

higher content for 14 years How people become billionaires Daniel thought: Will I ever be rich to be able to go into a store and buy what I want? Will I ever be able to give my family a better life? Will I ever stop starving? Daniel's story begins when he was 15 years old at school, where it all started in a simple joke ended in a tragedy. Was it a tragedy or was it a blessing? We will find out in the course of history, mathematics is simple as everyone knows write current books, and sometimes a book on Parallel World but this time I want to change the book's concept a little, this will be the one that will give me more work I will try to write at least each chapter 2000 to 3000 words will not be easy, but the chapters will also be every other day, all my books I write in my head at the time I am writing I am thinking of the plot what can happen what's around that table has something special? When Aladdin rubbed the lamp, did he expect a gene to come out? Was alibaba and the 300 thieves true? There will be many, but one thing I can say you dream only depends on you. I dreamed of traveling the world, I managed to travel the world to know Japan to know China which is a beautiful country to know the United States to know England, I knew the land of my grandparents Italy to know the culture of Turkey so I can tell you Stop dreaming not dreaming because one day maybe a dream of yours comes true, there is a saying that the one who does not dream does not live, are you alive? then dream. come dream with me live dreams joys sadness smiles emotions I don't say that in the book but in real life be someone different get out of the chair show what you can do, i'll be waiting for you in your dreams!

DanielBR · Urbain
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21 Chs

The cry of pain

The next day Daniel's wheel was to get up and go to school, but this routine changed Daniel now put the alarm clock to wake up 3 hours before to exercise this time he didn't want to show his mother that he was exercising but went to a park next to his house where some residents exercised both bodybuilding and running exercises squat among other things,

there was no Alma Viva in that place it was 3:30 in the morning Daniel started with a run he tried to do a kilometer running even tired he keeps running, when he finishes race Daniel didn't stop there he went to do push-ups, this time he managed to do 15 push-ups, his muscles hurt but even so he didn't stop he did abdominals this time he managed to do 16 sit-ups Daniel so now He went to squat he managed to do 30 It was 4:30 in the morning his body could not take it anymore but Daniel didn't stop he took a 10 kg weight in each hand and started doing it Of course he couldn't make 10 but 5 he c he managed to do it in each hand, Daniel saw people doing it / he also tried to do it, managed to make three bars for him it was a joy, Daniel then started running again 1km did it until 6 am the same routine,

6:30 am Daniel When he got home, his mother was already awake and I asked where he was Daniel holding a bag of bread, he went to buy bread for us to have breakfast, Son are you okay? why mom do you ask that, why you never did that?

Mother, from today I take care of the house and you take care of you, please do not want you sick.

Thank God God heard my prayers, thank God that I am here today with you.

But I'm going to take a shower and as soon as I leave, I prepare breakfast, no need for a child, I prepare. You will take your shower, it's almost time for school.

ok mom thanks, he then went into the bathroom in the bathroom and took a shower he hadn't noticed his body that had changed at any time, he wasn't so muscular but he was starting to define his muscles at that time listening to the voice of the system [the host earned 5 points for each status Congratulations on your effort]

[host earned five experience points for making breakfast for your mother] but I didn't make breakfast did he talk to the system? [but you bothered to buy breakfast]

Daniel was so happy that he couldn't complete himself and shouted in the bathroom with joy, outside his mother asked is everything okay my son yes mother is wonderfully well thanks for worrying,

At the breakfast table there was only butter bread and water. Daniel could buy bread and butter, it was De his lunch that day, but Daniel wasn't worried about that. Yes, he is worried about his mother who was eating badly, he saw her getting thinner every day, (you have to get some quick money so that next to support my mother and get her out of this work That was Daniel's thought)

Mother I'm going to school now ok Take care at work, okay son remember today is Friday there is meat promotion at the market, here is the money for you to buy when you come from class, Daniel then put the money in the sock I said you can leave it tomorrow I buy the meat you want.

Daniel then left home but this time instead of walking he went running but not at high speed but doing a Cooper from his house the school was 10 km away, it seemed that Daniel's port is staying there he was not not even sweating, let alone panting, Daniel's body was adjusting to that new daily routine.

[System thinking: he learns very quickly you were from it, God chose the right person let's see what he will do in the future not too far)] [Host won 10 points to be distributed in his status] Daniel gave that smile he managed achieve one more goal.

Coming close to the school the girls who were bullied with him heard running, one of them said: Is he running scared of us? we will not change him this week he still has evidence about us Do you want to go to jail?

don't even think please don't tell me that my father would kill me, before your father kills you i will kill you.

Daniel passed by them As if he weren't even there, at the entrance to the school door Daniel went to his locker and put his books there because he no longer needed him he had already decorated everything Closing the locker door Daniel noticed that everyone was looking at him because Daniel just took out his notebook a pen a pencil and an eraser my ink eraser from the pen the rest he left everything inside the closet, Daniel didn't even call it just truck to his office sat at the table and stood there waiting the teacher arrived, it didn't take even three minutes for the teacher to come in already announced a surprise test the whole class started to complain less Daniel who looked out the window wondering what he would do after school ,.

Daniel then received only proof "test" He looked at it all leafed sheet by sheet read everything so he thought why not take a 10 at that time he heard a voice [don't be greedy, you would like to be noticed they will say that you stuck in the test, score 9 this is already good for you to pass the year] it

is true greed doesn't go anywhere Daniel so he wrote the name asked the questions and left one blank, [Host got 5 experience points for taking the test] he could deliver the test when it was over But it was so fast that it didn't even take 5 minutes Daniel then turned the test started looking out the window again, outlining what he would do to make money in the future without raising too many suspicions, while Daniel imagined the signal rang, then the teacher said delivery and her tests, Daniel in turn handed the test to the teacher's table and said have a good job, teacher and went out for lunch but this time he didn't go up to the roof he went to the cafeteria, Daniel So a tray arrived and went to the little lady who served the meal what do you want my son? rice beans chicken and a little jiló "Daniel hated jiló but it was good for his body, it's nutrient"

served very delicately because Daniel treated her with affection, Daniel went to the back of the cafeteria and there he was eating his meal quietly what people thought in his mind Daniel said Open status

level: 1

name: Daniel

age: 15 years old

strength: 20 (average strength of a young man of your age 15)man of your age)

dexterity :( Agility) 15 (average skill of a youngage is 20)

intelligence: 15 (intelligence of a young man your age is 15 this is called average)

XP: 5/30

skill points: 0

Daniel was no longer that but that weakling was already average, the next class is education physics?

Daniel then looked at his brochure and it was like physical education the last class, after eating everything the signal hit it was time for his physical education class to see the Physical Education teacher was very strict with the students not as much as the girls, but with the boys he was heavy.

I want 10 laps on the circuit, after which you have finished the 10 laps you will do for me 20 sit-ups 20 squats and 20 push-ups will be five more laps on the race track, a smile from Daniel appeared He liked that it was points he wanted to win .

everything was over, a voice was heard that he recognized for a long time, it seemed like his childhood friend [today a mason earned 20 points to distribute in his status]

. Daniel again asked to open the status

level: 1

name: Daniel

age: 15 years

strength : 30 (average strength of a young man your age 15)

dexterity :( Agility) 20 (average skill of a young man your age is 20)

intelligence: 20 (intelligence of a young man your age is 15 this is called average)

XP : 5/30

skill points: 0

it made him very happy to come home Daniel remembered that his mother asked him to buy meat As he always ran running doing cooper [host got 10 points to distribute in his status for exercising]

Daniel so he entered the market and went straight to the butcher shop, he would like 1 kilo of

chicken, 1 kg of ribs, 2 kg of chicken breast and 1 kg of beef liver.

the butcher was very fast in everything he asked Daniel arrived at the cashier gave him Good afternoon the cashier girl he just started to register he was at the counter to be registered at the machine, gave a total of $ 32 and 50 Cent Daniel then paid he left the market with the bags again Daniel started running his Cooper [host won 20 points I will do the race with weights to distribute in your status as you wish]

so Daniel found a new way to receive more points, almost arriving at his home Daniel found a vegetable stall Daniel still had $ 4.50

Daniel bought some vegetables like tomato onion lettuce watercress green, and went back to his house there He prepared the food for his mother, It was already 7 o'clock and his mother didn't arrive so he picked up the home phone and called the police asking if there was an accident to his surprise a policeman on the other end of the line said a bus had been injured, he asked him to go to the police acia,

Daniel ran like never before in his life [host earned 50 points to be distributed in his long distance running status with fast pace]

but Daniel didn't care for that he was more worried about his mother, arriving at the door of the police station panting he asked a policeman who was on duty to speak to a policeman he spoke on the phone his name was Richard a policeman.

just a minute i'll call you.

When the policeman saw Daniel, he realized that he was only 15 years old, how would he give this news to him?

Please sit here I will show you some pictures and I want you to see if you recognize someone, As soon as the policeman Opens the album his mother was there Daniel's hand started to shake his body started to shake the tears started to roll down his eyes , the only thing he managed to ask the police is is she alive?

You are seriously injured I advise you to go to the hospital, see there as soon as possible, from the police station Hospital was a 30 km away, don't worry I will take you the police said,

On the way Daniel only thought about his mother prayed to God for her to survive.

Arriving at Daniel Hospital and ran to reception and gave the name of his mother to the receptionist, the detective was at his side, room 203.

his mother was intubated several devices in her Daniel then collapsed on the floor, (system you can analyze my body) mother and see what her life chances are?) [scanning the 45 year old woman's body 20% chance of life]

this time the policeman took Daniel by the arm and put him sitting in a chair and said how the accident was, the driver lost control and fell off the bridge, rest assured the company is taking responsibility for paying any and all treatment of all victims, I don't care that I want them arrested I want him dead.

I know your pain my son, You don't know anything, I know yes I lost my mother when I was 12 years old My father ran away when she died I ended up in the orphanage so I can tell you the pain you are feeling Daniel then looked at the detective said I'm sorry I'm just thinking about me and my mother, I said the same thing if you did, but you can leave it. I'll do it justice for you at the moment. We are doing expertise on the bus. We already found that the bus had mechanical failures. driver and yes of the company, please tell me the name of the company?

Rio Claro, Thanks for telling me this I will take revenge on this company I will make it be destroyed can count on my fingers in less than seven years it will no longer exist, if my mother dies it will decrease to three years for my revenge.

The detective has seen many cases and many serial killers, but it was the first time he shivered with fear he felt Daniel's bloodlust that overflowed from him looked like a demon wanting his soul.

This boy everything he is saying he is going to do, Daniel so that night he passed by his mother caressing her face (system I read a lot of Light Novel, is there shopping in you?) [Yes from level 10 he opened] ( system in this mall has any medicine to cure it?) [yes, but you will pay a very high price for this medicine Are you sure about that? ] (I have no matter what the price I have to pay will be worth it) [so I will help you level up I will instruct you on How to level up faster] (Thanks system) {God are you sure you want to do this with him the system was talking to God, I need him I need him to prove that I did not make a mistake in choosing}

the system was silent at that moment.

the next day Daniel went to a bakery But he had no money in his pocket, beside him without waiting was the detective, are you hungry? I'm starving, shall we eat something? but I didn't, the detective didn't even let Daniel finish what he was going to say don't worry I will pay, when I returned to the police station, I read that you were also abandoned by your father And your mother was the only support if you worked overnight bourgeois who mistreated you, I did a thorough investigation of your mother and you, I know you were bullied at school and never reported anyone.

Can I ask you something The detective said? what did Daniel ask? cry, scream, fight with the world so that you will feel better so you will not do anything stupid that will hurt your mother when you leave the hospital, Daniel's tears start to fall Daniel then he screamed with pain howled with rage, the owner the bakery felt the pain of Daniel knew that the loved one was there in the hospital between life and death you asked the customers to leave and not have to pay, Daniel cried for half an hour, the manager who owned the bakery came close Daniel.

Son every day visits his loved one can come here and eat for free, who is hospitalized there today we asked, my mother she suffered a bus accident.

that accident the manager asked? yes. Where's your dad at that time? I don't have a father, I only have my mother, the manager then wept with Daniel, he was a detective manager all crying.

Everyone wanted to comfort Daniel but it was Daniel who consoled everyone not to cry she is not dead yet she is alive she is fighting I know that.

The detective at that time said that by protocol I should take you to the orphanage, but I don't have the courage To take you to that place I will leave you living in your house in the meantime I will pay for water and electricity, the bakery manager said and I will pay for food .

You don't have to do this, we do because we wouldn't be human beings.

Thank you all for helping me When I am older I will reward you all, Daniel So I go home it wasn't the same without your mom it was almost 9 am when he heard it in your head [you said you would do any right thing? ] yes [Go to the library and read as many books as you can All the suits you can learn, preferably industrial mechanics, IT e-network computer system, and also about economics and stock exchange devour these books as if it were his life in his hands]

Daniel then ran to the library that was close to his home and started reading books the system was always warning (system please silence the warnings because it is disturbing) [as you wish]

Daniel spent the whole day almost all night there reading the books he learned a lot he had already read all the books on industrial mechanics about computer network systems and also about economics and stock exchange.

The next day the system gave Daniel another list to read and this one was more dangerous. [Read about wars, tactical guerrilla weaponry, all about war related How does a gun weight of ammunition how far does the projectile reach all of this? Just read this type of book no more]

The days went by the months went by the years went by until Daniel's graduation, that day Daniel was the school's speaker he was considered the best student with the highest grade in the school several colleges to offer on scholarships like Harvard among other renowned ones but Daniel had one thing on his mind first I need to do some things before entering college on the day of the college interview Daniel asked them for 3 years, as Daniel was the best in the class they asked Daniel to take a test, to prove that it is worth waiting three years for him.

Daniel got a top grade 10 had questions that not even teachers could solve in college, we will wait for your three years but can we know where you are going?

yes i will serve the SEAL of the Navy, now more than ever we expect you because you are a Patriot.

Daniel So he signed up for the Navy specifically for SEALs when the captain saw that a young man with a high IQ who could go to Harvard or any other renowned college he found Daniel crazy, called the sergeant and said take this role and make this man's life boy hell what time they take that base in a month and go to college this is not a child's place.

unfortunately for the sergeant you spent a month and Daniel was the first shot at martial arts everything that was taught Daniel absorb like Sponge

One year passed in his training and again he heard that voice he hadn't heard in a year [congratulations you reached level 10 I want to open the mall] [Yes] x [No]

Daniel didn't even think twice [But before you need to take a medicine your body will undergo a mutation you will feel a lot of pain advises you and kills you so no one can hear you scream]

Daniel obeyed the system and a pregnant woman of all went to the forest. What this liquid is going to do to me. I cannot say I am not authorized, but I can say that it will not kill you.

It's okay to pass anything by my mom.

Daniel then takes a black liquid, as soon as he went down his throat he started to feel pains like he never had before even when he was beaten by his classmates it seemed like he had been hit by a bus his whole body was contorted the pain was very great Daniel then took a stick and put it in his mouth to keep from shouting this. It took 24 hours for Daniel's clothes to be soaked with sweat, [just a minute before the transition is over]

that was the best news that Daniel received.

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