

What would you do if you open your eyes into Śūnyatā* and is asked to be the creator of a new world? That is exactly what the story is after. A man named Maximilian bad mouthed The God saying he could better Creator and so he got turned into one. But it's not that simple... While being a God in another orgin he also had to manage his life in his world too! Why? Because if not... he might die. This story shows what would happen if a human was turned into the God but it is not just limited to that... as the story progress he would be greeted with multiple mysteries and ups and downs. A lot... of ups and downs. 《Note: English is not first language so I cannot grantee top class English but it would be readable and enjoyable》 《Note 2: Multiple figures from different Mythologies will be mentioned in near future.》

Mythology_Guy · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Was It Really A Dream

The light that emitted from Max's body slowly started to fade away and human skin underneath started to get revealed. Going from toe to head the fair skin was shown and so were the features that were indescribable just moments ago.

The overall body was built very well. Max's body, although not comparable to a beast-like body, was still amazing. A truly magnificent muscular body which was at the peak of those who were born with ectomorph build.

Yet… the most amazing feature was not Max's physique at all but… his face!!

Max had sharp, keen, and perfectly symmetrical facial features. The light fair colour of his skin mixed nicely with his pair of dim blue eyes and extremely long shining silvery hair.

"Wh- where are my clothes!" Max almost screamed like a girl while covering his body with his hands. To be exact his manhood.

"People are not born with clothes." The voice that seemed to directly come into his mind came next to Max that time.

Max slowly turned his face toward the voice while still hiding his manhood. In front of him was a reddish-brown ball-like structure.

"Greetings, once again. And I do not get the meaning of hiding your manhood… this is a dream to you and it's not sma-"

"Shut up!" Max shouted with a little embarrassed expression in the form of blushing "I just don't like to have my body exposed to you little-"

"Then just imagine you have clothes on and the clothes will appear but before that say "Time resume to normal" Otherwise things will take a chaotic turn."

Max did not waste a second to think of clothes appearing on his body. A white shirt, suit, and pants appeared on his body with some patterns on the corners of the clothes matching his eye colour.

Only after the clothes appeared Max let out a sigh of relief and complied with the request the voice made.

"Time resume to normal." With those words, the speed of the surroundings slowed down to normal.

"Hey…" Max said as he grabbed his long hair with curiosity "I don't have white hair or even this long hair… though I must say this looks cool."

"God should have a flashy appearance. That is why I modified your appearance to some degree." The ball replied.

"Wait- so-"

"It is time for you to go. In your original world, it is morning already."

"Ah…" Max sighed disappointedly "Well, it was a cool dream. I hope I can come here again. It was nice meeting you."

"...We will meet again. For sure." As the ball said that, Max's vision weakened and his surroundings started to fade away. Slowly he closed his eyes and when he opened his eyes again he was greeted with a familiar ceiling.

The room overall seemed luxurious and well-designed; themed brown, golden, and black. The colours mixed well with each other and there was even a window attached to a balcony which allowed fresh air to enter the packed room.

Max rubbed his eyes and slowly sat up in his bed sighing deeply. The dream seemed so real and clear it almost felt real to him.

Max slowly got off the bed and went to the bathroom to wash his face with cold water to wake up. He looked at his reflection with a timid look.

Unlike in the dream, Max had medium-sized black hair and honey colour eyes. Other than that everything was the same as it was in the dream.

"That was something…" Max mumbled "But- the ball thingy said that people don't remember them after waking up… Well- maybe after some time I will forget about it like I forget every dream…"

Max sighed weakly once again as he looked at the wall clock. He was late for college and he was sure that he would get scolded again for that.

Tiredly Max brushed his teeth, used the washroom, and finally bathed with hot water before dressing up in his usual attire; a random t-shirt and black pants.

Max finally took his backpack and his car key before going to the door. With a depressed face, he grabbed the knob while thinking 'I hate going to university…' Before rotating the knob and opening the door.

As the door opened Max's eyes widened in horror and fear and he instantly closed the door shut. He said nothing but still, with a look of horror, he partially opened the door to see if he had just imagined what he saw or not.

The city was the same as yesterday but… monsters were roaming outside!

Creatures that looked like piles of flesh, bone, and blood mused together with multiple hands or legs walked outside making horrifying sounds to send shivers down Max's spine. Some were as small as rocks while some were bigger than skyscrapers.

Max could not believe his eyes. With shaking hands, he closed the door and took his phone out trying to see what was going on but there seemed nothing out of place. The Internet was working just fine and there was no news about some monster apocalypse either.

"Just what is going on…" Max said softly with his eyes tearing up because of sheer fear. He only saw a few monsters earlier but they were beings closest to "eldritch horror". At least for him, they were.

Max had no idea what to do or say. His legs felt weak but just that moment he took a deep breath and somehow managed to regain his composure.

"Let's calm down…" Max mumbled and pinched himself, "This is not a dream… I can feel pain. So am I hallucinating? Do I have schizophrenia…?"

"You certainly do not." The voice that Max heard in the dreams once again came into mind which made his eyes widen once again.

"Now I am sure I have schizophrenia." Max sighed "I will have to contact my psychiatrist again."

In front of Max suddenly the very fabric of reality started to crack as if it was glass and shattering the rainbow-coloured glass the brownish-red ball from his dream came out saying "I am telling you it is not the case."

"You are simply making my belief str- now I am talking to my hallucinations. It will just make me crazier."

"How should I explain to you that is not the case? According to the memories I have of you, you are a fan of fantasy novels. Is it still hard to believe?"

"I was a fan of fantasy novels! Now I just hate all books equally. And even when I was a fan of novels I was not an idiot who believed I was the chosen one or whatsoever!" Max said annoyed as he went through his phone to call his psychiatrist.

Before Max could connect the call a bright light emitted from his body and he disappeared from his room dropping the phone on the floor.

Max appeared in the place he thought was a "dream" and had regained the outfit as well as the hair and eyes he had in the dream.

"Now calm down," The ball said calmly "I am you or to be exact a fraction of you."

"..." Max stayed silent trying to process everything.

"Let me explain it in simple words then… Last night when you cursed God and said you could be a better God, a certain entity decided to see if that is true or not. Thus, you were made a new God of this origin."

Max stayed quiet for a few seconds before saying "You mean universe…?" Out of curiosity.

"I mean origin. To know what an origin is I will have to explain the whole cosmos to you starting from plane-"

Max cut the ball off from completing its sentence "I don't wish to know that. Just get me out of my… imagination… it is my imagination I think?" He said a little confused.

"You may return but do not call psychiatric. You may walk outside and see if those creatures hit you and you take physical damage or not."


Max returned to his original world once again and looked at his phone on the ground. With a deep sigh, he took his phone and put it back in his pocket before opening the door and instantly closing it back. He could not convince himself to go out.

"I…" Max said with a trembling voice, "I don't want to go out… if I am a God can't I just use my powers to check if it's true or not?"

The ball floated in front of Max before speaking "But will that convince you? Would you not think it is your imagination as well? Only by feeling the sensation of pain from those monsters, you would accept the fact you are THE God, right?"

"..." Max could not disagree. He had a strong yet weak mentality and a sense of reality. Whatever he believes comes the truth for him no matter what others say which also stops him from expanding his vision for new things.

"You would not die from such creatures. Those inferior beings at most can give you a small scratch or a little injury. Maybe you will temporarily lose one of your body parts." The ball was as calm as ever.

"Losing a body part is little injury…?" Max asked, grinding his teeth in anger and annoyance.

"For you it is. Oh, wait… try cutting off your fingers. If they regenerate you will know if it's real or not."

"..." Max looked at the ball with furious eyes without saying anything for a few seconds before he sighed and said "You are definitely my hallucinations. You are asking me to do self-harm after all."

"Just try it once. Instead of cutting fingers just cut yourself a little on thump to see if you regenerate or not."

Max could not believe what was happening but he wanted the situation to be real in a corner of his mind… who in the world would not like to be God?

"Fine…" Max said, followed by a sigh, "Let's go…"

Max slowly walked to his kitchen and with trembling hands he grabbed a kitchen knife. He gulped and took a few deep breaths. Max closed his eyes and without even thinking twice he cut his thumb. It was far deeper than he thought he would get. His thumb… it fell off.