
Spirit Integration

In a green and lucius jungle a 10 year old with a small frame but tall for his age, brown eyes and curly hair he was wearing a white suit he look sharp but his baby face made him look adorable. He was looking for his favorite bird named Quetzal, to him this bird was the most beautiful bird, it used to be the national bird of a small country back on earth before humankind was force out of the planet by spiritual beasts 2000 years ago.

Noah decided to dive into a virtual world to ease his anxiety before going to his baptism since his future was depending on the power that he awakened. A bird's chirp caught Noah's attention it was a familiar sound it was exactly what he was looking for the Quetzal with its green feather a red feather chest and a long beautiful tail similar to a green snake, looking at this bird Noah anxiety banish into nothingness.

"You look so good on your uniform darling" a charming voice sounded in the living room where a well built man that look to be around his early 30 and a beautiful lady around the same age was helping her husband with his medals, he came back from deployment for his sons big day. He remember his own baptism when he awakened a very common power that enable him to use mana to enhance his body like many other that have this power have join the military but even with this week power he was able to advance thru the ranks in the military to a first sergeant taking command of a squadron.

"Don't worry honey no matter what power Noah awakens he is a Redfield he is tough like his father and smart like his mother" she told her husband she was very proud of her husband and she was happy to have her husband back home, "haha you are right honey, Noah is a smart boy even if he has the same power i'll show him the ropes, and he will ascend to the top he will bring glory to the last name redfield." Andres said it in a cheerful voice he was happy about his son baptism but he was thinking of the orders he receive from HQ he was given a leave to go back home for a few days before he had to deploy back into the front lines. "So you admit the am smarter than you" she said with a smirk. "of course you are the smartest women on this planet haha you married me after all."

After leaving the gaming pod Noah jump onto his father's arms he was feeling excited now after finding a Quetzal he took it as a good omen, the last time he saw a quetzal was on the first time he got the gaming pod, it was a birthday gift that his father gave him since he was very curios of how earth used to look like before the apocalypse. His dad told him of the many species that used to inhabit earth and this virtual world created by the government was the perfect tool to show humans what we had lost on that day.

In front of a tall building a man in a military uniform and a child entered the building, this was the medical facility this place was also incharge of the baptism. It was discovered that the best age for a human to be exposed to liquid mana was when they were 10 years old, it was when the human body can take the most liquid mana in order to develop their power the more mana the person absorb the greater the power.

"Wow how adorable is this Noah you have grown tall and handsome" a tall female doctor exclaim as she pinch Noah's cheeks, "let aunty Maria take you to my lab" this is his father eldest sister Dr. Maria she had awakened a healing power and now she was head of this colony medical brach. "Maria what are you doing here can't you see you are scaring my son," Andres stood in front of Noah giving his sister a hug. "I heard from lisbeth that you came back a few day ago and just now you decided to show your face." Maria said as she tried to avoid the hug but it was to late or perhaps her little brother got faster, "who do you think I am my LITTLE brother now that my nephew is getting baptized of course i'll be incharge of the procese this is my territory after all." she exclaimed with her head held high "now let go of me I can't wait to see what my nephews power will be I can only hope it won't be a useless power like yours."

In a room Noah was put inside a pod similar to the gaming pod but this one was made of a shiny metal that can hold liquid mana the process of the baptism is very simple, the child will be sumerge under liquid mana for a period of time until the awakening happen once that happen the child will know how to use their gift. There were two types of power a human can obtain one like his father help the individual absorb mana to enhance their bodys and the other type was like his aunt that can manipulate mana outside the body. The external power is what most people wanted to obtain but the chances of this happening are 1 in a 100.

At this moment the pod started to fill with liquid mana Noah's body felt strange at times cold at times hot even when he was completely submerge in liquid mana he did not feel wet and he could still breath, mana was not like water it was intangible it was only by scientific advancement that humans were capable of manipulating mana to this level. "This feeling it's starting from what father and aunt have told me this must mean that my body has started to absorb mana this is great I hope that I can take at least a liter of liquid mana that way it will be a guaranteed that I will awaken an external power like the Emperor and control the elements."

"Maria why is it taking so long is Noah vital stable?" Andres ask in a consorn voice "relax brother I will never allow something bad to happen to my cute nephew, just go outside i'll let you know when everything is done." "I understand sister i'll leave you to your job but please let me know if anything goes wrong." As Andres left the room Marias forehead was cover with sweat it was not that something had gone wrong but things were just to strange she stared wide eyed at the data displaying on her monitor.

The pod was constantly filling with liquid mana but Noah's body kept absorbing it all with no sight of stopping, Maria had no idea exactly how much mana her nephew had absorb but it has been at least a couple of gallons, the only reason she had not destroy the pod herself was because Noah's vitals were perfectly normal. "Dear me what a monster how are you absorbing so much mana, this amount is enough to make a human adult explode how is it that a 10 year old child is capable of absorbing so much mana what a glutton, but you are in luck kid since this is your aunt's place you can eat your fill and you don't need to worry about the higher ups ill cover things up for you."

This is taking to long but I feel refreshing "bip bip" but suddenly Noah heard a mechanical voice that informed him that the spiritual integration is completed and a panel pop up in front of Noah. "what is this?" noah was thinking this but out of his expectations the same voice sounded in his head again answering his doubts, "this is your status window as you can see your data is display as the following"

Noah Redfield

level 1 Human

Strength: 8

Endurance: 8

Perception: 10

Agility: 9

intelligence: 6

Charisma: 10

Luck: 100

0/100 EXP

"wow is the system making fun of my intelligence is it saying am a lucky fool" "that's correct master the highest stat you have is luck while your intelligence is the lowest" At this time Noah did not know whether to laugh or cry. "So are you my power?" "think of me like a computer program design to make you into a God of War don't misunderstand master you are not dumb actually for your age having intelligence above 5 means that you are smarter than an average human adult since most humans have stats of 5 of curse that was before the use of liquid mana." Noah understood he took the system as his power but he still had some doubts he could take why his intelligence was only at 6 but why were the other stats much higher especially luck, there was a mistake in his stats if a normal stat was that of a 5 than there must be a typo, that's right the system made an error an his luck must be a 10 and not a 100 what a crappy sistem is there a way he could ask for a new one this one has a bug "system you made a mistake measuring my luck?" Noah ask with a face that was about to cry. "There are no mistakes master once the system was bounded to your soul it use most of its power to increasing your luck stat since you won't be able to increase any stat above 100 until you bracke true to an immortal and you will need all the luck you could have that let me explain quickly I modify all of your stat except for your intelligence that must be a personal choice since it might modify your personality." Noah was going to ask more of the system he just found that this was fascinating do he still had his doubts could he be dreaming but he was interrupted by the sound of the pod opening once Noah looked at his aunt and her odd expression he couldn't help but laugh.

"What are you laughing at brat quick follow me and put this on" Maria handed him a black ring, Noah eyes lit up instantly he knew how useful this ring was and now that he had been baptized it normal to get one for himself but a black ring was reserve for people that held higher positions in the military. "Aunt Maria will this be ok?" Nah could help but ask as he knew that this ring was highly valuable, "don't worry this is a gift from your aunt if any person objects you can tell them to ask for me" Noah broke a cold sweat if he told that to a person won't he get his ass beat " Master put it on if I'm not mistaking you can change the color of the ring to mask it as a lower grade ring" once Noah heard his system he didn't hesitate longer and put the ring on, immediately the ring shrank to the size of Noah's finger. "Now follow me we need to test your power to update the data on ring"

Noah was led to a a room with different equipments he had seen some of them before he had seen his father used some of the before back at their house he grew excited this was the perfect chance to test if the system was telling him the true. "Let's start with your strength stand before the pillar and strike it with all of your strength."

Noah stud in front of the pillar and drew a punch with al of his strength, immediately the pillar tun from white to yellow, Marias face stare at Noah's back in disbelief for a 10 year old to have the strength to turn the pillar to yellow that was the strength that only a person that has gone threw at least 1 year of intense training and this was without using any type of technique or mana enhancing methods.

"Master you have recibe a skill book" Noah was surprised by the system announcement as he thought what a skill book was a book appeared on his hands it was a red buck with golden letters "Mighty Fist Technique" Noah was surprised he looked behind him to see if his aunt saw the odd book suddenly materialize before him but she had the same expression she had after his awakening he could not help but think that there was something wrong with aunt brain "Master quickly open the skill book and don't worry no one but you can see the book" oh ok as noak open the book it banish with it a flood of information was added imprinted into his mind he felt like he had puch countless of times this made his breath quicken he immediately change his stance regulated his breathing and a small amount of his mana cover up his fist with that Noa's eyes shine with a hint of red, he struck the pillar this time making it shake a little but the color did not change from yellow to the next color instead 2 white ring where added to the pillar. This meant that he has dealt two fold of the previous damage.

At this time Maria was shaking to the core his nephew was an absolute genius with a technique that his father had taught him he was able to double his strength, Maria could only assume that the technique that Noah just displayed was taught by him from his father. "let us try something more challenging don't you agree my cute nephew?" Maria ask as she took her nephew to a different room. "this is a gravity chamber ill step outside all you hace to do is bare the extra weight while you dodge the attacks don't worry the attacks are at the minimal so it won't hurt but it will deduct you point so try your best , ok" Maria left the chamber leaving behind a dumfuld Noah behind, "wath is it with the extra test? don't I have something to say in the matter" but before that he suddenly felt heavier "Noah get ready the guns on the front and back will start to shooting on the count of 10."

Sistem how can I unlock more skill books "beep new quest updated"

Dodge 100 attacks without getting hit once

Current progress 0/100

Reward skill book lightnight steps technique.

"Aunty Maria please don't stop the test until I manage to duge 100 attacks" Noah said with a grin on his face the last skill book he eat felt really good and he wanted to add more skills to his skill list right now he only had one skill and if he wanted to become the strongest human his dream of becoming a 5 star general and lead a massive army to retake earth was Noah's biggest dream to be the one to reclaim earth back.