

higher content for 14 years How people become billionaires Daniel thought: Will I ever be rich to be able to go into a store and buy what I want? Will I ever be able to give my family a better life? Will I ever stop starving? Daniel's story begins when he was 15 years old at school, where it all started in a simple joke ended in a tragedy. Was it a tragedy or was it a blessing? We will find out in the course of history, mathematics is simple as everyone knows write current books, and sometimes a book on Parallel World but this time I want to change the book's concept a little, this will be the one that will give me more work I will try to write at least each chapter 2000 to 3000 words will not be easy, but the chapters will also be every other day, all my books I write in my head at the time I am writing I am thinking of the plot what can happen what's around that table has something special? When Aladdin rubbed the lamp, did he expect a gene to come out? Was alibaba and the 300 thieves true? There will be many, but one thing I can say you dream only depends on you. I dreamed of traveling the world, I managed to travel the world to know Japan to know China which is a beautiful country to know the United States to know England, I knew the land of my grandparents Italy to know the culture of Turkey so I can tell you Stop dreaming not dreaming because one day maybe a dream of yours comes true, there is a saying that the one who does not dream does not live, are you alive? then dream. come dream with me live dreams joys sadness smiles emotions I don't say that in the book but in real life be someone different get out of the chair show what you can do, i'll be waiting for you in your dreams!

DanielBR · Urbain
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21 Chs

The big party part 1

Only us from the office you hired are here to sign the contract,

please give me the contract so I will sign it and you start right away this is a company told you right? Yes of course! Okay then! As soon as Daniel signed the contract with all of them, Daniel then went on to secretary only schedule tomorrow I have college proof I will not answer anyone except my mother this is my cell phone he is cloned with me every and any call that comes to my phone goes for yours i'm giving you have if you are the navy you ask to call another number they know the other number, also hire a pool cleaner every other day i want him to clean the pool even if i don't use also I would like you to fix it if the private driver with defensive driving and if possible he was already from the police, or from the Armed Forces, but preferably if it is from the police.

Here is a 10 million dollar card you are allowed to buy what you need for food and some things that are missing in the house that I didn't buy the password is 123 456 789 as soon as you use it the first time it will ask for a new password you Enter the password you want isto youchoose it also want youbuy a comb around a million dollars criteria to a million andhalf dollars for private driver preferably this car is armored with protection level 3.

the secretary was very Abílio everything Daniel spoke she was writing.

It was already 8 o'clock in the morning and several trucks had arrived Daniel informed the porter and he let 2 security pass They accompanied the deliveries, Daniele is considered the richest of that building and that gave him some perks like that.

The assemblers were very fast, the house was ready at 10:30 in the morning, the cleaners in how many assemblers were finishing were already cleaning the house the kitchen was the first to be set up and the cook started preparing the food, I will pay the office I don't want be disturbed until 5 PM please.

At the office Daniel opened his notebook and started looking for land to buy in California or Texas where it was cheaper and on account Daniel then found land in Texas that was being sold for 2000 hectare 20 million dollars, Daniel did not hesitate to buy it now i need to hire people to plant, Daniel then contacted an agronomy college in Texas and asked if some of the former students would be interested in being a farm manager and an agronomist too? The director was elated, loved Daniel's proposal and even helped him look for even workers who were willing to work for him, so Daniel also bought machinery He bought a tractor to plow the earth he bought a sprayer, but what Daniel wanted was that the seeds were planted by human hands and not by machines now the dean didn't understand more or less what I wanted, but it would be a lot of labor Daniel would spend almost $ 100,000 on it. But as he did not know how they would react to the plants in the soil of another world Daniel wanted to plant them manually the first time, of course the second would be quiet because it would be the second wave of seed would have already been transformed and would be easier.

Daniel spent another three million dollars and machinery to build a barn under construction in Silos to build a house for the workers, and the money was going away, but he wasn't calling, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon the secretary hit his door sir dinner is ready i'm already leaving just a moment Daniel So he remembered 50 million he had invested, now this 50 million will yield Daniel 500 million dollars Daniel So both of them this money to buy livestock almost all of it, because he invested another 50 million to build a grain cooperative, this would be his cooperative where he would sell and buy grain, he would sell more than he would buy. With this fund the cooperative was going from strength to strength he bought a two-story building worth three million dollars, because it was abandoned the cost of the renovation was one million dollars so in all he spent 4 million dollars the cooperative had a debt of four million dollars what they now had was forty-six million dollars Daniel hired experienced employees from other states each employee If I would earn at least $ 5000 this is a big salary in that area, but Daniel didn't care with that, Daniel now invested another $ 100 million dollars

on the stock exchange in a growing company called 1001 it was a bus company Daniel bought 60% of the shares of this company he was the majority shareholder, with that money Daniel bought so much bus that would travel to the entire United States three times a day a bus would leave for each American state.

Daniel also had a vision that urban buses were also much faster money bought a bus fleet higher than Rio Claro the company that ran over his mother, put the fare 20 cents cheaper besides buses, being better and new was also a way to tell you that the war started, Daniel closed his notebook so it took at least 10 minutes. Daniel then handed all the paperwork over to his secretary.

You manage for these companies of mine, you will earn 2% of the gross profit of these companies, "before being hired the owner of the company that indicated the secretary called in his office and said what this guy who recommended that the secretary be trained in administration he predicted that this guy was very rich and that it would help to boost his career, he was right in what he said she thought at that moment ".

Daniel So if you sat down at the table and told your employees all of you from today on, no one eats elsewhere, but here at the table with me no matter if the President of the United States was here, you eat with me, it sucks to eat alone.

His employees then took the dishes and went to the table and ate the same food that Daniel was eating lobster, shrimp fish meat salad all the best and the best that gave more encouragement to his employees for his work even more encouragement for the cook to do the best food to taste Her ideas that she didn't have the opportunity to show at the restaurant, because the chef at that place was macho.

Everything had changed in the mind of these employees of the secretary about Daniel they thought he was a rich Rich, but they saw the other side of Daniel.

The next day was the day of the exam, Daniel didn't take even 30 minutes to finish all the exams for the two chairs that were doing administration and law, his teachers already knew Daniel they knew he will go fast in the exam, so Daniel handed over proof went out without waiting for the note to be delivered, because he knew they were a perfect note, Daniel was then in the cafeteria eating something and thinking about some things, I need grains and more seeds so Daniel went to the bathroom there and teleported to a city , showing his Adventurer card and passing the guards, he went straight to the Merchants guild and bought everything again and told the merchant that he would return the next week to get everything ready for him, he had already paid in advance, but this time Daniel not only bought grain but also horse cows these cows would take at least a week to arrive the guild leader said, Daniel had bought more than 500 ox heads and more than 500 c cow and more than 200 horses a Guild leader even thought that Daniel was wanting to make a war in some country, but he took it out after he saw that he was buying grains and seeds is just that he was wanting another peaceful life and wanting to leave this adventurer life was what all adventurers did when they made money.

Daniel came back at the end of the race where everyone was leaving when Daniel was leaving the bathroom found Daiana, Oi! How are you, beautiful girl? Every naughty boy who only appears when he wants to hehehehe Daiana knew that Daniel was at war in another country, but he couldn't say it out loud, because he told her in secret. So what day are you coming to visit my new home? Daniel asked?

Just invite me, Daiana said.

Am I inviting you now and will you take a bikini please? Alright then, since you want to see me in a bikini like this, I'm going to please you a little bit, the two talked for a while and Daniel left college and went home, at home he received a message from Daiana Saturday I'll be there, Daniel sent a message to her, ok i will be waiting.

Daniel picked up his phone, called the entire platoon at 01, which was him at 10

0 to bring their families and bring bathing suits. Everyone confirmed their presence. Daniel sent an air ticket to his mother and stepfather saying that Saturday they are here and I will send the car pick them up at the airport and asked to bring clothes to spend the weekend here and bathing suits also, as it was hot it was summer the weather was hot and muggy.

His mother and Richard confirmed their presence.

Daniel warned all the employees to take turns that day to take a shower and enjoy it. I don't want just you guys working, I want you. Enjoying this day, remember that I even said that the President of the United States has at the table or at a party, you'll enjoy what I'm going to enjoy it, everyone was happy to hear that.

And you can bring your families and if you are married your spouses and children if you have one.

Daniel communicated the secretary to communicate to the porter about it, the same is immediate and came down with an envelope that did not know what Daniel had given her and asked not to open deliver directly to the porter to security guards on the second and first floors from the parking lot and the security guards around the building and inside the building and she did it with more pleasure it took a while, but it was delivered.

Moments later I heard so many calls from the intercom thanking Daniel, some even said they needed that money that arrived on time, Daniel handed over 10,000 to each one, it was more than their salary.

Two days later his car was licensed and the second car arrived with the driver.

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