
A run away.

*He would make me clean up and cook. One time when l was eight years old I cooked him something he didn't like so he went into the kitchen and poured the boiling hot water over my arm. It hurt so much I really felt like i was being burnt alive when l screamed out in agony and tried to get away he slapped me so hard l fell to the ground. But of course. he couldn't let mother find out or he'd be ruined so he blamed it on me and said l was messing around when he was cooking and that the boiling pot fell on me. I tried to tell my mother but she refused to listen she said that it was just my 'over creative imagination' and that he would never do such a thing. This sort of abuse would happen whenever he came to baby sit me until l was around 12 then he just disappeared Until today..*

Who knew memories were so painful....

Just then l hurd people from outside when l looked it was dark hours had passed since mother told me to go to my room it must of been around 12 now. I never usually stay up this late but im glad l did because just then l thought about going out for the first time. I felt like Repunzal though no Flint Rider was coming to save me.

I packed some clothes my teddy ,my phone, a blanket and some money . Now for the hard part..... getting down a two story building. Oh geez what have I gotten myself into. Well l might as well go for it right ? right...? Oh i know ill do what they do in the movies with that blankit rope thingy. I grabbed all of my remaining sheets and covers even clothes. Just then though faint l hurd foot steps coming up the stairs l quickly hid everything ,turned off the light and leaped into bed.

I had my face turned from the door. I heard a slow creek as my door staggered open. A beam of Pale light hit the side of my face. This eerie..along with the creeping and wondering who entered my room made me cold to the bone. I could hear and feel my own heartbeat , hoping that it wouldn't expose me.

The footsteps got closer and closer until they stopped near my king sized bed. Unexpectedly a hand grazed the top of my head. The hand stroked my straw golden hair. All l could think about was how creep this was even if it was my mom. The figured breathed heavenly on my exposed neck. Finallyvin what felt like hours had stopped. I listened as the footsteps faded from my room.

I must of waited there another couple of hours frozen in fear as by the time l looked back at the clock it was 2.00AM l cearfully got out of bed and grabbed all my things.

I lowered the make shift rope i made and tied a peace of it to my bed. I started to quietly and swiftly climbing down the rope carefully checking for any sign of people. But by the time l was half way down the rope it began to slip. "OH N-" quicker then i could end my thought l plummeted down to the grass floor. Ouch l thought that really hurt i slowly and reluctantly sit up. I'm glad l fell from just the 1st story of l would of really hurt myself.

I hobble to my feet and as quickly as l can l rush to the nearest ally way to avoid getting seen. Further down the ally way I hear people and see 5 tall silhouettes. I know i don't really want to seen but l really know nothing about there streets.

I hobble over to them as quick as l can hoping for them not to leave before l can ask them for advice to go. The people must or realized l was there because as soon as l had walked a few steps they stopped there laughing and conversation and turned to me. Scary; "Oh hey ,excuse me do you know the quickest way to a hotel" l cried whimpering in pain. I had only planned to run away just for a few days then return after uncle had gone.

The tall masculine figures started walking tawords me." Your looking for a hotel are you now missy?" a croaky voice asked. Followed by a " Why don't you hand over all the money you got and were help ya out." Another deeper voice replied. I got the sense that l was in trouble,alot of trouble....