
Sunshine Bathhouse

Author:Zhi Ni


At 10 p.m., I had just finished a battle in the game when Dania Hanson, one of my roommates, stormed into the dormitory with a basket in hand. As she walked, she muttered, "That was so disgusting."

Seeing this, the other three roommates instantly became nervous. One of them asked, "What happened? Did you see shit in the bathhouse again?"

There was no private bathroom in our college dormitories, so we had to go to the bathhouse. Dania liked to wait until the bathhouse was about to close before taking a shower because there were few people at that time.

A few days ago, as soon as Dania entered the bathhouse, she went straight to her familiar cubicle. Unexpectedly, she saw a piece of shit.

That day, Dania was so disgusted that she rushed back to the dormitory with the basket without even taking a shower. She told us in a tearful voice, "We can't use the shower cubicle at the end of the third row anymore!"