
God succession system

A guy gets a system. He goes to other worlds. He wants to build a harem. He becomes a god? Join Alex as he joins a game to determine the next God as he travels to new worlds and builds a harem to help him in battle Note- I do not own ANYTHING that is part of an already existing franchise

Harry_Dresden · Autres
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572 Chs

Going Even Further

"That can't be!"

"Are you kidding me?!"

"So we were right?!?!"

Back at the Capsule Corp headquarters, the people there were voicing their disbelief at what they were seeing on the tv, which also confirmed Yamcha and Chiaotzu's earlier suspicions when they saw the brown monkey-like tail wrapped around Alex's waist.

But their surprise was minuscule compared to a certain Saiyan Prince, who roared once he saw the all too familiar golden glow,

"THERES ANOTHER SUPER SAIYAN!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" Despite him screaming in their ears no one in their group could blame the shock Vegeta was feeling as they too wondered what was happening.

Shortly after Goku had been born the planet of the Saiyans, planet Vegeta, had been destroyed by the same tyrant they served at the time, Lord Frieza. From that moment on there only existed four Saiyans in the entire universe, the prince Vegeta, a former general of their people, Nappa, Goku's older brother who was the one that discovered he was still alive, Raditz, and then finally Goku himself.

As he tried to get Goku to join the three of them though, Raditz was killed due to him threatening Goku's half-Saiyan son, Gohan, as well as the Earth. Then Nappa had been killed by Vegeta after losing to Goku a year later, leaving them the only two remaining full blooded Saiyans in the entire universe...or they were supposed to be.

Unknown to Vegeta, when he and Nappa arrived on Earth to confront Goku there had been a second pure blooded Saiyan waiting for them, one that was too young to have been born when planet Vegeta was destroyed, Grant. Unfortunately though, Grant was never able to explain his existence to Vegeta, who was the only one that truly cared, other than saying that he'd been raised on Earth similarly to Goku.

Now however, there before them was ANOTHER Saiyan that shouldn't even exist, who was ALSO able to go Super Saiyan just like them. Then, as if that wasn't bad enough, he was apparently far stronger than Vegeta and even Goku despite the former being descended from the former king of all Saiyans.(A.N. I went over it before when Alex decided to start training his kids, but as the son of the king it means Vegeta has far more potential than a normal Saiyan like Goku, since the Saiyans followed only the strongest members of their race)

"I knew he was a lot stronger than he was letting on!" Goku exclaimed, his excitement reaching an all time high at the thought of another Saiyan out there aside from himself and Vegeta.

And a second later they got a taste of just how strong Alex truly was as his own golden energy exploded outwards to vastly dwarf his previous energy levels to the extreme, while the swirling tattoos on his upper body began to glow with a dim orange light. They may be using the same exact transformations, but it was immediately apparent to Goku that they were on completely different levels, a prospect that made all him all the more eager to challenge Alex himself to see how he measured up.

Cell on the other hand snorted when he saw Alex's transformation, as he said,

"ANOTHER Super Saiyan? I've been dealing with so many Saiyans that I'm starting to get bored of them." Of course, his reaction wasn't entirely unexpected since the current Cell was still significantly stronger than Alex in his SSJ1, but then again if he weren't then there'd be nothing for Alex to look forward to.

"Who said this is my only transformation?" Alex asked with a smirk, alarming everyone who heard him as they focused on his now golden tail.

"Wait, he's not going to...!" Piccolo gave voice to the other's concern as Krillin and Tien already began looking to see if the full moon was out. Cell however found the idea humorous as he asked,

"Are you talking about that giant ape thing? The good doctor already programmed all of the data he had collected on that form into my mind when he created me, so I know that I just have to cut off your tail." Alex however shook his head as he explained,

"Nope that's not it." Then, glancing up at the other five Saiyans gathered nearby, Alex continued,

"This transformation is the most basic of the Super Saiyan forms, and shouldn't even be something to proud when compared to the later levels." Though his comment obviously agitated the already pissed Saiyan Prince, Cell smirked as he said,

"Let me guess, you're going to use the same form that Trunks tried? That one is completely useless!" Again Alex shook his head as he continued,

"Nope, I'm going to transform into the SSJ2." Silence met Alex's claims as he began raising his energy levels even further.

A barrage of lightning flashed to bath the area in brilliant golden light, which then reflected off of the still falling rain. Meanwhile Alex's golden hair elongated noticeably as a single strand fell forward in front of his face, while his muscles became even more pronounced, and the light orange glow on his tattoos became even brighter.

"I knew it!" Goku exclaimed excitedly as Alex's power spike even higher than it already was, as his suspicions that there was SOMETHING beyond a regular Super Saiyan was confirmed. And if Goku's hunch was correct, then Gohan was a single step away from the same transformation and simply needed the right trigger to achieve it.

"This-" Alex began once he finished the transformation, "-is the Super Saiyan 2. The power of this form is double that of the normal fully powered Super Saiyan, though it also has the unfortunate side effect of increasing ones aggression and making them more sadistic."

As Alex explained the specifics of his new transformation, the people around him paid close attention to every single thing coming out of his mouth. For the normal people watching the broadcast, this was the first time any of them had even heard of a Saiyan, let alone the Super Saiyan. For Goku and the others though, they were learning from Alex the heights they were still able to achieve and that they still had a long ways to go.

Cell on the other hand, after looking Alex's new form over and studying his new energy levels, shook his head and replied,

"Impressive, but still not enough for the divine me." Contrary to his expectations though, Alex simply said,

"Oh? Then perhaps I should take this further?" That got Cell's attention, along with everyone else's as Vegeta uttered dumbfoundedly,

"H-he can go even farther!?!" Alex's smirk widened as he then casually asked,

"Should I show you all their Super Saiyan 3?"

"THERES A SUPER SAIYAN THREE!?!?" Master Roshi exclaimed in shock, giving voice to the thoughts of everyone else watching the fight as, once again, Alex's energy levels began to soar.

This transformation however took noticeably more time for Alex to prepare, as his energy levels climbed higher and higher. He wasn't concerned with Cell trying anything while he was transforming though, as he WAS part Saiyan, and would readily welcome a challenge to further prove his strength and superiority.

This time however the effects of Alex's transformation were several times more dramatic, as his increase in energy began to impact the entire planet itself. Massive waves and storm systems began to form and expand outwards from their current position, while the planet itself seemed to begin to tremble as if it too was in awe of the energy Alex was giving off. Then there were the people themselves, as everyone on the planet, regardless of whether they could sense energy or not, could feel Alex's power and see the golden glow on the horizon.

As for Alex himself, his golden hair began to grow several times longer as it extended down his back, his muscles became significantly more pronounced as they became saturated with energy, and even his facial features began to change as his eye brows extended outwards. The most curious change though was the tattoos covering Alex's torso that began to turn white as his levels of energy spiked even higher, until, one of them cracked.

As the tattoo somehow cracked, Alex's energy shot up even more to staggering levels that could be felt all over the universe, while traces of green began to appear in his golden aura and hair.


Meanwhile, on a lush and green planet far, far from Earth, two figures were relaxing peacefully as one served the other tea. One was fairly short, had purple skin, and white hair that had been shaved into a Mohawk. The other person was significantly taller than the first, had pink skin, and long white hair that was combed back.

The former was the Supreme Kai and ruling God of the entire universe, Shin, while the latter was his faithful attendant, Kibito.

As they were relaxing though, something suddenly caught both of their attention.

"Did you feel that!?!" Kibito asked Shin with shock on his face as he looked in the direction the powerful aura was coming from.

Immediately Shin leapt to his feet with a worried look and declared,

"Come on, we're going to Earth! Hopefully 'that' hasn't been released..." With Kibito nodding in affirmation, the duo then quickly departed as they went to investigate the source of the powerful aura.


Meanwhile, in a completely different part of the universe, another figure that was tall and thin, with light blue skin and long white hair combed to stick straight up looked up suddenly.

"Oh?" The man said as he held up a scepter he was holding that had a sphere on the end.

In it he conjured up the image of the source of power he'd suddenly detected, and was surprised by what he saw within it.

"That tail..... Is that a Saiyan?" Though the Saiyans were all wiped out over two decades prior, the man knew that a small number of them survived on another planet called Earth. However, Saiyans had black hair, not blond.

Something about the Saiyan with blond hair seemed familiar though, so the man looked back at the defeat of Frieza a few years prior, and saw that it was a different Saiyan with similarly blond hair that defeated him. The strength of the two was completely different though, while the being was also sure he could detect traces of divine power within the current Saiyan's body.

"Oh what to do?" The man mused to himself as he contemplated his next course of action.

"Lord Beerus would want to learn about such a being, but he isn't scheduled to wake up for nearly ten more years... What to do, what to do?"


Just as Alex's power skyrocketed to the point where even Cell began to look fearful of the difference, he suddenly reverted to his base form before scratching his head and laughing awkwardly,

"Haha, sorry about that." Alex then ran a finger along the tattoo that cracked to repair it, before saying,

"Anywho, that was the SSJ3. It's a form that draws out every single drop of the Saiyan's power and potential, completely saturating their body in ki to multiply their power to four times that of their SSJ2. Though, unfortunately it has the drawback of rapidly consuming the users energy, making it like a double edge sword."

Even as Alex casually explained the SSJ3 and laughed awkwardly, almost all of those around him were looking at him with expressions of pure shock, horror, and awe. The only exceptions of course were Goku, who's whole body began to shake with excitement at the power Alex possessed, and the girls that were a part of Alex's peerage.

"Did you see that?" Moka asked Shia, to which the rabbit-girl nodded slowly and said,

"Now I think I get why Alex stopped training..." Though her voice was calm, even Shia's hands were shaking slightly at the power Alex just displayed.

Cell though was trying to regain his earlier bravado, as he said,

"Well, if you want to have a hope of defeating the 'divine' me, then you should probably go back that last form, unless for some reason you can't?" Digging on Alex's earlier admission regarding the energy drain of the SSJ3, Cell was surprised when Alex said,

"Nope, I'll be using a different form to fight you. The Super Saiyan 4." Ignoring just how shocked people were to hear that there was yet ANOTHER form for Alex to transform into, they were surprised when this transformation didn't go anything like the previous three.

Instead Alex's figure began to grow slightly as bright red fur sprouted over his upper body, covering his tattoos everywhere but on the chest, and his muscles were again much more pronounced. Meanwhile his hair began to grow long while seemingly becoming even darker in color, draping down over his shoulders, and a red ring formed under both of Alex's eyes.

Unlike his previous transformation though, Alex's energy didn't explode outwards at such levels that it even caused changes in their surroundings, instead it grew while remaining calm within his body.

Opening his eyes, Alex focused on Cell once again as he said,

"This, in my opinion, is the 'perfected' Super Saiyan transformation." Cell's eyes narrowed dangerously at Alex's use of the word 'perfected', while Goku and the others paid close attention as they tried to figure out what made this form so special.

"Firstly this form makes use of the same energy levels as the SSJ3, except instead of saturating the users body with ki for a quick but massive burst of strength, it also makes use of the strength of our Oozaru forms to provide balance to our bodies."

When he heard that Vegeta's fist clenched in anger, even as Goku exclaimed,

"I can't wait to get back to my training!" That comment sent Vegeta over the edge as he shouted back,

"Didn't you hear him Kakarot(Goku's Saiyan name)?!? To obtain this form we need our tails, which have been cut off!"

"Wait, what!?!" Goku exclaimed in shock, as realization dawned on him that they would be unable to obtain the power the SSJ4 if they couldn't master their Oozaru forms. Meanwhile someone else was reacting as he watched Alex's rapid sequence of transformations, falling to his knees as he muttered,

"He did it.... He actually got to the SSJ4..." Grant didn't realize he'd said this out loud, until Trunks demanded,

"Wait! You're saying you knew about these transformations this whole time!?!" Trunks outburst caught everyone else's attention, making them all direct their focus on Grant who was now panicking inwardly.

"W-well.....I mean..." Grant then struggled to find an excuse for not telling his friends such crucial information, something that was made significantly more difficult under Vegeta's murderous glare, before Alex suddenly called up,

"Hey, don't be too hard on him just yet, there might've been a good reason for that guy not to tell you all about these forms. I shouldn't take much longer here, and then we can all get together back at Capsule Corp to talk." Though they were still mad that Grant kept something so important from them, the group agreed that taking care of Cell was more important as they redirected their attention back to the fight.

Cell however, even in the face of Alex's SSJ4, appeared calm as he remarked,

"Pretty cocky, aren't you?" Alex however didn't respond as he again started stretching, trying to get used to his new form after spending the last week in his base form. Cell then continued,

"If you ask me that previous form of yours was more powerful than this one. I mean, can you even keep up with all that mass?" As Alex's muscles were notably larger than before, Cell wondered if he'd even be able to keep up due to them interfering with his speed. Alex however shook his head as he relied,

"There shouldn't be a problem." Then, the next thing Cell knew Alex was right behind him as he resumed their earlier slugfest.

Off to the side, behind the defensive line made by Shia, Moka, and Lala, the newscaster was hanging onto everything occurring in the stage as he then said into the camera,

"This is it folks! I believe we are finally in the final stages of the fight between Cell and this mysterious Dragon Emperor! They've both been elevated to their strongest forms! It's all or nothing!" As the spectators and all the people of the world watching the broadcast began to get hyped up once more, a certain 80s pornstar-lookalike jumped in front of the camera and declared,

"WAIT! You're not telling me you actually believe this 'transformation' stuff are you!?" The broadcaster, who had practically forgotten that Mr. Satan was there, narrowed his eyes as he said,

"Well we have all seen it happen right before us, and that is hardly the most surprising thing to happen so far today." As he said that the broadcaster pointed towards the edge of the area they were all floating on, proving his point as Mr. Satan groaned in frustration from losing his dedicated audience.

"I-it's gotta be a trick or something! I mean, people flying, shooting lasers, glowing, transforming, and all that other stuff! It's impossible for ANYONE to do that stuff!" Growing increasingly annoyed at Mr. Satan for disrupting their filming of the final fight, the broadcaster then asked,

"Ok then, if it is a trick then how are they doing it?"

"Huh?" Mr. Satan asked with confusion, before quickly trying to recover as he said,

"O-oh, right! Well.....I mean there's all that special effect stuff being used for tv and computers nowadays, isn't there? So maybe their just using holograms or viral effects or something?"

"You mean VIRTUAL effects?" The broadcaster asked, to which Mr. Satan quickly and eagerly nodded to try and convince them, though his heart sank when the broadcaster asked,

"Is there any proof to your theory Mr. Satan?" That one question made Mr. Satan's expression fall as he uttered in a very small voice,

"P-proof...?" With the broadcaster nodding in affirmation, Mr. Satan glanced at the ongoing battle with an incredibly pale complexion.

Meanwhile, Alex and Cell were both focusing so intently on each other that neither one noticed anything else.

'W-what is this!?' Cell mentally exclaimed as he tried to get some distance from Alex, the battle not all going his way as he experience firsthand that this truly was Alex's strongest form.

Unlike before, when Alex had made each of his moves methodically and calculated, Cell now truly felt as if each second that ticked by was bringing him closer and closer to death. Despite all the growth Alex had forced him to undergo, and the evolution into 'Divine Cell', Alex's SSJ4 made him too powerful to deal with.

Every time Cell attacked Alex's wouldn't dodge or even react in any way, instead just tanking every single hit without so much as flinching or becoming damaged in any visible way. Cell on the other had only taken a few hits, but that was just because Alex was practically toying with him instead of trying to seriously end it. Not to mention that, with the rain having stopped falling, Cell was no longer receiving the restorative effects of the diluted Phoenix Tears, and was steadily running out of steam.

This meant that not only was his expended stamina not being replenished, but his healing was nowhere near as extreme as it had been previously. As Alex delivered a punch into his face, Cell could feel his hardened exoskeleton shattering as black and red fragments went flying.

Again Cell tried to get some distance between himself and Alex before gathering energy into his hands.

"EAT THIS!" He roared before firing a massive blast of ki energy at Alex, only for Alex to stand there as he simply swatted Cell's attack upwards into space. He then flashed forward and sank his finest into Cell's gut once again, except this time it hurt even more than all of the previous times, including when Alex blasted a hole through him.

"Wow...he's just toying with Cell now..." Krillin uttered in awe as he watched the fight taking place, before Goku added,

"That SSJ4 looks REALLY strong!" Tien then piped up while glancing sideways at Vegeta,

"Too bad you won't be able to achieve it yourself."

"SHUT IT TRICLOPS!" Vegeta shouted in retaliation, making Tien snicker while even Piccolo cracked a bit of a smile.

By this point it appeared as if Alex was wrapping things up as Cell was barely able to stay on his feet, after having received the worst beating he'd ever received.

"What do you say we make this the last of it?" Alex asked as he got into position in front of Cell with his hands together at his side.

Recognizing the form, Cell mimicked Alex as he struggled to stay on his feet. For a moment neither moved as they stared each other down, before they both began gathering energy at the same time.


A bluish sphere of light formed in both Alex and Cell's hand as their respective energies began to take form.


Their respective spheres of ki grew larger as they poured as much energy as they could into them, but unknown to Cell, Alex also combined his attack with his 'Soul Break' skill to completely destroy Cell's soul when it connected, preventing him from ever being revived or recovering.


The two of them then released their respective attacks at one another at the exact same time, but when their attention was completely on one another as well as everyone else, something completely stupid happened that Alex never saw coming.


Mr. Satan leapt out in between Alex and Cell's attacks, trying to prove that he was correct in that people were unable to perform such feats, only to be caught right in the middle as the attacks collided.

"MR. SATAN!" One of his fans cried out as the world champ disappeared in a flash of light, while Alex also momentarily lost his concentration from the sudden development, which allowed Cell's attack to push back his own.

Before it could reach him though Alex put the matter regarding Mr. Satan out of his mind as he channeled more energy into his attack, forcing it back towards Cell.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Cell shouted as he tried to stop the attack from hitting him by channeling every drop of energy he possessed into it, but it was only enough to slightly slow down Alex's own Kamehameha.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!" Alex shouted as he poured as much energy into his attack as he dared, overwhelming Cell's before completely obliterating every single atom of Cell's body.

As the light from Alex's final attack died down, and he managed to collect his thoughts, he mentally asked Lauren and Ddraig,

'Did I really just kill Mr. Satan?!'

Thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts