
God succession system

A guy gets a system. He goes to other worlds. He wants to build a harem. He becomes a god? Join Alex as he joins a game to determine the next God as he travels to new worlds and builds a harem to help him in battle Note- I do not own ANYTHING that is part of an already existing franchise

Harry_Dresden · Autres
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583 Chs

Uh oh

As the room they were in filled with a brilliant green light, Darius, Alice, and Calvin were all stunned when the light faded and they didn't find just Hyato there like they thought, but Natsu and Gajeel as well, both of which were looking around with undisguised confusion.

"What the hell?!" Natsu cried out as he looked around, before noticing the three newcomers and smirking once he realized who they were, "Looks like I'll get to kick all of your asses today!" As he began getting fired up all over again despite the lengthy battle he'd just fought, Darius simply sighed and looked at him and Gajeel before saying,

"Tell me Natsu, do you know where we are?" Natsu sneered at him and responded,

"Who cares! I'm gonna kick your ass anyways!" As he finished speaking Natsu jumped at Darius with flames appearing along his arms and legs, a massive grin across his face as he anticipated beating the Dark Emperor himself. Darius however shook his head before saying,

"This is the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, a giant flying castle that is currently in the middle of the ocean. In other words, a mode of transportation." The second those words reached Natsu's ears, the pink haired Dragon Slayer instantly lost all of his momentum and fell to the ground at Darius's feet, his complexion green with motion sickness.

Shaking his head yet again, Darius turned toward Gajeel only to see that he too was down for the count, except he had a large welt on his head courtesy of Alice. He then said to the slutty Saiyan, "Do as you want with them, but I want them to tell us everything they know about our opponent tomorrow. His women, powers, intentions, I want everything."

Alice's lit up with excitement when she heard that, before she proceeded to eagerly toss the two over her shoulder as if they weighed nothing. Just before she left though, Darius suddenly remembered something and called out, "Wait!" Alice turned back with more than a little annoyance in her expression as she demanded,

"What is it?!" Darius's brow twitched at Alice's reaction, but he didn't say anything as he instead held out one hand before covering it with the other, and then removing it to reveal a couple of pills in it.

"Give these to them before they wake up, it'll cure their motion sickness for about a week before they need another one." In an instant the annoyance in Alice's eyes vanished as she happily took the pills and took off to her little sex cave, where all of her boy-toys were kept.

Darius rolled his eyes at her before turning his attention to Hyato on the floor, who's armor had disappeared and was leaking blood onto the floor from the stump of his arm.

"Ng..."Hyato groaned and whimpered as he rolled around and clung to the bleeding stump, not yet accepting the fact that he had lost to his most hated enemy, and fled in such a way.

Darius knelt down next to the whimpering Hyato and placed his hand in the middle of his back, again activating his Arc of Embodiment to heal all of his wounds, including his arm. "It's ok." Darius said comfortingly until Hyato stopped whimpering, and tried to use his newly grown arm to push himself up.

"All better?" Darius asked him, to which Hyato nodded slowly before Darius flashed him a smile. "Good." He then grabbed Hyato by the neck and flung him up against the wall, before grabbing the back of his head and slamming his face through the stone. He then flung him back against the wall on the other side of the room before sinking his fist into his stomach, making Hyato vomit another mouthful of blood before Darius sent his next fist into his face.

Calvin however acted as if he didn't notice the beating going on around him as he took his seat back, and poured himself a drink from the bottle of whisky in front of him. He was on his third cup when the sound of Hyato's beating finally came to an end, and Darius threw him into another of the armchairs after healing all of Hyato's fresh wounds.

Afterwards he grabbed Hyato by the chin and forced him to look at him, and snarled, "Don't you ever ignore my orders again Hyato, or I will serve your head up to that other reincarnator on a silver platter as a peace offering. Do. You. Understand?"

Though he didn't say a word, Hyato slowly nodded as well as he could with Darius's hand on his chin in understanding, prompting him to release him and say, "Excellent! Now that that's out of the way, let's have a drink."

When he heard that Calvin used a small device that was nearby to call for one of the help to bring more booze, before taking a long swig of the last of the bottle he had started with. After the next round of alcohol came the three men simply sat in silence for a few minutes as they drank, well, Darius and Calvin drank, Hyato simply swished his drink around his glass for several minutes until he asked,

"What now...?" Darius didn't answer him right away, instead finishing off his own glass before saying,

"Now you tell us everything you know about this man, his powers, and how we're supposed to make him submit." Hyato was silent for several minutes before he finally said,

"I don't know more than what I managed to collect from the DXD world before leaving. For his powers I know he's a Saiyan, and he chose the same Boosted Gear as me. We also know he has Haki since he used it during the battle, but I couldn't tell you if he had it to begin with and just didn't use it, or gained it later. The only other thing I know of is that he has the powers of the Devils from that world, meaning he possibly used someone's Evil Pieces to reincarnate into one."

Darius and Calvin slowly nodded together as they took in everything Hyato told them, stuff he'd already told them before with the exception of the Haki, before the latter muttered, "The most troubling thing is his strength as a Saiyan, which obviously dwarfs our own by quite a bit..."

When he heard that Darius groaned, as Alice's strength was a far cry from what it could be if she actually trained and tried to get stronger. Instead, all she cared about was her never ending orgies and adding to her ever growing collection of boy-toys since she already managed to attain the Super Saiyan transformation.

In comparison, the brief exchange between Alex and Hyato showed them that he hadn't slacked on his training at all. Instead he most likely constantly challenged himself and drove himself to become stronger to the point that there was no telling exactly how powerful he was.

After several minutes of sitting there in silence as they contemplated their newest foe, Darius finally said,

"Starting tomorrow we are going to go over every one of those recordings you showed us before, as many times as we need to learn everything we can about how he moves, what he can do. Everything. Once Paul returns from his mission we'll have him start looking into everything we can find to use against this Devil-Saiyan."

With the other two nodding in agreement, Darius and Calvin downed their last glass of alcohol while Hyato continued to stare at his own reflection in the dark liquid, before his expression became fierce as he down his in a single drink as well. He then stood and silently left the room, not to collect the recordings he'd brought from the DXD world, but to go and start training himself anew for when he next faced his enemy.






When Gajeel and Natsu began stirring from the darkness of unconsciousness they were greeted by several unusual sounds guttural grunting and groaning, accompanied by the occasional smacking of flesh.

"What the hell?!" Gajeel cried out when he opened his eyes and saw what was occurring all around them, while Natsu just gaped in horror.

The duo were handcuffed with chains that were dangling from the ceiling, which were obviously sealing away their magic to keep them from resisting. On top of that though, the most frightening parts about their current situation was not only that they were both completely naked, but that they were completely surrounded by naked men locked in the throws of passion.

"Where the hell is my scarf!" Natsu demanded when he noticed that even the cherished article of clothing, a momento from the dragon that raised him, had also disappeared.

"THATS WHAT YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT SALAMANDER?!" Gajeel roared at Natsu incredulously, alerting everyone to the fact that they were awake.

One of the men, a tall good looking man with black hair and nails, and a magic circle carved on the top of his hand, then stated tiredly to the rest of the men around them, "It's is time for our new brothers to meet our mistress."

Though there was a noticeable reluctance in his demeanor as he said that, neither Natsu or Gajeel cared as the groups of men parted to reveal the only woman in the crowd of naked flesh. She was still in the throes of ecstasy as one man pressed his body against her front and thrusted into her, while another did the same from behind as they cooperated to time their thrusts into both her holes to maximize the pleasure she felt.

"HEY! THATS MY SCARF!" Natsu shouted when he noticed the pink scaled cloth wrapped around the woman's neck, drawing her attention to him as she smiled widely with amusement.

She then ignored his continued protests to focus on the two cocks inside her, rubbing up against each other through the thin wall that separated her womb from her ass. The rhythmic pounding continued with increasing intensity until the two men let out harsh grunts, and the woman practically screamed with pleasure as they both filled her with their seed.

As the two men collapsed from exhaustion, the woman crawled to the edge of the bed she was on before approaching them with an anticipatory smile on her face. As she made no attempt to cover her nudity, the duo were able to take in every detail of her body.

Alice's body look as if it was sculpted by the gods as her developed muscles shifted and moved noticeably, yet she appeared to have just enough fat to keep from looking too lean and muscular. And even though her breasts and butt looked to be on the slightly small side, they still jiggled with each of her steps as she approached them, while a brown monkey's tail swayed behind her.

Her black hair went halfway down her back like an unkempt mane, which seemed to bounce and curl with every one of her steps. As her shocking blue eyes focused onto them, Gajeel thought he saw them gleam for a brief moment, but dismissed it when she said,

"Welcome Natsu, Gajeel, to Yaoi-topia!" As she named the place they were in Alice swept her arms out to the side in a grand gesture, indicating to the groups of men who had resumed their animalistic rutting from before. Without minding them at all though, Natsu declared,

"I don't care where we are! Give me back my scarf and let me go so I can kick your ass!" It wasn't until this moment that Gajeel truly lamented the fact that he was restrained, as he desperately wanted to smack Natsu upside the head for that comment. Alice however smiled widely when she heard that, before slowly sliding closer to him.

"Oh Natsu..... Poor simple Natsu... If only you were as smart as you are cute, then you'd be the perfect man..." As she spoke Alice held out a single one of her dainty little fingers as she slowly dragged it across Natsu's chest seductively, making him shudder involuntarily at the touch.

Alice's finger then continued down, over Natsu's abs and further still until it reached his nether regions, where she playfully tapped the tip of his exposed manhood. Natsu shuddered once more at the foreign sensations assaulting his nether regions, having never felt such things before.

Seeing this Alice smirked as she continued teasing him just barely, keeping her 'Bewitchment' active all the while.

Bewitchment was akin to Charm in that it helped one bend others through their will, with a heavier effect on those of the opposite sex. The difference though was that Charm was instant and made others behave akin to the user's slaves, yet was easier to break out of and had to be reapplied every so often.

Bewitchment on the other hand was like slowly reprogramming a person until they believed that they followed you of their own free will, and as such was significantly harder to break. Through continuous visual contact with their eyes, touching, and speaking constantly, Alice was capable of exerting her will onto others in a way that made them think that was what they themselves wanted, with very few exceptions.

"Get your filthy hands off me and give me back my scarf." Natsu growled in a dangerously calm tone, despite the fact that his body was still reacting under Alice's touch. Instead of appearing shocked or insulted at him though, Alice's smile widened as she muttered,

"As one would expect from Zeref's greatest creation..." She then stepped back suddenly and turned towards Gajeel, however Natsu cried out as she did so,

"Wait! What are you talking about?!" Despite his sudden protests though, Alice ignored him as she approached Gajeel and said,

"Natsu's own history aside, I'm much more interested in what you can do Gajeel!" As she said that Alice grabbed Gajeel's nether regions suddenly and held them in her hands, giving them a light squeeze as she did so. With Gajeel's main way of fighting being to change parts of his body into metallic weapons, not too dissimilar from Yami's ability, Alice was very eager to get him into bed.

Before they could get to that however, she needed him to fall completely into the mold she created for him. Even as Gajeel tried to recoil from her touch and yelled at her to get off of him, Alice smirked as she pressed her naked body against his and said between the light kisses she planted on his chest and neck,

"Don't worry. In time you will grow to love the touch of another man, and you will forget about that pathetic little attention whore, Levy." As she said that Alice leaned up and sealed Gajeel's mouth with her own, even as he tried to bite her lips and tongue. He quickly realized that he had more to worry about, as a significantly rougher hand started making its way down his back.


"Well shit..." Alex muttered after he watched both Natsu and Gajeel splendidly tag along with the enemy general as he teleported away. He then stood up and wiped away the fake blood from under his nose as he started thinking about what to do with the two of them, as he couldn't just readily ask their guild mates to abandon them. That much was evident when he saw Wendy and Levy worriedly coming towards him, as the latter shouted,

"What happened to Gajeel?!" Alex sighed and said,

"My guess would be their base since the enemy general was pulled out in an emergency, eh this turned into a complete shit show..." Though he probably could have come up with a better plan, Alex was in somewhat of a hurry in order to limit what the other reincarnators could learn about him and the girls, since they were most likely able to literally see and hear everything his opponent did.

"Do you think Natsu and Gajeel will be ok...?" Wendy asked him with concern, to which Alex could only shrug and say,

"Well they can either be raising hell right now, which would save us a lot of trouble down the line, or they got captured and will probably be interrogated for information about me..." Both Wendy and Levy looked depressed when they heard that, before the former looked up as if she remembered something and asked,

"Oh yeah! Are you ok? It looked like you got hit pretty bad there!" As there was still a bit of a red smear under his nose, and Alex had pretended he was hurt to avoid the enemy suspecting his real intentions, Wendy thought Alex had actually gotten injured before. He flashed her a warm smile before placing his hand on her head, ruffling her hair a bit as he did so, and said,

"I'm fine, it was an act so they wouldn't suspect that I let him go on purpose. Thank you for worrying about me though." Wendy blushed slightly as she felt Alex's hand caress her head, before she quickly took off to rejoin Sherria and help heal any of those remaining that might need it, even though both Grayfia and Anne had already removed all of the more worrisome injuries.

The duo in question approached Alex as he got closer, followed closely by Lucy, before Grayfia said in a stern voice, "You let him get away." Alex nodded and explained,

"Yeah, I realized a way that we can learn more about them by letting him get away, though Natsu and Gajeel tagging along wasn't planned." Grayfia furrowed her brows when she heard that, before stepping in close to start dusting him off and fixing his shirt. Alex was about to ask what was wrong when she suddenly said,

"You need to start considering your position more from now on." This time Alex's brows shot up at her words, before she continued in a quiet version of her lecture voice,

"You are the 'Dragon Emperor', slayer of gods, and regardless of wether you want to acknowledge it or not you are THE emperor of Asora and any other worlds that we take in the future. No matter any other reasoning, every single person there is there to follow you. When you cheapen yourself by pretending to be weak, no matter how inconvenient it may be otherwise, you make everything you've built and everyone who follows you look bad."

Alex seriously considered her words as Grayfia finished fixing his shirt, before he gently grabbed her by the chin and pulled her in for mild, yet very affectionate, kiss. When he finally pulled away from her nearly an entire minute later, Alex said, "I understand, I'll be better from here on out."

Seeing how seriously he took her words, this time it was Grayfia who flashed a radiant smile as she pulled him closer and whispered, "good", before sealing his lips once more. This time Alex wasn't the only one surprised as Grayfia was usually dedicated to her role as a maid in front of others, and had almost never initiated any intimacy with him in public unless it was her day off.

The moment didn't last long though, as the second they separated Lucy went, "eh-hem!" Alex and Grayfia turned to look at her to find Lucy practically glaring as she asked,

"Why didn't you stop Natsu and Gajeel before they disappeared?" Alex just sighed before saying,

"I didn't notice them coming until it was too late." Lucy deadpanned at him as she asked,

"And weren't you the one showing off to me how you were 'omniscient' last night?" This time it was Alex who deadpanned at her before saying,

"Not necessarily. My focus shifts between various things so that, while I can technically see and hear 'everything' at once, I can't actually process it all without putting my focus directly onto it." As Alex usually had his 'Domain' suppressed in order to respect the privacy of others, he had done next to no training to actually be 'aware' of everything within it at once. In fact, the few times he truly tried to do exactly that, his mind had practically overheated due to the insane amount of information flooding it at once.

The only reason he was 'aware' of all of those sexy activities the night before was due to his 'Lucky Pervert' hijacking things as usual, while he had actually only detected the earlier assassins due to them accidentally activating one of the magic traps he had laid the day before. Lucy however didn't seem to believe him, so Alex said,

"Ok then, pull up your map." She then did as he asked, which showed them several lingering red and green dots from those few still fighting nearby.

"Now focus on one of the dots in the top left corner, and don't look away no matter what." Lucy did as he asked and focused on a pair of dots at the upper left edge of her map, while Alex made sure he was still in her line of sight to the right side before making a series of gestures and faces at her.

"What are you doing?" Lucy asked, as she could tell he was doing something stupid, but didn't know exactly what it was. Alex stopped what he was doing and smiled wryly before saying,

"Making a point. At most you could tell I was doing something, but not exactly what I was doing. If we were still fighting and you were watching those dots like your life depended on it, I doubt you would've even noticed I was doing something even though I was in your line of sight." Lucy was silent as she processed this, before she ultimately released a sigh while simultaneously dispelling the map she had called up.

(A.N. This is a clarification about Alex's 'Domain' and how he actually uses it since I feel like I might have made it seem like he's more capable with it than he actually is.)

With all of that said, Alex continued making his way towards the still waiting guild members as Mirajane also appeared and transitioned back into her normal form, before hurrying to Elfman and the still unconscious Lisanna.

"Nee-chan!" Elfman cried out as the two embraced each other, before mirajane turned her attention towards Lisanna and asked,

"How is she?" Elfman looked conflicted before saying,

"Truthfully, I don't know after all that. Thanks to him though she's sleeping peacefully for now." When she heard that Mirajane looked noticeably relieved before turning back towards Alex, and bowing deeply while saying,

"Thank you again, for everything. I don't even know how to begin repaying you for helping us." Alex however looked somewhat awkward at her words, making Elfman and the rest of her guild members look at him suspiciously, before he said,

"About that, there's the matter of your payment for the Evil Piece to discuss." When he said that Mirajane righted herself, and gave him a resolute look as she prepared for whatever the price was for the power he gave her. What she didn't expect was for Alex to suddenly step in close, before wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her up to him, making her exclaim in surprise as he said,

"I only give my Evil Pieces to women in my harem, so that means that, from now until the end of time, you are mine." Understandably Mirajane's expression blanked as she muttered a small, "what?" Elfman however was the first to react, as he roared,

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!" Everyone besides Alex and Mirajane quickly backed away as Elfman transformed his right arm into that of a large metallic bull's, before he rushed Alex in his anger. Alex himself however didn't even have to lift a finger, as Mirajane adopted a look similar to the one she had earlier as the 'Demon' before saying,

"Stop it Elfman." In an instant Elfman's attack froze less than an inch from Alex's face, as he angrily said,

"But Nee-chan, he tricked you into agreeing to become one of his women! Don't tell me you're ok with this?!" Surprisingly Mirajane nodded slowly before saying,

"He didn't trick me, I simply didn't care about the price I'd pay for the gift he'd give me. Even if we were to go back in time, with you and Lisanna in that position and I knew then what I know now, I'd make the same choice without any hesitation if it meant being able to protect the two of you."

"Nee-chan...." Elfman muttered in defeat as he canceled the transformation in his right arm, before he turned to Alex and said threateningly,

"If you hurt her in any way, it won't matter how strong you are. I WILL find a way to kick your ass." Alex smiled widely at Elfman's declaration, before saying in a teasing tone,

"Understood, little brother." Elfman's entire face twitched when he heard that, though a few of the people that were watching snickered as they watched the exchange, except a few of the guys were despairing at Mirajane now being claimed by him. Markarov however didn't seem to find the current events humorous, as he approached and asked,

"So I'll take this to mean that you're taking both Mirajane and Lucy from us? And that Lucy also received one of those so-called 'Evil Pieces'?" With Mirajane suddenly becoming able to use Satan Soul again after making a deal with Alex, it didn't take much to deduce that something similar must have happened for Lucy to suddenly become so much stronger, and able to use Archive.

Alex nodded to both of the guild master's questions, and said without trying to hide anything, "I planned to tell you all about it after the battle was over anyways, I just figured you didn't need even more on your plate with everything going on. Just ask Mavis if you don't believe me." Though Markarov's expression remained fierce to the first part of what Alex said, he blanked when he mentioned Mavis knowing what he was talking about.

As if on cue the petite ghost girl sudden appeared out of thin air as she said, "You rang?" Alex nodded and said,

"Impeccable timing. I was just about to explain the Evil Piece thing to Markarov since Mirajane accepted one as well, before moving onto the other thing." Mavis's eyes widened when she heard that, before a wide smile formed on her face as she excitedly said,

"Let's go back inside then! I'm sure everyone is tired after that fight, and itching to get some food and drink down while listening to what you have to say!" With everyone around them muttering in agreement as they suddenly realized just how hungry they actually were, they all went to file into the Fairy Tail building for the second time since Alex's arrival. The man himself though sighed as he prepared to drop what would undoubtedly be several bombshells onto the large group, before asking Grayfia to go get Erza and Gildarts as well since they'd probably want to hear what he was about to say as well.


Name: Mirajane Strauss

Race: Human



Job: Demonic Mage: Level 23

Passive Skills:

Housework: Level 5

Enlarged Magic Pool: Level 5

Superhuman Strength: Level 3

Superhuman Speed: Level 2

Poison Resistance: Level 2

Seduction: Level 2

Active Skills:

Take Over(Satan Soul): Level 5(Allows the user to possess and control beings that they 'know', which in Mirajane's case means beings of demonic origin.)

Transformation Magic: Level 3

Sleep Magic: Level 2

Soul Consumption(Demonic): Level 1(Allows the user to consume souls of demonic beings to gain their powers for herself, which would also help her acquire new forms to use in battle.)

Satan Soul: Level 6(Mirajane's main ability that she uses in combat, which enhances her speed, strength, and endurance to extreme levels, while also granting her access to powerful darkness magics.)

Satan Soul-Haphas: Level 1(An anime only spell that increases Mirajane's capabilities so much, that she was able to destroy an entire city effortlessly with it, leading to it being forbidden by Markarov.)

Satan Soul-Sitri: Level 1(A powerful demonic transformation which greatly enhances the users physical attributes, while also granting her mastery over powerful fire magic.)

Unique Abilities:

Demon Element

Reincarnated Devil: Pawn Evil Piece

Thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts