
Chapter 4: Money & New Suit

"I'm exhausted," Barry thought to himself after running for a few hours to test his limits, and now he's drinking water to quench his thirst.

"Barry, do you want to check out your high-speed record?" Cisco asked, approaching Barry with a tablet in hand.

"Sure thing," Barry replied.

As Cisco showed him, Barry was slightly surprised.

"Hmm, Mach 1.5, not bad," Barry mused.

"Yeah, I need to train more. I won't stand a chance if I'm slow," Barry thought.

"Not bad? You're faster than sound. How is that not impressive?" Cisco questioned.

"Well, I want to push myself and see if there's a limit to my speed," Barry explained.

"You're crazy, but I dig it," Cisco grinned.

"Oh, and can you whip up a superhero suit for me?" Barry asked, flashing a grin.

"That's why you're my guy. Give me a few days, and I'll tailor one just for you," Cisco promised.

"Nice," Barry said, raising his fist.

Cisco bumped fists with him. "Don't worry, I'll make it perfect."

"I'm heading home; I need some rest," Barry declared.

"Sure thing, Barry. You put in quite the effort with that test run," Cisco acknowledged.

"True," Barry agreed. "But first, I'll change out of these clothes."

Barry stood up and headed into the truck to change into something more comfortable.

"I'll head back first," Barry told Dr. Wells and Caitlin before darting off toward his home.

Along the way, he observed his surroundings, noting how people seemed to move in slow motion, which intrigued him.

Deciding to take a quick pit stop, he ducked into a nearby alley near a fast-food chain. There, he indulged in a 20-piece chicken nugget meal and a Sprite, thoroughly enjoying his food and drink.

'I need to handle my finances better and find ways to make more money. Maybe I'll try gambling,' he thought to himself.

Barry then made his way to the nearest casino and embarked on a winning streak, turning his initial $205,607 into a staggering $20,000,000 through roulette and blackjack. To avoid suspicion, he deliberately lost some money, around $10,000,000.

Despite the attention from flirtatious women at the casino, Barry remained focused on his game, ignoring their advances.

'Is this enough? Perhaps for now. It's not Wayne Enterprises or Queen Enterprises, but it'll do. I can always come back,' he reasoned.

Exiting the casino, Barry walked aimlessly, needing time to contemplate his next move.

'Do I really need to continue as a detective? No, but Thawne will notice if I suddenly stop. What should I do?' he pondered.

In a flash of insight, he found his answer.

'I'll resign, citing concerns about fucking up. It's the easiest way out, and Thawne won't suspect a thing. He'll probably be relieved that my memory is returning,' Barry concluded.

Barry made his decision and headed to the Central City Police Department (CCPD). Upon arrival, he was greeted by a few police officers, to which he responded politely before making his way to his room.

'This place looks just like it does on TV. Let's see if my notes on my mother's murder are still here,' he thought to himself as he lifted up another board to reveal the murder board.

'Hmm, I should visit my dad, Barry's dad. In his eyes, I've been missing for nine months, and I'm sure he's worried about his son. Let's go see him,' Barry resolved.

Before leaving, Barry stopped by Captain Singh's office.

"What brings you here, Barry? Any progress on your memory?" Captain Singh inquired.

"Yes, I have but can I submit my resignation?" Barry asked.

"Why? Is everything okay?" Captain Singh questioned.

"I'm worried that I'll make mistakes if I continue working," Barry explained.

"You can take time off until you're ready to return. Why the rush?" Captain Singh pressed.

"I just feel it's best for now," Barry insisted.

Seeing Barry's resolve, Captain Singh relented. "Alright, Barry. But remember, you're always welcome here. You're one of our best."

"Thanks," Barry said before leaving to find Joe, who was conversing with Eddie.

"Barry? What's going on?" Joe asked, puzzled.

"I just handed in my resignation," Barry revealed.

"Why? You were so determined before—" Joe stopped mid-sentence, realizing that this Barry didn't have the same memories as before.

"It's alright, Joe. I've recalled that part of my memory. I'm just concerned about my work performance," Barry reassured him.

"If you say so," Joe responded, still unsure.

"I'm heading out. See you guys," Barry said, giving Joe's shoulder a pat before leaving CCPD.

"What was that about?" Eddie asked, noticing Joe's discomfort.

"Nothing," Joe replied, leading Eddie into Captain Singh's office, where they continued their discussion.

Barry headed straight to the jail to visit his newfound father, Henry Allen. Waiting patiently, Barry watched as Henry took a seat and picked up the telephone, placing it against his ear.

Following suit, Barry did the same and assured, "I'm okay."

"I'm glad to hear that you're healthy and well. I heard about your amnesia after waking up from the coma," Henry said.

"I remember now, Dad. I remember everything, including you," Barry replied.

Henry felt a pang of guilt, understanding the weight of Barry's words. Barry had regained his memories, including the events surrounding his father's incarceration.

"I'm sorry, Barry," Henry said softly.

"It's okay, Dad. I promise, one day I'll get you out of here," Barry assured him.

Henry smiled at his son's words.

"I love you, son. Take care out there, now that you're beginning to remember," Henry said warmly.

"Okay, Dad. Love you too," Barry responded, feeling a sense of closure in their conversation.

As they parted ways, Barry waved at his dad, who was being escorted away by the guards. Henry smiled back, his heart warmed by their exchange.

Leaving the jail, Barry looked down at the ground, feeling a mix of emotions wash over him.

'This must be the weight of memory and emotion. I feel guilty and sad, but I won't let it consume me. Dad, you're my father now, and I'll work to make things right as quickly as I can,' Barry resolved silently.

Barry then headed to the nearest casino, a different one this time. From $20,000,000, he managed to increase his winnings to $60,000,000.

However, to maintain the appearance of legitimacy, Barry intentionally lost about $20,000,000, ensuring his success seemed plausible.

'I never imagined I'd resort to straight-up gambling to make money, but it's necessary. I could also consider buying a company to generate more income. Hmm, let's explore that option,' Barry contemplated.

Leaving the casino, he noticed a few people following him. Before taking any action, he stopped at a convenience store to purchase some food, devouring it all before walking into an alleyway. Moments later, three muscular men approached him.

"Let's do this," Barry said, assuming a fighting stance.

The men understood that Barry wouldn't engage in conversation unless forced, so they attacked without hesitation.

As the first man lunged with a punch, Barry anticipated his move, swiftly dodging and delivering a powerful palm strike to the jaw, causing him to stumble.

The second man attempted to grab Barry, but Barry slipped past him and delivered a precise kick to his groin, incapacitating him.

Quickly maneuvering, Barry executed a wall run and landed a precise kick to the face of the third assailant who rushed towards him.

With only one man remaining, Barry calmly subdued him with a stomp to the face. Afterward, he confiscated their phones and destroyed them before leaving them in the alley.

"What a waste of time," Barry muttered, disappointed by the unnecessary confrontation.

After his successful stint at the fourth casino, Barry decided to call it a night. His winnings had soared from $60,000,000 to an impressive $452,500,000. Content with his earnings, he made his way back home.

Upon arriving, Iris greeted him, but her warm welcome quickly turned to concern as she detected the smell of alcohol and smoke on Barry.

"Where have you been?" she asked, worried.

"It's none of your business," Barry retorted, brushing past her and heading straight to the bathroom to clean up.

Confused by Barry's cold demeanor, Iris couldn't shake the feeling of unease.

Meanwhile, Barry relished the tranquility of the bath, reflecting on his newfound approach to life.

'My job now will be saving people and gambling will be my means of income. The Speed Force granted me this power for a reason, and I'm certain it's to help others. That's what I'll focus on,'

Emerging from the bath, Barry made his way to his room and settled in for the night, ready to embrace his dual roles of hero and gambler.

The Next Day,

Barry woke up early, grumbling about his surprisingly robust health. He quickly changed into a sporty tracksuit and left the house, summoning a taxi to take him to an isolated area where he wouldn't be seen.

Arriving at the deserted location, Barry paid the taxi driver and promised to call for a pickup the next morning.

"No worries," the taxi driver replied before driving off.

Barry wasted no time, utilizing his superspeed to dart into the nearby deep forest.

"I need to work on my maneuvering. This should be a perfect spot," he reasoned.

Running through the dense foliage, Barry gracefully hurdled over obstacles and dashed through the wilderness, never slowing his pace. Along the way, he encountered various wildlife before eventually reaching a serene lake.

"This place is stunning," Barry remarked, taking a moment to appreciate the natural beauty.

After pushing himself to his limits, Barry decided it was time to head to Star Labs.

"Yo, guys," Barry greeted as he entered.

"Hey, Barry," Cisco greeted back.

"Welcome, Barry," Caitlin chimed in.

"Good to see you, Barry," Dr. Wells added.

"Now that you're here, follow me. I've got something to show you," Cisco said, leading Barry to the gadget room.

Excitedly, Cisco unveiled the suit from Season 1, earning praise from Barry.

"Great job," Barry commended, offering his fist for a bump.

"Thanks, Barry. You know me," Cisco replied, reciprocating the gesture.

"So, can I try it on?" Barry asked eagerly.

"Absolutely, but I'll be monitoring you closely. We don't know how it'll affect you," Cisco cautioned.

"Got it. But first, where's the bathroom? I need to freshen up," Barry inquired.

"You'll find one downstairs for a bath," Cisco informed him.

"Thanks, I'll be right back," Barry said before heading off.

"I'll be waiting," Cisco replied, knowing Barry's eagerness all too well.

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