
GOJO: A Sorcerer in the Soul Society

Short version: Gojo dies and gets bleached. Serious version: After an epic fight against Sukuna at full power. Gojo sacrifices himself to protect his students, Yuji and Megumi. What he didn't expect was that he would wake up in the afterlife. NB: This is set 55 years before the start of canon. For the fan of Bleach, 110 BC, 55 BC, and 20 BC are very important milestones. I choose 55 because it would help me make an interesting story. ------ Here link of my new Story. Name is MIDNIGHT PRINCE : Empire of Sin https://www.webnovel.com/book/midnight-prince_24908760405236305 would appreciate it if you could give reviews and put it in your collection. Discord link: https://discord.gg/c7d4SNW Patron link: https://www.patreon.com/HikaruGenji I updated my patreon. Tier 1: 4 chapters Tier 2: 11 chapters Tier 3: 13 chapters Legend: 16 chapters of SHK and 16 of Gojo+ illustrations of SHK Overlord: 18 of SHK and 18 of Gojo+ illustrations. Can also ask or vote for special chapters once each month. Supreme: Same benefits as overlord+ right to ask for the creation of an OC(Name/Gender /Race/Power) that will be added to the story. Disclaimer: Neither the cover nor bleach and Jujutsu belong to me. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

HIKARU_GENJI · Anime et bandes dessinées
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196 Chs


Sitting alone in her office, with only a simple lamp beside her, Unohana reviewed the bea–training of the day. 

If she really wanted to make him awaken his Shikai, there was nothing really difficult about it. 

As long as she fought him long enough and made him feel the threat of death, he would unconsciously lower all his mental defenses and communicate with the sword. 

Of course, there was a big difference between knowing the name of your zanpakuto and being able to use its ability. 

But this didn't matter. With his talent, it wouldn't take him too long to master the ability. At least if it had one. 

But she wasn't satisfied with just that. 

She didn't just want to train someone strong. She wanted to create the greatest masterpiece.

For that, she needed to make him break all limits. 

Firstly, for Kido, she would give him access to all possible Kido spells below 90. Only a captain could read higher than that and not even she would break that rule. 

For Zanjutsu, she would kill him again and again in thousands of different ways so that he could master his own styles. After all, his Shikai might not even be in the form of a sword. As such she had to take this into account. 

In terms of pure Reiryoku, there was nothing she could do. The amount and growth of Reiryoku was something that could not be trained. It was a natural talent. 

Thankfully, from the report of the 2nd division, she knew that he already had an amount between that of a captain and a vice-captain. 

With such a base Reiryoku, it wouldn't be a problem for it to grow to an immeasurable level like her and Zaraki. 

For Hakuda and Hoho, she had nothing much to teach him, and in fact, she was really curious about the 'Jujutsushiki' he was developing. 

She did not know why he was giving it such an ominous name, but the little he had shown was really impressive. 

If he really created a complete set of techniques and created his own department, he would most likely enter division 0.

But she doubted her disciple would do so. 

He did not seem to have any sort of loyalty towards the Soul Society or any deep sense of purpose. 

It was another thing she had remarked. 

Gojo Satoru was like her and at the same time different from her?

Where she searched for opponents that could challenge her and despaired at the reality that she stood at the pinnacle, Gojo on the other hand thirsted for victory only. 

He did not fight to become stronger or to enjoy the fight. 

He fought to prove that he stood at the pinnacle. For him, knowing that there were people equal and above him seemed to be an unacceptable notion. 

Her despair was his joy and her joy was his despair. 

She really wondered what kind of life he must have had to develop such a mentality. 

At the very least, she was sure that he must have possessed spiritual power even when he was alive. 

'A Fullbring or a High-spec human?' 

It was debatable. 

Fullbrings were humans whose mothers survived a hollow attack while pregnant but were still slightly infected by the power of the hollow. 

High spec humans meanwhile were humans who were born with high amounts of Reiryoku or developed high amounts for whatever reason possible. 

Both of those were humans able to see and fight spiritual beings. But the way they obtained their power was different. 

She discarded the possibility of him being a Quincy. 

Nowadays, all the Quincy's alive in Japan were recorded and monitored. It was to assure that they wouldn't use their powers and break the balance of the soul society. 

Of course, even if he was a Quincy, it wouldn't matter in her opinion. 

'Seems like I have taken quite the troublesome student.'

She laughed a little. 

She liked trouble. 

Trouble meant lack of boredom. 

Discarding her useless thoughts, she wondered if she could help him reach an even higher level in Hakuda and Hoho.

'Should I call in some of my favors with Soi Fon?'

It was worth pondering. 

The advantage of being the captain of the 4th division was that everyone owed you a favor. 

She knew that Soi Fon had been using the spies in the 4th division to obtain information about Gojo. 

Of course, she also knew about the spy Yamamoto had planted. 

She outed neither of them because she understood that it was a necessary procedure to assure the security of the soul society. 

Of course, the best would have been to have the tutelage of Yoruichi herself but unfortunately, she was now a fugitive.

Life was funny sometimes. 

One of the greatest criminals was now the loved and respected captain of the 4th division. 

Meanwhile, the princess of the Shihoin family was a fugitive forced to live in the human world to avoid being captured. 

Strength was truly the best protection. 

The greatest proof was the fugitives. 

Even though a capture order had been given, no one bothered to take it. 

After all, who could fight an entire team full of ex-captains and ex-vice-captains? 

Chuckling, she opened her scroll and began to write. 


[Shin'o academy] 

Under the moonlight, a black-haired girl wearing the student uniform could be seen standing in front of a tree with her eyes closed. 

Even though she seemed stable at first glance, a deeper observation would show that her aura was shaky and that her body kept swaying imperceptibly. 

Finally, opening her eyes, her aura jumped and began to increase at an alarming rate. 

Once it finally stopped, she murmured for the first time, 

"Snap, Tobiume!" 

Fire engulfed the courtyard. 

(AN: Honestly the secret corps are really good and the Shihoin family are the guardians of the soul society. The only reason Aizen managed to trick everyone is simply because his Shikai is too fucked up. Also, no one would doubt the gentle and friendly guy with glasses. Aizen was like the most popular captain. Students loved him. He was friendly with nearly all captains. Compared to him, you had a guy like Gin who had a face that basically screamed 'I am a suspicious guy!' XD. The only guy who had a suspicion about Aizen was Shinji and Aizen used that suspicion to trick him. Also I like Kubo irony. Momo activation is 'Snap' and most of us know how she snapped mentally during the SS arc.)

You love this story? You want to be ahead of the others? Want to support me? Take a look at my *******. I upgraded my ******* once again. You can get up to 17 advanced chapters of SHK(Basically being more than one month ahead of everyone.) As well as 17 chapters of my new fic. Called Gojo: A Sorcerer in the soul society.


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