
God the Machine

What happens to what we make up? Is it created in reality and is it possible to participate in it and change it, since we are the creators of it? This question will be answered by one young man who had no idea that he would die and what awaits him after death. Completely edited the chapters. This is a translation. The original author is a Russian writer: Westheimer183

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My path is my duty

Terra | Imperial Palace | Two weeks after the victory over the Hierarchy

I stood in front of a huge marble tablet. On it were printed in gold the names of those who had died in this unnecessary war. Thousands of lines and dates - those who had died doing their duty...

I cautiously ran my hand over the surface, feeling not the coldness of the stone but the pleasant warmth emanating from the words.

- Am I doing the right thing? - I was answered by the silence of the tomb. - I am in my third millennium, and you may not even be thirty. But I am standing now, and you died fighting. Gave up the things you loved most so that others could live... And I can't do that.

I sit quietly beside the monument and lean against the slab.

- Not because I am afraid, no! I have not known fear for a long time. But I haven't reached my goal yet, and I don't know if I'll be able to find peace afterwards. Will I be able to leave and find peace? - It seemed to me that the darkness looked at me with compassion. - My time should have come long ago, and I am still alive.

I sat there for hours in silence.

- You cannot sit like this... You did not die for this! - Standing up sharply, I returned to the stove and touched it. - I will end this journey for all of you! Then I will be forgiven for your deaths... For not protecting you when you asked. - I turned my gaze to the statues that flanked the tablet, symbolising the ground forces and the navy. The statues seemed to look at me with challenge, as if they expected something from me.

- I swear that I will complete this journey for the sake of all of you...

- Master. - Master Stellar looked cautiously around the hall. - We're expected for the opening ceremony.

- Coming, Augustus. Just gathering my thoughts. - Just before the doors, I turned one last time and saw translucent human figures. There were an incredible number of them, and they were all different: soldiers, adepts, sailors. Men and women, all smiling as they looked at me. They trusted me and did not blame me for dying, for they understood the price of victory.

- I will not fail..." and I hid behind the door.

The facade of the palace

- Were the troops built? - Augustus and I went to join the other important guests on a special platform.

- Yes, my lord, all those who participated in the fighting. Both the ground forces and the navy.

- Well done. I trust in your preparations. We meet victory with a new race.

- Yes, Prefect Shala'Raan has also arrived.

- Let's hurry; there's no need to keep the people waiting.

Soon we reached the doors leading to the central balcony. The men waiting for us bowed and straightened at my command.

- My Emperor! - Hisha stepped forward, Shala moving hesitantly behind her.

- You look wonderful, Hisha. - The woman was dressed in a beautiful robe with the crest of the Sisters of Glorification. - It is good to see you too. - For some reason, these words made her very embarrassed.

- Gentlemen! - I said to everyone. - It's time for action! I'll be there in a minute. - Everyone in the room went to the door leading to the central box. When I had collected my thoughts, I followed.

The first thing I smelled as I stepped onto the balcony was the smell of the flowers blooming in abundance outside the palace. It was spring, after all. And as the wind was quite strong, the petals were swirling across the beautiful pink square.

I could also hear the huge crowd in the square humming until I came out of the palace and how quiet they were, waiting for me to come out to them. Well, I'm not going to force it. I walked slowly to the edge of the box and raised my hand in greeting...

There was a sonic boom... The windows blew out somewhere. The joyous roar of the crowd was so strong that even the leaves flew with the force of the wind. You can understand the people; I rarely go to such parades, three times in all. They had a good life.

- Citizens - after waiting for the crowd to settle down, I began my speech. - This is a day of great glory! We have shown the galaxy what the Empire is and who the Sons of Terra are! We have shown what will happen to those who stand in our way, to any obstacle. We won because of our unity, our will and our drive. They were in everything! They are in you, the builders of the Empire. They are in the armour of our ships that guard our skies. They are in our weapons that crushed Keno.

But let us remember how many we have missed... How many did not return home? We will remember them forever; as long as the stars burn and Terra stands, we will not forget them. Their names will adorn our world in gold and be with us forever, until our last day. Die for the Empire!

- DEATH TO THE IMPERATOR!!!" the crowd shouted. Thousands of flags and banners could be seen everywhere, the sunlight reflecting off the buildings and the decorations on them, giving this celebration an unprecedented beauty.

Meanwhile, the parade began. Cohort after cohort of legions marched down the main avenue. Their flags, emblazoned with a golden eagle, flapped violently in the wind, giving the impression of an imperial bird flapping its wings. Behind them, the 9th Legion's phalanx tanks moved in a gleam of steel. The huge armoured vehicles roared their engines and moved at a steady pace, a symbol of Imperial power.

And in the sky, the Dominus Terra hovered in the shadows of the square. Squadrons of stormtroopers accompanied the giant, maintaining a level formation. As the battleship flew on, hundreds of other ships and thousands of aircraft could be seen in the beautiful evening sky, drifting in a single stream over the city, glistening in the sun.

- I will do my duty, I swear..." I whispered quietly.