
GodLike - EvenTide

In a world crafted by the gods themselves, many races live day to day lives. However, the gods are the type to pick favorites. As such there lives a being chosen by the god they worship. They are referred to as the Chosen. Strong men and women capable of great feats, and blessed by their Deity. They are given powers or an artifact befitting their gods ability making them Godlike.

ItsMars · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Vimor Sindarin

Its a hot day in the season of High Star, year EvenTide. The 3rd Era since the beginning of recorded history. Vimor, a young half elf born into a loving home. His mother Constance a human, and his father Arthuriel a Taure. Living just south of the Arcane Forest on the continent of Deiroth. The town was a small one maybe a hundred people dwelled there and everyone knew everyone. It was founded in the 2nd Era of RedTide, during the mass exodus north following the war of two chosen in the south. This story takes place in the town of Floralan.

Vimor and his father train daily with the bow before and after his classes taught by the local Guild of crafters and historians. "Steady your arm Vimor. The arrow will never hit the target if you cannot control the bow." Arthuriel informed him as he stood behind him. His hair a silver like blonde, eyes a light hazel, his stature that of an Elven noble. Vimor let the bow down and rested a moment before readying it up and becoming very still. A second or two passed before he let the arrow fly, barely missing the center of the target. "A nice shot for a young one like you son!" Arthuriel slaps his son's back and then applauding him. "We'll make a fine ranger out of you yet. Now go see your mother and get ready for class." Vimor nodded and ran off to his mother, an elegant beauty followed her every movement captivating all those who were to witness it. Her hair though black had the faint gleam of a few white hairs, natural and not that of which comes with old age. She glanced to the direction of Vimor, her deep blue eyes just visible as well as the smile that decorated her face. "Time for trade school already? Come now Vimor you are filthy! We can't have you going out like that!" Vimor had the eyes of his mother and shared traits of his parents hair. Black with blonde streaks, similar to his mothers. After a brief clean and a fresh change of cloths Vimor gave his mother a hug before heading out.

The town is bustling with trade and craftsmen pouring effort into their creations. At just glances you could see blacksmiths, weavers, carpenters, and many more. Finally, after a moment of walking to the other side of town Vimor made it to the building where the leaders of the craftsman guild and historians gathered to teach the children of their desired trade. In this town at the age of sixteen the young men and women will begin entering the field they desire by learning from the leaders of the craft. They then start their jobs once their tutoring is over. Vimor had only just turned sixteen so he was still unsure as to what he wanted to do. Vimor's father was well known for being a fletcher, crafting the bows and arrows used by the hunters in the town. His mother tended to the house and helped take care of the children who's parents had to work.

"Vimor! Young lad its good to see you! We're eager to see what our half elf resident chooses as a career path!" A large man shouted as Vimor entered the building. His beard singed from the fires he stood over crafting blades from steel and iron. "I'm eager to see what all you guys have to offer." Vimor responded before giving a slight bow to show his respect. The building was filled with many different professions. Blacksmiths for the tools, Weavers for the clothes, Craftsman for various accessories and parts for the specialized tools. However, none of those jobs really fascinated Vimor. Nothing caught his eye until he spotted a lone hooded figure in the corner leaned against the wall.

A bow slung over his shoulder and the making of leather armor under his cloak. A mask made of an illuminated wood covered his face. He was a part of the guild too but not a normal job you'd find yourself doing in the town. Vimor approached him bowing before asking, "what is your job?" The hooded man looked down to Vimor, only his eyes were visible through the mask. They illuminated a light blue, to almost an unnatural extent. His voice was soft spoken and elegant, a deeper tone but one that was unexpected. "I am a ranger of the Arcane Forest. I guard the town from any rogue arcane beings that would do harm to it." He responded to the young Vimor who had curiosity fill his eyes. "Why do you wear those masks?" He inquisitively asked. "They are protection charms that are given a small blessing from Beleshia. They allow us to see into the future briefly when used. Thought it only allows us to see a few minutes at most." He answered seeming tog et a bit more relaxed. "Is it possible for me to become an Arcane Ranger? I am pretty good with a bow already!" Vimor asked him with excitement in his tone. The ranger nodded and took him to the shooting range. "Show me what you can do then." The ranger spoke.

He crossed his arms and awaited for Vimor to take shots at the target. Vimor grabbed the bow and three arrows. Just prior to shooting them he glanced at the ranger who continued to wait eagerly. While it was not visible to those around him the ranger wore a smile for he had already seen all three shots, each one hitting their mark. Yet he still had him take aim and release the arrows. The first, hit the bullseye, the second did as well. On the third the wind picked up and just before he let the arrow fly he adjusted at the last moment to account for it. Bullseye on the third shot as well. The ranger began to laugh, "I knew you'd hit all three the moment you touched the bow kid. You have great potential." He informed Vimor who was shocked at the claim started towards the ranger, "then why did you make me shoot the arrows in the first place!" The laughter stopped as the ranger looked down to Vimor, "Why would knowing the future prevent you from going through with it? Just because I knew you would his the targets does not mean I shouldn't let you go ahead and do it. Thats how memories are made. Everyone can tell the future even without magic. All you have to do is pay attention. Though its more or less a prediction for you rather than a guarantee." He explained. Vimor pondered his words and understood them. As he was stuck in thought on the philosophy the ranger stuck his hand out. "I'm Jay. Welcome to the rangers initiate Vimor." His mask slightly removed to expose a smile.

Chapter 1 for you guys is complete im not exactly sure how many chapters ill put out a week but im sure it will be more than 1. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter and look forward to the next!

-Thank you


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