
God of the Omni verse

Mc is op can erase the whole multiverse with 1 finger so yea

Farhan_Ahmed_4787 · TV
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God awaken

After billions of years the true god of the Omni verses woke up the big gods and primordials like gea Zeno one above all and more they were excited because they're creator is waking up

Zeno :I can wait I can finally see the creator again

One above all: yes I wonder what he is going to do

Presence: same it's going to be interesting


After what felt eons of sleep I woke up from my sleep I went where the gods were partying of me waking up I teleport there and when they saw me they were excited to finally see me again

Time skip 5 hours

After hours of partying the gods came to me and said lord what will you be doing I said I am going to go to Zenos universe he got excited and told the grandmaster to make everything to my liking

Then I said don't worry I will come to your universe to they nodded after that me and Zeno got ready to go