
God on Descent

Helsia, a world filled with countless possibilities with countless races............... Gods even. However, where ever there is a higher being there shall be another. A Supreme God one who created the world has descended!!!! All beings whether they be beasts of the forest, dwarves of the mountains, or humans of the cities. They were all alerted of his presence. 18 years have passed and everyone has believed that it was a false rumor but there are still some faithful believers ,but there hasn't been any news of a Supreme God......or so they thought.

Glasses_Dude · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

Supreme God

"Huh? Supreme God, never heard of it."

"...." Aurora stared at Kreed like he was an idiot. I mean who can blame her everyone would've known who the Supreme God was. Well everyone except Kreed.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Kreed said.

"Ah, sorry, I was just wondering how you don't know about the Supreme God. Didn't your parents tell you about it when you were growing up?" Aurora asked curiously.

Kreed answered with"... I don't have parents. I am an orphan and all I know when my birthday is and who I am."

"Oh, I am sorry to hear that." Aurora said with guilt.

"It's alright I have already accepted it and that is just who I am." As Kreed said this Aurora felt a tinge of sadness coming from him.

"Well, moving back on topic The Supreme God is a being that everything worships. Though there has been people who worshipped HIM for their or desires such as asking HIM to grant them power for either the good or bad cause. Eighteen years ago, The Supreme God descended and every being was aware of his presence ,well except infants ,of course, they can't comprehend what is happening. And the day that the Supreme God descended has become a national holiday ,a day of celebration. Though some people don't believe that The Supreme God came down. The day that The Supreme God came down is five days from now." Aurora explained this with seemingly great joy. Joy for knowing that a Supreme God came down and will one day greet his creations.

"Huh. What a coincidence my birthday is in five days as well." Kreed remarked.

"Yeah that's kind of a freaky coincidence."Aurora commented.

"Well, why dont you stay here for a while with me since you aren't fully healed yet" Kreed said whilst looking at Aurora's bandaged body.

"O-oh, o-ok..." Aurora was red and you could see steam coming from her head.

"Hm? Are you ok? Why are you red? Do you have a fever?" Kreed came closer to her face whilst placing his hand on her forehead.

"A-ah!! N-no I-I a-am f-fine. N-no n-need t-to d-do a-anything." Aurora said whilst stuttering

"Ok then, just call me if you need anything." Kreed said as he moved away.

"O-ok" Aurora then muttered something.

"Well, if that is all I will take my leave then." Kreed said as he proceeded to go out the door.

"W-wait!!" Aurora yelled.

Kreed stopped and asked "Yes?"

"I-I n-never g-got t-to a-ask y-your n-name.''Aurora asked shyly.

He smiled and said "Kreed. My name is Kreed."

To be continued~

yea its short ik but some lore i guess

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