
Godly Emperor of Light and Darkness

Roan arsen has so many weird hobbies like reading novels, searching about aliens and reading theories about he Universe, parallel worlds and so on. After reading novels, he fell asleep and dreaming of wars in the universe. He saw an ethereal being whose fighthing thousands of strong demons. But when he woke up, he was in the body of a five years old boy. Calming himself down, he tried to first familiarize to his new body being wary of his sorroundings. Seeing giant monsters fighting.. he was flabbergasted and fear crept his body, but he strengthened his will.. he needs to survive. The golden bead shined and....... (swish)............. (A/n: i hope you will like my new story )

08skymist_Music · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Chapter 9

A beatiful lady came out of the shade of one huge tree, hundred meters away from Roan.

Her long golden long blonde hair sways as it is being blown gently by the wind, added by the perfect figure of her body.

The lights that came from the gaps between the leaves of the trees shine unto her white flawless skin that makes her glow like a goddess that descended from heaven.

Roan was a little mesmerized by her beauty, he smiled and look unto her eyes directly.

"Who are you?"

The woman asked with wariness in her voice but was overshadowed by her angelic voice.

Any sane guys will fall for her, some will feel lust for her. Roan is a young healthy man but he reigned against such thougths, he appreciated her beauty but never lusted for it. His will was tempered for so long that he won't be swayed by such feelings.

"Hm. You should first introduce yourself before asking me of my name."

Roan calmly said, looking directly to the woman without any lust from his eyes.


What made me startled for a second is that she speaks same language as me. Then slowly she answered.

"I am Selina of the Elven Race, a Silver Star Royal knight, the leader of the Elven Race force."

Proudly she says, and I just nodded and then introduces myself.

Though she answered, I can feel the heaviness of her feelings, and the wariness written in her eyes. She is a leader that holds the life of her subordinates.

And I am amazed, she deployed her clones not faraway, they are hiding and blending with nature itself, it will be hard to detect them if I was not trained by the forest itself.

I just smiled ignoring her plots, I know that this is just her way to protect herself from any hostility that I may do, that is probably her thoughts.

"My name is Roan Arsen and I live in this forest, I am a human, as you may have obviously figured out."

I first thought of inventing a story but I denied that thought, why would I lie? There is nothing to hide.

She clearly didn't believe me, her brows moved a little while her lips twitched a little, her cold face has a little shade of redness, maybe its irritation? hmmmmm, I don't know.


I followed one of groups who accepted the mission to scout the area near the border of south and east, I needed to protect them if they face any mishaps.

Everything goes well until it's time for them to return. A shadow of a man followed them suddenly and silently.

I made two wooden clones and sent them to the right and left side of the area while i followed in the back.

He suddenly stopped while a Nihilian Tiger showed up and attacked the scout team. I wanted to help but I will be exposed and there will be a danger of being attacked by this unknown man.

I stopped myself of doing anything and observed the man. The unknnown man watched the fight calmly, he is observing them and analyzing them like a predator observing its prey.

After the scout team killed the beast, the man moved suddenly. When I thought that this man will attack the team, I didn't thought twice, I pulled the string of my bow and shot him with the qi coated arrows.

He suddenly grabbed the incoming arrow without looking at it like it is nothing.

I was alarmed, he caught it without any qi fluctuation. No one has ever caught it like that, even those who are two realms above me.

"Hmmmm, you know it's not a good manner ......

He said then turns to my direction. He is using the human language, so it means that he is a real human.

His face is the most handsome man I have ever seen even compared to us Elves, with his long silver white hair he is like those higher humans that are written on the ancient books, which is about the first ever alliance between humans and elves happened.

His golden red sharp eyes almost made me want watch it all day. His voice sounds cold even with the beautiful tone of it, together with that mesmerizing smile of his.

Then suddenly I woke up from my thought and controlled myself, I felt fear, I almost forgot that he might be an enemy. And also I was embarassed of my thoughts but I didn't show it. I think.?

"Who are you?"

This is the only sentence I mustered to say. I don't know what words I should say, I needed to be careful of this man, he is clearly as strong or stronger than I am.

I keep my cold facade to hide my fear. I calmly look at his sharp eyes while waiting for his response.

"Hm. You should first introduce yourself before asking me of my name."

He said with a calm voice and with little hint of playfulness in his tone. His not taking me serious, and this made me angrier but I kept my cool.

I suppressed what i felt and answered him coldly:

"I am Selina of the Elven Race, a Silver Star Royal Knight, Leader of the Elven force."

Proudly I announced, I am a proud Elf, I can't hide it and I won't hide it.

"My name is Roan Arsen, I live her in the forest, I am a human an you obviously figured it out"

He said while smiling, and it feels like he is saying the truth. I can see in his eyes, he is not bothered even if I know. This confidence makes me feel inferior, his aura is that of an Emperor who looks down to the world.


Watching one another roan suddenly raise his hand while smiling and said.

"I am not an enemy, It's just that its been so long since I saw a person or an elf, to be exact. "

Selina didn't speak but the beating of her heart quickened with unknown reason.

Before Selena could speak Roan suddenly vanished and taps her shoulder her pull out her small knife and almost attacked Roan.

"And to be honest, disperse your clones, they are of no help, they are releasing little qi that didn't blends so well with nature.

Selina wanted to speak but she don't know what to say. She sweated cold sweats that it almost soked her green armored dress.


Before she could finish what she wanted to say, Roan spoke once again but now with a calm voice, looking above the skies.

"I felt your presence before i let you discover me, If I am an enemy then you are dead or being tortured by now, but no worries, I have no bad thoughts against you, I just want information on how to exit this place."

She felt a little hint of loneliness in his voice and hope. She widened her eyes and put back her knife on its sheat. She knew that she lost, and if Roan wanted to kill her then she will be dead for sure.

Selina is 7 insches shorter than Roan so when she looks at him, it feels like she is looking at the sky like Roan is doing now.

"How can you prove that you are not an enemy?"

Selina suddenly said with a cold voice.

"mmmm? I don't know, can I just make a vow on my soul?

Selina widened her eyes, a vow using your soul is the highest way of an oath, if you go back on your words then your soul will seriously suffer making it's harder to recover.

Seeing the shocked eyes of Selina, naturally Roan understand that oaths using your soul is so dangerous, so Roan smiled and thought, novels are really useful on this situations.

Seeing the smile on Roan, Selina is even more shocked, while thinking, "How can he just smile in this serious situation? This is a serious matter, will he really do it?"


Seeing the look on her face, my conjecture is proven true, Oath's using your soul is a big serious matter.

But it doesn't matter, I won't make an oath that is a big disadvantage agains me, I won't blindly make an oath, I need a way out if ever they tried to betray me.


After I said my vow, an invisible chain covered my very soul, making me stagger and cough out fresh blood.

She supported me when I almost fall from the tree, while looking at me with curious and confused eyes.


She asked looking into my eyes, and oh, she is cute, her cold face facade and was covered by shock and confusion. Then suddenly she shouted at me, which makes my eyes widen for a second.

"Are you an idiot? Why make that kind of oath, you can just make an oath using your cultivation, it will suffice if you did that albeit some will still be doubtful."

She sighed deeply, and said a simple sentence. "Thank You".

Silence fills the place so we decided to follow the scout team while thinking of how to start a new conversation. She asked me things about how I came to this place and I answered that I don't know,that is the truth.

She also told me the situation, the humans, elves and dwarves are in alliance. There are other races that are in this "Arcasin Secret Realm" , yeah this place is a secret realm, I was totally shocked at first and accepted it and didn't bother to ask how.

One more thing, if the secret realm had not opened then I will be stuck here for hundreds of years and that will trully make me crazy, I was a modern man, and it will be hard for me to wait that long.

"So how did you got here?"

She asked confused, then I answered:

"I don't know, when I woke up I was in the other side of this barrier."

I said while pointing at the barrier ten miles away from us. I didn't told her anything else.

With a confuse face, she asked another question.

"How old are you at that time?"

Looking straigth infront, I sighed and answered her calmly while reminiscing of the past.

"Hmmm, I am just five at that time, now I am almost sixteen years old, all my life, I live fighting for my life, dreaming that someday I will find human civilizations."

I started telling her how I fended the beast and how many times I almost died. I din't told her about the golden bead and my reincarnation to this world.

After hours of travel, I saw a huge tree, four times bigger than the trees inside of this forest.

Then one of the scout member tapped twenty different bricks around the tree, then suddenly.......

A/n: ty