
God the Machine

What happens to what we make up? Is it created in reality and is it possible to participate in it and change it, since we are the creators of it? This question will be answered by one young man who had no idea that he would die and what awaits him after death. Completely edited the chapters. This is a translation. The original author is a Russian writer: Westheimer183

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We are the Emperor's hammer!

Hall of the Supreme Council of the Eternal Empire | Emperor's Palace | Sacred Terra

- What can you say, Magisters? - I looked around at the four wise men before me.

- For their action, they will die, no other! - Master Ordo Stellar slammed his fist upon the table.

- I do not doubt our power, Augustus. But who holds the information holds the world? What say you to us, Tribune? - A figure in dark clothing stood up.

- My Lord, Agent Keno has sent us the information we need. The aggressor is one of the major races of their alliance and occupies the role of an armed force. Large military fleet, hierarchical society, and mentality with a bias toward clear obedience and obedience to their elders. The warrior race is a worthy opponent.

- A warrior race, you say, and this is to our advantage, Masters. We can test all the latest technology on an enemy, and our legions are already stale. Karos, what can you tell us?

- The fleet is fully operational, my Lord. Adepts assigned to the Hordo Stellar are already on their ships and ready to call upon the Spirits of the fighting machines. The manufactories produce machinery in standard sizes, but we can force production by 34.567% if necessary. And, my Emperor, on behalf of Hordo Mechanicus, I would like to request the inclusion of Fabrication Ships in the strike fleet. Xeno technology can be very interesting, and we would like to have it.

- I grant you this permission, Karos. The power of Mechanicus is the power of the Empire. Are the new weapons ready for the fleet?

- Yes, Emperor, at the moment, only one of the battleships in the strike fleet has a weapon installed, and if you wish, it can be tested in combat.

- It is my wish, my friend, that the Spirit of the gun gathers its first harvest. Report back to me personally afterwards on the results. - After receiving my approval, the magister returned to his clipboard.

- Tribune, I grant permission to infiltrate the centre of the xeno society; we always need information. Have the Sentinel watch their leaders and prepare to strike if necessary. - The hooded figure nodded. - And yes, what planet have the drones retreated to?

- The Forge of Karros, my Lord.

- Very well, they will surely bring the aggressors after them, and they will land on the surface. Do not prevent them from doing so. Let the Mechanics have their fun at home. After the landing, they destroy their fleet and start the offensive. That will be all. You may go and prepare your men, Masters Stellar and Legio. Please stay.

Once there were three of us left, I continued.

- The time has come, Masters. The Empire will show Kseno what remains of our enemies. Send guardsmen with messages to the world fortresses. Assemble the Legions. I begin the Great Campaign! - At these words, the two military men punched themselves in the chest and hurried to carry out my order. As soon as they left, I smiled, realizing that once word got out about us, we would be caught up in the cycle of the Great Game.

Twelve hours later.

The routine on the planet-fortress, which consisted mostly of training today, was interrupted. There was a rumour among the Legionnaires that a ship from Holy Terra had arrived on the planet. This was confirmed when all the soldiers, along with their equipment, were lined up in the main forum of the planet. The huge space was filled with soldiers; you could not see the horizon because of their number.

And so the objects of aspiration of all the legionnaires appeared on the podium. Soldiers of the Golden Guard. Only the best legions were recruited into the Emperor's Guard, and no soldier did not dream of becoming a Guard. Meanwhile, the central guard began to read a message...

"Will the Emperor himself lead us in the Great Crusade!" - such were the thoughts on everyone's mind after the message was read. Just minutes after the incredible message, the Ordo Stellar ships began to land, and columns of soldiers began to arrive; millions of the Emperor's loyal warriors were sent to the stars to carry the light and will of the Empire. The huge fighting machines were ready to punish the enemies of the Empire for the glory of the Steel God. Through special rituals, the spirits of the machines were put to sleep to conserve their energy for battle. Legions of iron-bot soldiers, stacked in holds, waited in their sleep.

Thousands of ships emerged from the space docks and moved toward the assembly point. The enormous war machine began to spin its gears, and very soon, those who awakened this machine would know its power, numbering in the thousands of corpses.

POV Desolas Arterius.

Patrolling again. In the middle of nowhere, there aren't even pirates, much less serious enemies, but orders are orders, and you can't disobey them. But that doesn't stop the boredom.

The patrol flotilla could destroy any potential enemy or hold out until the main fleet arrives and then roll up the enemy. In the meantime, she quietly surveyed quadrant after quadrant and was already preparing for her shift. The sealed repeater should be the last point. Boredom.

- Commander, radar picked up five targets near the repeater. They're smaller than a fighter jet. - Or it's not so boring.

- What are they doing? And the information to me on the display.

- We're picking up the impact on the transponder, and the computer's giving us a 90% chance that it's likely to be activated. But we need to find out the type of ship.

- I can see for myself we don't build them like this. Scan for biotags inside. - We can find out who's inside.

- Yes, prepare the weapons? - The chief aide turned to me with a question.

- Yes, it may be an old or new race, but the law is the same: take the ships in the crosshairs! What's on the scan?

- Uh, sir, no targets detected! It's the machines!

- All ships, prepare to fire! That's all we need is synthetics.

Sentient beings ran around the ship, manning their posts and checking their systems. A few minutes later, all ships reported ready.

- Squadron reports ready, Commander. Awaiting orders.

May the Spirits help me.

- Fire!

A moment later, the guns fired bolts, accelerated to tremendous speeds, and everyone on the bridge began to await the results of the salvo. A few seconds later, which it took for the shells to cover the distance to their target, the two machines, hovering in place and scanning something, exploded in a fan of debris. The others spun steadily and managed to avoid being killed, only to rush toward another repeater and move with it a second later.

- After them, now! We must learn about their habitat and show them our place. Calculate a course for optimum retransmitter passage!

- Aye, sir! - and the flotilla is in pursuit.

- Report the incident to headquarters. And request reinforcements just in case we don't know what's waiting for us. - A few minutes later, the squadron jumped in after the potential enemy.

Defence station at repeater-pair 314 | Carros Forge Defense Ring | Technomind

We've received a report from search intelligence...

We have confirmation of an attack...

Weapon modules coming out of storage...

Determining the start of the crossing by enemy forces...

Preparing to destroy...

Thirty seconds to enemy exit.

Energy build-up initiated.

Before exit...








The salvo...

The bridge of the flagship Turian patrol Desolas Arterius

- One minute to go, sir. - The navigator reported. Seeing my nod, he returned to his duties. Soon they will know the power of the Hierarchy and understand that the laws of the Citadel are for all.

- Five seconds. Four, three, two, one. Exit! - As soon as this phrase was uttered, the ship shook violently, the lights went out, and the siren howled.

- We've been hit! The reactor room's gone; we're out of power! - The Aide reported to me. - All systems are down, weapons are jammed, and we can't get a signal to the rest of the squadron!

This is the end... to succumb to the urge to chase and die in a trap like this. Through the observation windows, I watched as the rest of the squadron's ships came out and died under the fire of the guns of unknown ships and platforms. Crew members ran before me, trying to save themselves, but I was no longer indifferent. If I am to meet my death, I will meet it here. Looking through the porthole once more, I saw the hovering over my flagship throwing infantry on the hull, and it was already cutting through the armour and penetrating inside. This is the end...

Holy Terra | Imperial Supreme Admiralty

- My Emperor. - The Master's communicator didn't show the caller, but the old Admiral knew full well who might need it.

- The Karros defence force has reported destroying the forward xeno force and is scheduled to retreat from the system. Have you chosen an admiral for the strike fleet?

- My Emperor, I recommend Admiral Hannah Shepard; she's been in the fleet for quite some time and has proven to be a smart and successful officer. My Emperor?

- Yes, did you say Shepard?

- Yes, my Emperor, the last name is not common, but it comes from some of the ones you introduced in the days of unification.

- That's not what I mean, Admiral; tell me, is she alone in the fleet, or does she have someone else in her family serving? - The Admiral's eyes widened at these words.

- Yes, Great One, you're right; her daughter is training at the Ordo Stellar's Long Range Intelligence Academy.

- I see; well, I've looked at the Admiral's file; she's suitable; I grant her the title of Grand Admiral. Have you decided on a flagship?

- She is currently in command of the battleship Britannica, my Lord.

- In honour of her new status, I give her the super battleship of the Gold Squadron, the Dominus Terra. - At this point, the Master's eyes popped out of their orbits.

- My Lord, forgive me for hesitating, but are you sure? The Golden Squadron ships are the oldest and most powerful in our fleet, and you give them as a flagship to a new admiral?

- No need to worry, Master. I know much more than you, and I see the benefit in the future.

- Forgive me, Emperor, I had forgotten your power. - The Master bowed his head.

- That's all right, give her the assignment to the new ship and get the fleet ready to move out. Get the signal to advance from the Forge.

- It will be done, my Emperor.

The Karros System | Turian Strike Fleet

- Attention all, we have lost contact with our squadron in this system. Not a single signal. So everyone is extremely prepared; the enemy may be waiting for us at the repeater. - The Admiral returned to work with his omni, and the crew began to check the systems again.

The Hierarchy's heavy fleet flew to punish those who decided that defeating one squadron was an indicator of strength. The Primarch ordered the punishment of the Hierarchy's enemies, and the strike fleet would carry out the order.

And so the last second passed, and the fleet was ejected into normal space. Immediately several dozen of the wreckage that used to be the patrol squadron hit the hull. Having calmed his fury, the Admiral ordered him to move to the planet since the radar did not detect any enemies in the system but found a planet occupied by the enemy. It was a huge factory, and it was unclear how anyone could live there. But about that, later, first, we will capture it. There seemed to be no PCR on the planet, as the fleet was allowed to approach the planet in peace. Everything aimed to find a trap, but there just wasn't one. So the Admiral did give the order to begin the landing.

But the calm didn't last long...

As soon as the shuttles entered the atmosphere and approached the ground at ten kilometres, millions of tracers flew from the ground in them, and the fleet opened fire PKO system, forcing it to withdraw from orbit.

The airborne troops had already lost a third of their personnel to antiaircraft fire. However, the remaining troops were still strong enough to take the bridgehead. Counting down the last seconds, the paratroopers began jumping out of the shuttles to be immediately hit by enemy soldiers, their scarlet armour flickering between the plants. Unclear energy beams pierced the troopers' armour, and shields couldn't help except the machinery. But here, too, there was a problem as if the planet was against them: either the crane would begin to break the equipment, or the gears would grind the soldiers. But the apogee that broke the soldiers' spirits was the cyborgs. From ordinary, as tall as a Turian, to huge ones that scattered armoured vehicles and trampled the infantry. Many tried to hide from them, but the mechanical spiders would find the fugitives and tear them apart. The screams of the dying filled the dark quarters of the Mechanicus cities, which showed everyone what happens to those who decide to defy the God of Steel. For the few who could be captured, the scarlet robes and the lifeless eyes that stared straight into their souls were forever remembered.

Bridge of the Turian flagship

- Admiral lost contact with the landing force, no transmission, and the last one was just shouting. - The young Turian looked nervously at the Admiral.

- It was a trap; it was worth a guess. But the fact that the trap would be a planet, even I didn't expect that. - The Admiral was tapping nervously on the armrest with his fingers. - Check the objects in the system again!

- All clear... Wait, a group of lights is coming out of the asteroid field and... Disturbances in space? There's a spatial anomaly seven million kilometres away, but I don't know what it is!

- Put it up!

A hologram of an incomprehensible glow in space appeared in the centre of the room. And just a second later, the glow expanded like a blue disk. When it reached about two kilometres in diameter, the funnel stopped, and the prow of an enormous ship began to emerge from it.

- They move... through it. - The ship's chief engineer pronounced mesmerized. Soon hundreds more of the same funnels opened, and ships began to emerge and head toward the Turian fleet.

- Four hundred marks, one extra large, up to ten kilometres in size, characterized as an extra dreadnought. Up to twenty dreadnoughts, about a hundred heavy cruisers, and two hundred regular cruisers. May the Spirits help us! - The pale mate seemed about to pass out.

We will unlikely come out of this battle alive, but if fate wants us to fall here, we will not defy her will...