
chapter 24: meeting




Job: Musician

MONEY: 100,202,000 HGF

POPULARITY point (p.p): 80,300,000

Fame point (f.p): 43,000

SINGING: 1/100 « legendary »

GUITAR: 92/100 « GREAT » 

CREATIVE: 79/100 « GREAT »





★first-person p.o.v (Jason tarry)★

After I set up the meeting I hooked up my headphone and hologram and officially start the meeting between the top follower and my friend and boy I have to tell you the meeting is going to be heated.

"Good morning everyone it me Jason aka winter lighting and I am here to announce that the official meet is finally started and we will begin with our intake of follower, then information update, professional intakes on the new songs."-Jason

" hello"-frost


" hi"-everyone

"So who will start first"-Jason

"I will because I was the one who was mainly in charge of the intake of followers"-frost

"So what the news anything good, bad or both"-Jason

" There is both good and badly new, so which one do you want to hear first "-frost

" bad"-Jason

"Ok, the bad news is that most of our follower is not trying to move to other groups that they think have a lead like a hidden leaf and some of them are even giving them information on our next moves but are spies were able to block them from taking so that they don't expose them and get them band form the group. furthermore, we have place dose people on the blacklist so they won't be able to reenter the community again because of their betrayal."-frost

" This is not good, not good at all"-fake

"We need to do something about that before it starts to happen on a large scale "-fake

" so what do you suggest fake "-Jason

" I think that we should put out some hard rules so that if a person leaves the group they should not give away any info or we as the group will report them for stealing. furthermore, we should also start speeding up the inquiry because the hidden leaf is speeding like a train to the finish line and we need to find a shortcut that will help us get more information and a fragment of the pictures because it will boost how much people will join our group because the more people the faster the search."-fake

"That a great idea fake. we will implement it next week when we have voted on all the rule that should be added and we will be now working on max effect so we can find a shortcut to get these clues and fragment, even if it is cheating because everything is Fair in a battlefield or treasure hunt"-Jason

" now what is the good news"-Jason

"The good news is that we have been searching for skilled people to join our group and join in the hunt and they agreed to join and we were able to get 2000 of them to join and they are now working to find the clues and all I can say is that we are very close to finding all the clues for all the songs and covers. then we will be able to piece things together all at once."-frost

" ok next is information uptake"-Jason

"The information uptake is still doing well there is nothing big happening, even doe we are losing small information but they are mainly useless. In addition, we were able to get a lot of info from the hidden leaf and now we more closely than before."-fake

" is that all"-Jason


" ok next topic, how do you guys think of the band's new song because there were some reviews and speculation on what the song meant and who the song is meant for, so I want to know where you guys think."-Jason

"I think that the song is a masterpiece because it mixes the feeling of love and rock & roll perfectly and the song even tell a story about not losing the one you love and I just want to know who hurt the lead song that much that he will write that song because I want to beat that girl half to death"-frost

" for me 'I will steal you back' is a story of love and the feeling of losing that love and you want to steal it back from the person or thing that took it"- Greg

"So everyone agrees that the song " I will steal you back ' is good, but how about 'death bed '. "-Jason

"It is soo depressing, and makes me want to live my life more because you never know when you will die."-kings

" I cried all night because it reminds me of my best friend who died from cancer and how I was always there for him until his death "-fake

" the song is deep, too deep"-Greg

"But I will give it a 4.5 out of 5 anytime because it touches me mentally and makes me love my friends, family, girlfriend and the life more "- neatest

"What happened to the band, all their songs are soo sad and depressing, what happens in their life. "-Jason

" they had to have it ruff in life "- fake

" form crystal express to this I can't take more, my eye is getting red from crying too much "-frost

-----20 minutes later-----

" ok guy I think that the meeting is over now and I will see you guy next time when more news comes out. thank you and goodbye"-Jason


" see you later "-Greg

" bye"-everyone else

(Author: I will be changing the level system for the songs because 'expert' is not a good word to use when judge the quality of a song.

p.s: there will be some Japanese song that I like that I will add to the story and also some hard rock and etc.

p.s.s: I hope you love the song I chose because they are all from my playlist in my phone