
God Of War's Destiny Line

Chang Yi, the god of war, managed to seal away the 300,000-year-old demon queen. To kill the demon queen, one must first collect her three soul cores scattered across the three realms of the world. But only the nine-tailed fox goddess could use the sacred sword Xylan to find the demon's soul core. Chang Yi was betrothed to the fox goddess, but until now, the fox goddess has never appeared in the heavenly realm. Celestial King Suchuan strictly forbade his younger brother Chang Yi to fall in love with any fairy. Instead, Chang Yi fell in love with the lowest caste flower fairy. This is where their journey begins.

Mlla_Pngst · Oriental
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3 Chs

Si Ming Temple

Si Ming had taken the soul essence of the chrysanthemum flower and mixed it with the golden powder from An lake. The combination of the two objects created a fairy seed he successfully nurtured and took on as his first disciple. 

Fang Yin, a woman born from the chrysanthemum soul core, has no particular talent. Fang Yin was born in the heavenly realm, registered as a citizen of the holy goddess but belonging to the lowest caste there. 

Since her birth, only Xiuhan had loved her sincerely. Unexpectedly, Fang Yin grew into a mature girl but depended on her teacher. 

"Fang Yin will be sad if master leaves! Fang Yin can't live if there's no teacher, no one can protect Fang Yin after this!" 

Fang Yin always remembered the moment her teacher left. Until now, Fang Yin never knew where Xiuhan went. All he knew was that his teacher left over twenty thousand years ago. He was leaving only his incompetent strength and chrysanthemum root body intact in his body. 

"Fang Yin, one day you will understand why your teacher made you alive. Being created from a chrysanthemum is not a bad thing. Master will always be by your side, to protect you, warm your body, and take care of you. Later, when a master is gone, promise to always take good care of Si Ming Temple." 

Fang Yin nodded obediently. As a disciple, the girl obeyed her teacher's orders. If it weren't for Xiuhan, Fang Yin wouldn't have been honored as a fairy in the Suchuan sky. Especially considering Fang Yin's magical knowledge was so low, it was still a mystery why Xiuhan left his disciple in such an untalented state. 

The Next 20 Thousand Years. 

Fang Yin always guards the Ling Yin temple, and no one can enter the temple except those who have ordered from the great god. However, this was also rare, as the deities who came to greet Ling Yin Temple were the chosen deities who had the privilege of reading one's book of life. However, even so, they are not allowed to read their life books. This is because the destiny that has been written there is the destiny created by the heavens. 

Fang Yin passed her days lonely; not a single goddess from Suchuan Hall would befriend her. As the guardian goddess of the temple, Fang Yin graciously accepted her destiny. 

The bell in front of the temple rang, meaning someone was coming. 

Fang Yin saluted when she saw a fairy coming from Suchuan Hall. 

The fairy had such beautiful skin and was glowing white. Her hairpin was made of golden orchid wood, indicating that the fairy was of the highest caste in the celestial palace. 

"Fairy Jianying, why have you come here?" asked Fang Yin. 

Jianying was a fairy who had the number one highest caste in the celestial palace. She was the daughter of the god Jiazhen, a god who was the first-level prime minister of the Suchuan sky palace. 

"Do I need to tell you my reason for coming here? Move aside, I have no business with you." 

Jianying stared flatly ahead; to her right now, Fang Ying was nothing more than a chrysanthemum whose fairy root had been damaged. 

"Sorry fairy, Fang Yin is just doing her duty as a disciple of Xiuhan as well as a guardian of Ling Yin Temple. Please tell me what your purpose is, if it's to see the contents of the Book of Life, then Fang Yin will prevent you." 

Without losing respect, Fang Yin tried to warn Jianying not to do whatever she wanted. 

Jianying smiled bitterly, then pursed her lips, "I'm Jianying, a model fairy in the heavenly palace, how could I break the rules of the heavens. I just want to pick some purple peonies, so get out of my way!" 

Fang Yin immediately shifted her body and let Jianying into the temple. 

But when Fang Yin remembered something, she immediately followed Jianying inside. 

Jianying seemed to pick out the most delicate and most beautiful red peonies. With no regard for Fang Yin, the one who had nurtured those flowers with a quarter of her soul core. 

"Fairy Jianying, this flower that you want to pick is one of the flowers that I took care of with a quarter of my soul core. If you take it, it means that you owe me, a fairy like you cannot possibly want to owe a lowly fairy like me. Therefore--" 

While picking a sprig of red peony flower. "Just say what you want. I don't want to owe a lowly fairy like you anything!" 

Jianying's eyes were only focused on the peony she had just picked. She was utterly reluctant to look at Fang Yin's face at this time. 

Fang Yin smiled, relieved that Jianying understood what he meant. 

"You take my flowers, I'll consider it even. Are you going to offer the flowers to Lord Chang Yi?"

If that was true, it meant that Lord Chang Yi had returned from the dissolution of sins. 

"Whether I offer it to Lord Chang Yi or not is none of your business little fairy!"

Jianying immediately stepped out, ignoring Fang Yin, who was in front of her.

Fang Yin spread out both hands, intending to intercept Jianying and force her to answer his question. "Sorry, it's not that I meant to be impudent. I just want to know if Lord Chang Yi has returned to the heavenly palace. Once the fairy answers, I won't get in your way anymore." 


"Move aside!" 

"If you still don't step aside, I won't hesitate to crush the ribs of your newly formed fairy!" 

"I beg you, please answer my question. You've taken flowers at master Xiuhan's residence, even though the master has been gone for thousands of years, it doesn't mean you can take something out of this temple. I'll consider it even if you answer my question."

Jianying felt so annoyed with Fang Yin's reiteration. The lowly elf seemed to be ignorant of her current status. 

"Alright. This peony flower is indeed for Lord Chang Yi, he will return to the sky palace the day after tomorrow, but don't expect you to be able to give a gift directly. Because only fairies who have the upper three tiers will be allowed to pay him homage!"