
God the Machine

What happens to what we make up? Is it created in reality and is it possible to participate in it and change it, since we are the creators of it? This question will be answered by one young man who had no idea that he would die and what awaits him after death. Completely edited the chapters. This is a translation. The original author is a Russian writer: Westheimer183

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42 Chs

He who is not with Me is against Me

It could be a better morning. Especially if you are awakened by a siren. The system woke me up about a week and a half after I was recognized as a god by the natives of one of the villages. What happened to them now? It turns out that the spiders that were supposed to be guarding the village had signalled that a squad that looked like soldiers were entering the settlement, and at the head of that squad was an old familiar shaman. Well, here we are. I brought my friends.

After transferring myself into one of the spiders, I saw the shaman, swollen with importance like a turkey, order the soldiers, or whatever they called them, to grab the girl and drag her along with all the inhabitants to the square. The square itself was already surrounded by soldiers, preventing anyone from leaving. I ran over to the place of the old altar and waited, guessing why the shaman had come. And my expectations were not deceived. After a couple of minutes, after all the inhabitants were in the square, the shaman, accompanied by, well, not a ruler, but rather an officer or something like that, walked at an important gait to the altar. Well, he obviously did not come to eat tea and buns. I must show everyone what happens to those who do not accept my authority. And how to make it the most telling. I know.

I should laugh now, but that would lose the moment of surprise, so we wait.

Ha-ha. And the shaman got a big reaction when he didn't see the bot in its old position. All right, it's showtime.

- You dare show your face again, mortal?!

But the shaman was clear, unlike the rest of the inhabitants. Well done.

- You're here, after all, demon, come out of your hiding place and die at the hands of the priest of the Gods!

Oh, that's an interesting dance, girls. I'm already a demon, all right. All right. You want a demon; you get a demon.

- Ha-ha-ha, the little worm thinks he can tell me what to do now that he's got soldiers. I'll show you where you belong, worm, and you'll pay for your pathetic efforts. I WANT YOUR FLESH!

After that, just a second later, the spiders buried under the square began to loosen the ground beneath the soldiers' feet, causing them to sink into it, gnaw huge chunks of flesh off their legs, and crush their bones. Prenatal screams full of pain and suffering filled the square. The noise was ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh. Blood, guts, and torn meat were everywhere, and some tried to crawl away. But the spiders were too fast for them, so they caught up and chewed their heads off, ripping the skin and meat off and poking out their eyes. Some were still alive, but I gave the order to finish them off quickly. I didn't touch the shaman, by the way; I had a special plan for him. In the meantime, he was shaking with fear, huddled behind the altar. But all in vain. The construction bot had already come from where I had left him, and the moment the shaman was distracted, it dragged him into the thicket. No one else saw him, for after my efforts, they could only recognize him as a shaman by his clothes.

In the meantime, the last cries fell silent, and I decided to check on the girl and the villagers. They were all white as chalk; some were sick, a couple were unconscious, and the rest were just in a stupor. I had to call them five times to get them out of it. Then I asked them to tell me who the shaman had brought. I'm not afraid of the local rulers, but it was worth it for knowledge.

It turned out that they also have quite large settlements. Even cities. In their society, land for fields was most valued because you can't plough through the forest, and it's not even a matter of months to uproot trees of that size. And so in the middle of all this forest was a very large clearing, and in the middle was a town where the local king lived. According to stories, he ruled very badly and was shaking for his power because he came to it by killing the last ruler. He was the one who gave the troops to the shaman after he told him about the "terrible demon who took over the Sentinel and wants to overthrow the Great King and enslave and devour everyone else". That's funny. If that's the kind of "king" sitting there, I don't give a shit about him. But storming into town and slaughtering everyone isn't the answer. I can do it, though. I should lure him out of town, preferably with an army. We must use his fear for his throne and his life. The shaman will help me do just that. Here I allowed myself to laugh wickedly!

In 4 days, the New Frontier | The Great City of Mar'Arkyr


Great Casarch (King) Arsh'Kir Razan

I don't feel comfortable, the unit isn't coming back, and this fanatic promised he'd be done in a couple of days! There need to be more soldiers to keep my power in all the settlements! All right. I'll send some gamekeepers out there if they're not back in a day. Pfft. Still, I don't feel at ease. We should find that maid. She's pretty cool, especially when you threaten her family. Heh-heh, yeah, I'll do that.

And just as I was about to do what I had planned to distract my thoughts, one of the huntsmen ran into the hall and said that a shaman was standing at the gate but was silent, not answering any questions.

Throwing away my thoughts and quickly going to the gate, I tried to think of reasons why the shaman was alone and where are my soldiers. Still, I decided that this charlatan himself would tell everything, and otherwise, we could enjoy his execution.

And so the gate opens, and I wait, surrounded by soldiers and retinue, for this fanatic to approach. He approaches in a very strange way. He has no control over his legs and generally moves like a puppet. But here he stops and is silent; my patience is not infinite. I gave a sign to the huntsman and waited for him to remove the shaman's hood. But from what was under it, my heart stopped for a second! At me, blue eyes stared a dead man. There was no doubt about it; no one lived with such wounds: there was a skull with pieces of meat instead of a head, a chin replaced by a metal jaw, blue lights burned in the empty eye sockets, and in the area of the neck some iron was constantly moving. His whole body was entangled in some kind of golden thread found in his bones. And when the gamekeeper yanked off the whole cloak, some of my subjects vomited, even the veteran soldiers and gamekeepers. Instead of their stomachs and whole bodies, there were organs with some iron and these nasty threads, and there was no meat. Only scraps. And on the skull itself was as if it had been carved, only very evenly, into another, smaller skull. Half of it was slightly different from the real one, but it was recognizable. The other half was also a skull, but completely different; there was a huge amount of incomprehensible detail, and the eye had been replaced with some kind of stone and crooked pipes connected to the mouth. After giving it time to examine it, the creature began to twirl clumsily, looking for someone. As soon as it saw me, it stretched out its arm and spoke in a voice that made me want to run away.

- You-you... don't have to wait... for... your... pathetic soldiers... The Steel Lord showed everyone what would happen... if someone... came... to him... and now... he's waiting... for... you... pathetic king of pathetic soldiers!

After that, the creature began to make a sound similar to laughter, and something in its chest began to burn. After a few seconds, the fire engulfed its entire body, and all that was left of the creature was ash. Unbelievable! Whatever undead had settled in that village, it must be exterminated! I prepared for the march after ordering the stunned generals to gather troops from all the villages.

End of the POV

Three days later.

I was watching the whole spectacle from my giftee's eyes. The funny thing came out, I took a skeleton and shoved a minimum of tech and a flame in there. It came out like this. And for two days now, spiders have been watching the king's army moving towards the village. I decided to fight in the fields of this village, which were close to the village itself, as there was a definite plan. In fact, I would win either way. Bows and spears can't hurt bots, except for spiders, only because they're small. But I needed everyone to accept my power and show everyone in charge I had to take out the old ringleader. I dug the bots all over the small field again, but this time it was the builders and even some of the military. Yes, I even have a factory for their production now. However, they differ from the builders only in stronger armour and built-in weapons. I couldn't find blueprints for shields, heavy weapons, and heavy bots, not that planet. But that should be more than enough. All that was left was to wait.

And so, when the orders of the local king are built, I take my new bot out of the forest. It was actually an empty tin can with minimal tech, but the most important thing about it was its appearance. I tried to make it so that they would have no doubts that it was some out-of-this-world creature. There were skulls all over, and the bot clutched a big sword in his hand, on which I put a couple of old burners. And on his chest was the symbol of Omnissia. And why not? I'm also a god to the locals, and I'm in a car. So I have the right. That's it! It's my coat of arms now! I thought about it for a long time, but I made up my mind. But back to the battle.

He had already created a sensation by coming out alone in all his glory. While the soldiers were whispering and the commanders kicked them straight, the king rode a little closer on some beast and shouted something. I don't know what, and it didn't matter. I ordered the bot to make a noise, and immediately it let out a roar of monstrous power, and flames burst from its mouth. Oh, how long I searched for the sound of that growl. I had to chase the cat through the trees like a spider and make it growl. Well, at least the burners were okay, so he could throw fire, spitfire, a sword with fire, etc. But back to the battlefield.

After my "answer," the king quickly retreated to his troops, and after a little consultation, he sent his troops to attack. Well, that's what I was waiting for. As soon as they walked ten meters, the ground beneath them "boomed", and my bots emerged. Everyone: the spiders, the construction workers, and the soldiers. They tore the soldiers apart, and if they were still alive and on the ground, the spiders gnawed into their throats. Then it was over very quickly for the unfortunate. The bot approached, and though it was almost empty inside, it was still a robot, so it began chopping with its sword and trampling soldiers with its feet. I even saw him tear something like a horse apart and scatter the remains.

The massacre didn't last long, and I had no casualties. What could not be said for the king? Many escaped, mostly from the back ranks, but I needed it. Let them spread the news of who ruled here now. And the king, by the way, had a special fate waiting for him. I wanted a service, like in Wah! His head would do. When I finished with the rest of the army and gave the order to collect the equipment, I would give it to the locals. I've transferred my consciousness to the module.

All right. Time for action. The last obstacle in the form of the king is gone, and the villagers will either work for me or... I need to remember them. I don't need them. Let them live in their own world and develop. And those who choose to leave, I will take with me. Having given orders to the bots to start clearing space for launch pads and equipment factories, I went back to thinking over my future plans. And in them, I hoped one day to find my old homeland.