
God Of Reality

A mysterious man is appointed to a magic college named White Torch. The man starts teaching at the college as he plans different kinds of things involving reality and magic. In a world with monsters,ghosts,vampires and many more, our protagonist, Arden, the mysterious man in the eyes of others, will try to unravel the secrets of reality.

GoldFear · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Arden and Kid - Chapter 1

What is reality? A young kid asked his grandfather standing right beside him.

The old man smiled as he looked at his grandson as he spoke.

"Who knows?"

The young kid does not like what he hears.

He wants to know the difference between life and reality, between illusion and reality.

What makes something real and what makes something not real?


A rainy day outside The moon shines on the ground, illuminating the dark street. The raindrops pour like a bucket from the sky as the silence itself creates an eerie atmosphere.

"No, I do not want to see you again !"

The screams of a young woman are heard from the next room.

In the interior of a pretty ordinary room, a young man at the age of 20 opens his eyes to scream. His eyes were blue in color, and he slept on the bed with his clothes on.

"You have no right to speak to me like that, you bitch." A voice, this time belonging to a man, sounded out. He was angry, angrier than the usual young man, in his mind.

If it was his past self, he would be leaving his room and going into their room to solve the problem.

But not this time. His name is Arden, and he believes himself to be no fool. He only makes a mistake once.

"It would be better for them to not fight in the night."

Arden thought. He then smiled and whispered.


with his words, a muffled sound of vibration heard out.

Then, the silence again covered the whole night.

There was no more sound or voice that could be heard. He gets up and sits on his bed and smiles ,

Seconds later somebody knocked on his door.

Arden lets out a breath and gets up from his old wooden bed and goes to the door to open it.

He opens the door. A young boy, at the age of ten or nine, looks at him with beady eyes. His hair is messed up and he is scared.

"So, little Arnold, why are you here?"

The kid, Arnold, looks around himself and then speaks the same way as he always does. like a mosquito.

"I am scared, brother Arden.

Arden closed his eyes and then nodded.

"Come on in then."

With his words, a smile spreads across the face of young Arnold as he enters the room.

Arden takes a gray-colored bottle from his bookshelf and pours himself a drink. He also pours milk for Arnold.

Arnold sits on the wooden chair as he holds the glass cup filled with milk. His feet do not reach the ground, but it seems like he has no problem with it.

Arden sits down in front of the kid and then smiles as he asks.

"What is it this time, Arnold?"

Arnold takes a sip of his milk as he speaks.

"Lady Lia and Mister Melk make too much noise. I woke up from a nightmare, So I came here.

Arden smiles again.

"I know that. I was just wondering why you keep coming here in my room when you're scared. "

Arnold stops this time, and his eyes dart around the room for some seconds before he answers with an uncertain voice.

"I heard that Lord Arden is a mage."

Arden furrows his brows and then asks another question. His kind voice was still there.