked? I have a feeling there was there was reason."

"Pyro, can you make one more promise with me?" Hydro asked.

"Promise what exactly?" Pyro responded.

"I want you to promise... after my our adventures are over. We'll go on our own adventure, together." Hydro said with cheeky grin, eager to hear Pyro replied.

Silence once again filled the room, a low chuckled was then heard from the item.
