

Lu Yao strayed into a small pixel game where he played the role of a god, but found that this game was connected to a world of different dimensions. The [sacrifice] in the game will enter reality, and the [gift] he gave can also reach the game world. As a trainee god, he can’t do much except create various natural disasters. Until he gritted his teeth and revived a supermodel apostle, the gameplay changed a bit… This story does not belong to me.

BrookeCandy · Urbain
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79 Chs

Chapter 42 somewhat fate

The troglodyte who surrendered lives in the cave at the foot of the mountain in the west, and the leader is a LV13 [Traveman] named Morimi. Senjian holds a bone staff and has certain wisdom.

Except for him, almost all other troglodyte monsters are at levels like LV1 and LV2. The individual level is stronger than the tribal villain, but not many.

The caveman was very humble in front of Isabel, and he briefly told about the origin of the trogg.

"My lord apostle, the troglodyte is actually another branch of human beings."

"Due to living underground for a long time, the body has gradually changed, and from generation to generation, it has become what it is now, not as smart as the humans on the ground."

The whole thing starts from the last era.

That was the time when the god of the forest still controlled the land.

The troggs weren't troggs back then, but a group of followers of the satyr god. They believe in the god of the forest, live in the forest, and keep company with birds and beasts.

On weekdays, they plant all kinds of mushrooms and rely on mushrooms and berries in the forest for food. Thanks to the blessing of the forest god, food is always abundant in the vast and continuous forest, and they also lead a stable and natural life.

Huge changes are coming quietly.

With the fall of the forest god, large forests withered and shrunk, some places became deserts, and some became bare mountains.

There are Corruptors and Moulders everywhere, fanatics and soldiers of two heretical gods, the Whistleblower and the Flayer.

The Corruptor captured the follower of the Forest God and hanged him to make a new Corruptor. The molting monster even peels off the skin of people alive, causing people to die in extreme pain.

In order to avoid the massacre, the people in the forest got into the cave and fled underground. In order to avoid the pursuit of those terrifying killers far away, they kept migrating deeper and came to the dark and cold underground caves.

In the dark caves, they rely on growing mushrooms and catching underground bugs for food.

It was too cold underground, and many people could not adapt to such a life, and died of hunger, cold and disease.

But there are also a small number of people who survived tenaciously.

They survived the most difficult days and gradually found a way to survive.

Over time, their bodies changed: thick body hair grew on their bodies, their hair grew longer, and their limbs became powerful and broad. They use all fours underground like lizards, moving quickly.

They transformed from humans to troglodytes, using stone-polished masks to protect their senses and deter enemies. They use stones to make spears and axes, and they scream and do strange movements to embolden and frighten their prey.

Among the cave dwellers, some people still haven't forgotten where they came from. They spread word of mouth, telling posterity not to forget that they came from the ground.

As long as they wait patiently for the gods to appease their wrath, they can return to the ground, stand in the sun again, and walk straight without eating worms.

The troglodyte family [Mori] led by Mori has never forgotten the past. The family name of Sen is also used to warn future generations to remember that they come from the forest.

They wait silently.

Not long ago, the mountain suddenly collapsed on a large scale.

Senjian was keenly aware that this might be a revelation from the gods. So it began to walk out of the cave carefully, and found that the outside had changed, and there were no more pursuers everywhere.

At this juncture, however, another troglodyte family was wiped out.

Morimi's ability is called "Wind Listener", he can hear the sound dissipated in the air through the wind. This is extremely useful underground, helping the family avoid many dangers and conflicts.

In the wind, he heard about the God Yao, the apostles and the garlic tribe.

The killing of [Whistleblower] and [Flayer] has ended.

Now the god here is the benevolent and majestic Yao God.

Mori sees family members down the mountain, hoping to join the garlic tribe. So as soon as he met the Timberwolves, he surrendered to the wolves, expressing his attitude of becoming a vassal.


Lu Yao was in a strange mood.

The collapse of the mountain happened to be caused by an earthquake that he created. In this way, I have some fate with this troglodyte family.

Now that he has a city of ghosts, it is not a big deal to accept a group of cave dwellers.

Before that, Lu Yao had to make sure whether the cave wizard lied or not.

Isabel said: "My lord, I have used last-minute prayers to ask the nearby dead souls, and what they said is basically the same as what they said."

That's fine.

Under the leadership of the leader Mori, 40 cave dwellers left the mountains all the way to the garlic tribe.

On the acceptance of troglodytes, there were some differences within the garlic tribe.

Initially, most tribal residents opposed it.

"The troglodyte is the enemy, the enemy!"

"They are underground monsters, they may kill at any time!"

"They killed the hero headhunter!"

"Leader Yu Zou, have you forgotten the bloody feud in the past!"

Yuzou faced these criticisms and doubts calmly.

The gray-haired leader said: "Everyone listen to me. The death of the headhunter shows us that the tribe must not stand still."

"If we were as powerful as the Yanchi tribe, would the cave dwellers dare to attack us? They didn't dare."

"Even if we attack them, they dare not resist."

"Now, the troglodyte who once attacked us intends to take the initiative to join the garlic tribe. Why is that?"

He concluded: "Not because they have become timid, but because we have become stronger."

"God Yao sent an apostle, she showed everyone the power of the gods. The Yanchi tribe is being punished by the gods, this is the power of the gods!"

Yu Zuo continued: "At first, the forest tribe was our enemy, then the barbarian tribe was our enemy, and then the Donghe tribe was also our enemy, but now, we work and live together."

"Why can't cave dwellers?"

Yu Zou finally closed the coffin and concluded: "This is also God Yao's will! Who of you will object?"

After moving out the majesty of the gods, there were finally no other voices.

Lu Yao is very satisfied with his courage, that's right, he looks like a leader.

Yuzuo was something he watched grow up.

In the past, he was still an unreliable part of the Zhuyu Brothers.

Later, he became one of the earliest heroes of the tribe. He experienced the death of a headhunter, various changes in the tribe, and the passing away of the first generation of tribe leaders Nonglai and Hunting Cang... before he became the calm and mature leader he is now. .

After joining the Garlic Tribe, the trogg family gained several houses.

They live in the direction closest to the mountains to the west.

Mori took the troglodytes to mine in the mountains every day with camels and copper hammers, and the troglodytes also became professional miners and stonemasons in the tribe.

Labor has integrated them into the garlic tribe.

Although the troglodyte still wore a stone mask and had a strange shape, and sometimes used to crawl on all fours, the rest of the tribe had already seen it.

[Caveman Wizard] Because of the wisdom and experience he possessed, Morimi quickly became the leader of the Garlic Tribe, deciding the direction of the tribe together with Yuzou and Shahan.

At this time, a prompt appeared on the screen.

[Mori Jian offered you a sacrifice. ]

Lu Yao moved his wrist.

The long-lost sacrifice can be counted.

Let me see what props I can draw this time.