
FCC Supercar Club

Along the way, Ye Chong heard an unfamiliar song, "What does it matter if I take away your youth for a night? If possible, I'd return you a lifetime of peace." Thinking of Xu Menglin, he suddenly felt a myriad of emotions.

As the lights began to illuminate the streets, he once again entered the Time Corridor, like a wanderer barging into a young girl's boudoir.

The air still carried the scent of smoke and whiskey. He held a martini glass, quietly watching the enchanting blind singer, listening to her beautiful voice, letting all worries and unhappiness fade away.

He watched the singer, but the Old Ghost watched him. With a faint smile of genuine appreciation on his face, the Old Ghost remarked, "Although I'm a man, I have to say, the way you hold that martini glass could drive any woman crazy."

Ye Chong revealed a smile of worldly wisdom, gently swirling the glass, allowing the crystal-clear liquid to sway inside before finishing it in one gulp, saying, "I must say, I've never seen a middle-aged man like you so easily captivated by young girls. Alright, let's not flatter each other. If someone didn't know better, they'd think we were old friends reminiscing about the past."

The Old Ghost raised his soda water. "I don't fancy men."

"Likewise, even if you looked like the Virgin Mary, I wouldn't be interested in you."

The Old Ghost pinched the glass, a hint of amusement in his steady smile. "There's something new about your face."

"What is it?"

"Peach blossoms."

Ye Chong chuckled. "Are you saying I'm lucky in love, or am I causing trouble?"

"What's the difference?"

"Did you witness what happened a couple of days ago?"

"You've never caused a scene in my bar over a woman before."

"So, your conclusion is..."

"That girl means a lot to you."

Ye Chong took a sip of his drink, but his gaze was fixed on the blind singer in the center of the dance floor, his eyes slightly unfocused. "Old Ghost, have you ever fallen in love with a woman?"

"A man needs stories. A man with stories should have loved at least one woman in his lifetime."

"But you two weren't together."

"Loving someone doesn't always mean being with them."

"Have you ever felt lonely?"

"Yes, but after a while, I forgot what loneliness meant."

Ye Chong gradually withdrew his gaze. "But you should know why I came to see you today."

The Old Ghost calmly took out a cigar, calmly cutting it open with a cigar cutter, then lighting it with an exquisite silver lighter, swaying it in his hand. "I'm glad you're still alive."

"You must have something to tell me."

"I believe in your abilities, but I also believe you're not invincible. There's no such thing as an all-powerful person in this world."

"But I'm still alive, and we can still enjoy a drink together."

"I hope you know that the people you're dealing with are just small fries. The real big shots haven't shown themselves yet."

"So, that's why I came to see you today?"

"Just for that woman?"

"You're not someone who beats around the bush. I've never seen this side of you before." Ye Chong lowered his voice, saying each word, "I need to know who the real big shot is!"

The Old Ghost showed a slight hint of concern, his expression becoming more serious. He remained silent for a moment.

Ye Chong noticed his change. "I think this might be the first time I've seen you afraid."

"It's not fear, it's concern."

"What are you concerned about?"

"I'm concerned that my friend will end up dismembered and thrown into the sea, not even knowing how he died."

"So, you're sure I'll end up dead?"

The Old Ghost leaned forward. "You seem to have forgotten a rule."

"What rule?"

"Never mess with someone you can't handle."

"Are you saying I can't handle that person?"

"Not only can't you handle him, neither can I. In fact, no one in Hai Tian dares to mess with him, no more than five people."

Ye Chong narrowed his eyes, remaining silent.

"Since we're friends, let me advise you: leave this city while you're still alive, and the farther you go, the better."

"You have so little faith in me?"

"Confidence comes from strength. You'll never be able to defeat that person, I assure you, it's not an exaggeration."

Ye Chong spoke slowly, "You shouldn't have said these things to me."

"Why not?"

"Because you've forgotten something."


"The more someone is beyond my reach, the more I want to try."

"That's because you don't understand him at all."

"It's precisely because I don't understand him that after hearing your words, I feel an urgent desire to meet him, much like a first love."

"I hope you're thinking this through. This isn't a joke; lives could be at stake."

"Do you think I'm the type to act recklessly?"

The Old Ghost scrutinized him for a moment before saying something odd. "Do you like fish?"

"I not only like fish, I especially enjoy abalone."

"There's a place you should visit. Maybe you'll find the best deep-sea abalone in all of Hai Tian there."

"What place?"

"The Daqing Lake Fish Market."

The half-smoked cigar in the ashtray was still emitting smoke, but the seat across from Ye Chong was now empty. As a friend, the Old Ghost had done what he needed to do, and Ye Chong wouldn't press him for more information because he didn't want to cause trouble for his friend.

Ye Chong finished his drink in one gulp, got up, and left the Time Corridor as if he had never been there.

The next morning, his alarm clock rang several times before finally waking him up. He grumbled as he reluctantly got out of bed, thinking being a teacher wasn't so bad, except for having to show up for work on time every day. Back when he worked on construction sites, he could at least sleep a whole day after working hard for three days.

Xu Menglin had gone to the company early, so he had breakfast alone, wiped his mouth, greeted Mrs. Wu, and headed out the door.

As soon as he got into a taxi, his phone rang. He answered without much thought, but furrowed his brow upon hearing the voice on the other end.

"Be at my supercar club in half an hour. I have something to discuss with you." The person on the other end was none other than Xu Jianfeng, the "little brother-in-law" Ye Chong picked up.

Ye Chong hung up without saying a word after hearing just one sentence.

Soon, the caller dialed again, sounding more impatient this time. "Ye, don't push your luck. I'm doing you a favor by even calling you..."

Ye Chong didn't let him finish and hung up again. This kind of communication was no different from slapping Xu Jianfeng in the face.

When Xu Jianfeng called for the third time, Ye Chong finally got annoyed. "Hey, do you have any shame? Do you want me to keep hanging up on you?"

Xu Jianfeng said coldly, "Su Moning is with me. It's up to you what happens next." This time, he hung up first.

Ye Chong's heart skipped a beat. He quickly called Su Moning, but no one answered on the other end. He thought for a moment, realizing this kid was capable of anything when pushed to the edge. It seemed he had to make this trip.

"Driver, change of plans. Take me to the FCC Supercar Club."

The taxi driver glanced at him through the rearview mirror, his face showing some surprise.

Fortunately, the destination wasn't far. In less than half an hour, they arrived. Stepping out of the car, Ye Chong saw the red sign of "FCC" with flashy words underneath: "Men can play in the world, enjoy the admiration of women, but one day, they can hide in a corner of the world for the happiness of a woman; or, they can be willful young men driving Lamborghinis, feeling the tingling and vibration of acceleration."

"They are the Hai Tian FCC Supercar Club!"

Ye Chong only mentioned Xu Jianfeng's name to the security guard at the gate and was let in directly.

A red race track was hosting a "supercar carnival," with cars roaring past. Around the track was a metal fence guarded by personnel to prevent unauthorized entry and exit.

Underneath the metal fence was a layer of tire-stacked crash barriers, and a wide gravel road stretched for dozens of meters beyond. If a car were to veer off the track, it would first slow down on the gravel road before reaching the tire barrier for protection. At the turns of the track, there were professional buffer zones to help vehicles turn.

In addition to the professional track, there were also a group of staff members busy around.

Several staff members in the control room were closely monitoring the screens, occasionally using walkie-talkies to contact the staff at the edge of the track to understand the situation in the blind spots of the surveillance. They controlled the interval and speed of the cars, grasping the rhythm of the race.

In addition, there was an ambulance and a fire truck parked on-site, ready to respond to emergencies at any time.

Around the track, several staff members kept a close eye on the race, ready to report to the command center at any time.

Besides all this, there were some car models wearing hot pants screaming wildly, adding a touch of color to the cold track.

Ye Chong scanned the area but didn't see Su Moning. He stood by the sidelines and lit a cigarette, waiting quietly.

Before long, a fiery red sports car slowly approached from one end of the track, surrounded by several long-legged car models. A man in a racing suit got out of the car, and when he took off his helmet, it turned out to be Xu Jianfeng.

He glanced at his watch. "Hmm, quite punctual."

"Where's Su Moning?"

"It seems you're quite nervous about her. You came obediently after just one call from me."

"I don't want to waste time with you. Where is she?"

Xu Jianfeng shrugged and smirked, "She's not here."

Ye Chong's brows furrowed, and he turned to leave without a word.

"She's not here now, but she'll be here soon," Xu Jianfeng added.

"How could she possibly listen to you?"

"The reasoning is the same. I say you're here with me, and she obediently comes. Looks like she's nervous about you too."

Ye Chong grabbed his collar, his nose almost touching Xu Jianfeng's face. "Xu Jianfeng, do you know why I haven't done anything to you until now?"

"I advise you not to act rashly. With just a word from me, I could discreetly get rid of you. And Su Moning will be here soon. Even if you don't care about yourself, think about her."

Ye Chong pushed him away without courtesy. "If you have something to discuss with me, spit it out."

"Let's find a quiet place to talk." Xu Jianfeng was about to leave when he suddenly turned back, pointing to the supercar he arrived in. "Do you know what car this is? Judging from your appearance, you couldn't possibly know. Do you know what he does? Don't be fooled by his appearance today; he's just a laborer who eats cement residue on construction sites. This car could buy him ten times over."

He and a few beautiful women burst into mocking laughter.