
Godly Abomination Returns

[ON HIATUS] Alusec, the abominable god-king, betrayed by his lover, student and several other gods; finally escapes imprisonment after being kept away for several thousand years. Upon his return, he discovered the planets he lorded over had long been destroyed by the gods who betrayed him. He sets out on a path of revenge while slowly recovering his original abilities. With time he would find out that things aren't as simple as he initially assumed. Follow Alusec on a bloody road of revenge and new self discovery as he decimates his enemies and leaves a trail of destruction in his wake. This is my first work so don't expect it to be as great as my second work » The Bloodline System I was still inexperienced when writing this so the quality and style might not be to your liking.

TimVic · Fantaisie
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210 Chs


Alusec walked in through the gate and found himself in a dark space, lit up with stars.

It was like being in space, seeing the constellations and milky way.

There was a path about thirty meters in length and at the end of the path were thousands of stairs that led to an exalted altar. The path was floating in the space and wide enough to accommodate ten people walking side by side but at the edge, the bottom couldn't be seen, only a never-ending sea of stars was visible.

Alusec raised his head to stare at the top of the altar.

A huge white-colored dragon about thirty meters in size could be seen with two horns protruding from both sides of its head.

It looked to be sleeping before but opened its eyes when Alusec entered.

"Just as I thought, you were truly injured," Alusec spoke as he leaped in the air.


Alusec landed on the altar standing a few feet away from the white horned dragon.

"Lord Alusec?" On noticing looking closely at the face of the man in front of it the horned dragon raised its body as its eyes opened up wide revealing a set of silver-colored pupils.

"Rhadelia!" Alusec said with a smile, "You're still alive but reduced in size,"

"Lord Alusec you bastard! That's my line," Rhadelia the dragon shouted out with excitement and grabbed at Alusec with its hand pulling him into a tight embrace.

Alusec who was not expecting such an intense reaction from Rhadelia was surprised as he was pulled into a crushing hug.

Alusec tiny body was buried deep in the palm of Rhadelia, which was more than twice the size of Alusec.

After a few seconds, Alusec pulled himself out from the opening and jumped down from the beast's paw, landing back on the altar.

"You stink!" Alusec stated.

Rhadelia noticed this and opened his paw, raising it and scratching his gigantic head in embarrassment.

The two of them stared at each other and...

"Hahahaha," "Hahahaha,"

Both their laughter reverberated across the entire space, especially the dragon's whose voice was particularly deep.

"You're still as disrespectful as ever," Alusec said with a smile because when they roamed across realms together, no one dared to call Alusec a bastard or any sort of name except this big-headed creature here.

"Lord Alusec, how are you still alive? the word was spread in the celestial realm about your death," Rhadelia spoke with his eyes glistening with tears.

"It was all a ruse, have you forgotten that I can't be killed," Alusec said solemnly as he recalled the past, "Calicrum imprisoned me in the diminishing void,"

"That crazy bastard, he tricked and betrayed us all!" Rhadelia's angry voice shook the space.

"Why are you on this planet and why do I sense severe injuries from the depths of your soul?" Alusec asked with worry.

Rhadelia's eyes shown an intensity to kill as he released his murderous intent after hearing the question that Alusec poised.

"That swine, he planned a disastrous ending for all of us after your supposed death. He knew we were going to revolt after hearing what he did to you so he schemed behind the scenes. The bastard was still a weak true god at that time so I alone was enough to destroy him and avenge you. I went after him and chased him to the edge of the celestial plane. I was about to slay the swine and send him to accompany you in the afterlife when I was ambushed by several gods.

They all were supposed to be your subordinates so I was surprised to hear them say, 'exterminate the spawn of the godly abomination, he's a contamination to the universe,' They all attacked me severally with the intent to kill. I was severely injured but I was able to complete a forbidden spell which teleported me to this planet with the cost of several thousand years of cultivation. Before the spell could beam me away, one of the gods unleashed a final attack on me which caused me to shed my body, separating my soul into two parts. One with the sun's source and the other with the moon's source. I'm the one with the moon source and I'm currently residing inside this female and I'm bound to her. When my soul got split in two we entered into some beasts staying in them to recuperate for years, we kept moving from body to body until this island started having humans and this clan's had a bloodline that is beneficial to my recovery so I bound myself to their ancestor first and kept moving from body to body, descendant to descendant with my other half until I arrived at this one... Over the years no one had been able to make me recover to the point of being able to use my abilities,"

Rhadelia's narrative left Alusec deep in thoughts.

"So right now you have the moon source while the other you have the sun," Alusec sat down and crossed both legs, "That explains why I don't sense the other you properly, and why she's still weak even though she has you bound to her soul,"

Rhadelia nodded, understanding that Alusec was referring to Briella.

Briella had the other soul, yet her cultivation was nothing impressive while Ivrena cultivation was way higher than her's. Ivrena and Briella had the moon strengthening bloodline which helped Rhadelia make Ivrena cultivation faster due to the compatibility but the same couldn't be said for Briella whose bloodline made it so that Rhadelia's other soul couldn't awaken.

"I thought I would be able to get you to follow me around the world again as we conquer the celestial realm and make those swine who turned against us die a gruesome death, *sigh*, who knew the situation was going to be like this," Alusec thought out loud.

"Who would want to follow you? Weak Lord Alusec you want to get me killed?" Rhadelia spoke with ridicule.

"Oh? I'll see who's going help you recover," Alusec stated and turned around to leave.

"Wait Lord Alusec, Master of the universe, The one, and only god-king, I apologize, please help me," Rhadelia said with a pleading look.

Alusec heard his bootlicking praises and started laughing as he turned around.

"Hahahaha, you're still as glib tongued as ever," Alusec said and sat down again.

"Normally I would need for her to reach the celestial level before I would be healed enough for her unlock my abilities but now that you're here Lord Alusec, it'll be faster... I just need your blood," Rhadelia's last sentence was said with hesitation because he knew that when it came to the issue of blood Alusec wouldn't want to compromise.

Then Alusec even activated a source to make his body lack blood, if he was attacked by someone much more powerful he would take damage but never bleed. Rhadelia understood why Alusec was cautious with his blood.

Alusec stared at Rhadelia in contemplation, "That reminds me, those idiots took my blood for the purpose of finding a way to destroy me, hahaha, they have no idea what's coming to them,"

Rhadelia stared at Alusec in confusion after hearing his words but before he could ask about it Alusec spoke, "I'll give you my blood, but you can't get it from my soul form,"

"You just have to feed it to the girl and I'll absorb everything," Rhadelia explained and Alusec nodded.

"I know what to do about the girl that your other soul resides in, but what I'm confused about is how you're going leave here after recovering," Alusec asked.

"I can't leave their body until they die," Rhadelia clarified.

"You idiot, when they become celestial beings they'll possess immortality, that means you'll be here forever," Alusec yelled at him.

"You don't need to worry Lord Alusec, I have my ways of coming out even though I'll be bound to them, I just need to recover first," Rhadelia said, easing the worry that Alusec was feeling.

"I'll be going back to the celestial realm to wage war on the gods after I recover my strength back!" Alusec said with a domineering voice while clenching his fists.

Rhadelia also had thirst for revenge but he knew that Alusec's thirst was stronger than his, since Alusec was imprisoned for millenniums.


While Alusec was reconnecting with his old companion the elders of the Baki clan were having another meeting with the patriarch.

Elder Bayi was in the midst of a speech, "I was there, he handled them both without using any artifacts or treasure,"

-Elder Bayi has grown old so he can't see properly again

-How can you tell us that someone at the star transformation level had a duel with three geniuses at the moon transformation level and gave them a humiliating defeat without any external help.

"Ask the thousands of people who witnessed the duel," Elder Bayi replied with a look of frustration.

-He has made our clan lose three candidates for the tournament since they're in no state to participate.

-The Medical court reported that it would take them half a year to recover

-Patriarch you have to punish this man named Alusec

The rest of the elders disagreed with Elder Bayi believing that Alusec wouldn't be able to defeat the three without help.

Patriarch Hong listened to them. He understood where they were headed with their statements and addressed it, "We're not going to take any action against cultivator Alusec since both parties accepted the terms of the duel, he's not wrong to have put them in this state,"

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