
God Of Monsters System

A 24-year-old man woke up in a void when he went to sleep. Arc one-Long live summons. All the characters or World background and character dialogues goes to (Xia Fei Shuang Jia) I only put my own twist on so please check out the original source(Xia Fei Shuang Jia). Arc two-??? I am a beginner writer, so, please don't mind if there are some basic mistakes especially some grammar and sentence structure. Ps: I do not own anime, manga, and novels mentioned in this novel I only own my OC or OC's. This is just a fanfiction:) I don't own the book cover, so if anyone has issues about it let me know :)

SniperHunter2003 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

Chapter- 5 New Rewards! Heavenly Sword Goddess! New Bloodline!

[Ding!!! Host New Rewards.]

Yue Long." FUCK!" He yelled but it's like no one heard him.

[Ding!!! Host Here Are Your New Rewards.


500,000 MP


Emperor Ōtsutsuki Bloodline.

Skill 1-Tentacle Creation.

Deception-This allows the user to create tentacles in any forum (including in place of certain limbs)or can generate tentacles or tentacle-like appendages (vines, grappling cables, ropes, etc.) from themselves, others, or any other surface.

Can also allow the user the ability to utilize tentacles and tentacle-like appendages with their physical combat, capable of strangling their opponents or throwing them or impaling them or crushing them...Etc.

Skill 2-God Vision.

Deception-This skill allows the user to use all of the Vision Faculty and Ocular Powers and Abilities/skills by possessing one or more eyes that grant them all.

They are also able to use any amount of vision-based powers at any time and have complete control over their abilities. With this ultimate eye in the user's possession, any new vision-based powers can also be copied by their God Eye.

PS from the system.

You can not lose or get them taken away from you like a red-eye clan you know.

~Quest~ Blend in your new 'family'- Complete!

~Quest~ Have more than 1 Guardian Beast- Complete!

~Quest~Make Yue Yang look dumb- Complete!

~Quest~ Tame The Loli'- Complete!

New Title.

~Loli Tamer~

Deception- Allows the Host to Tame any Loli anywhere and anytime.]

Yue Long almost puked blood when he saw his new skill ~Tentacle Creation~ and his new title ~Loli Tamer~.

Yue Long asked super scary calm." System why do I this New title!?!"

[Ding!!! The system has no comment.]

Yue Long finally exploded." WHAT no comment! I am going to no comment your fucking ass you mother@&#%#&@%@&#@!!!"

After exploding, Yue Long took a deep breath and sat up off his bed and got in the middle of his room, and then he moved his right arm and a Full Black Tentacle came from his back.

He nodded his head satisfied and then sat in the Lotus position to meditation but a simple-looking katana came into existence on his lap.

But instead of meditation, he fell asleep.

~Sleep Realm~

When he was thinking of ways to get in his Zanpakuto Realm A flying sword out, that shining flying sword suddenly turned into a beautiful goddess wearing a white, heavenly gown. Its long, white sash danced in the wind, and as her slender, beautiful legs danced lightly on the ground. Gracefully moving her wrist, her long dainty fingers danced in the air. Her slim waist moved beautifully as the unmatched beauty danced in front of Yue Long. Watching such a magical scene, Yue Long tilted his head to the right in a Cute way with sparkling eyes like when you find something interesting.

The white-gowned goddess continued to dance gracefully, as beautiful as lotus flowers in a pond. As her hands danced a thousand moves, her beauty could not be described with words.

A big, beautiful rainbow appeared behind the goddess suddenly as thousands of fresh flowers bloomed, drifting in the wind like a butterfly, Yue Long knew it was not the ending to the goddess' dance performance so he waited patiently like a student, when suddenly that goddess unleashed a transparent sword Qi from her fingers through the empty space. The attack was extremely powerful, able to separate the heaven and earth. Seeing how the beautiful goddess had a power that could shake the earth, Yue Long eyes begin to Sparkle in a dangerous way like he's planning something.

In reality, the frightening thing had yet to come. Suddenly, the goddess turned her beautiful body and in a flash, she was right in front of Yue Long.

Her pearl white hands that had the power to destroy the heavens, suddenly seemed to condense the power of thousands of swords in it.

And then put her finger was pointed at Yue Long's forehead.

~Back In Yue Long Room~

Yue Long opened his Divine golden bright eyes and said indifferently like he was not affected by the Goddess." System you got anything."

[Ding!!! The system recorded everything will you want it to go to in your memory bank?]

Yue Long said with sparkling eyes that made his Divine golden bright eyes look Holy." Yes, put in my memory bank."

When he said that the memories of the Goddess gracefully dance went in his very soul making him slowly remember it over time.

However, when he tried to remember the goddess dance better, he found out that a mysterious technique had been quietly hidden in the depths of his soul. As Yue Long thought about the event just now, a very familiar name flashed across his mind: ~Innate Invisible Sword Qi~.

Yue Long smiled seeing he got Innate Invisible Sword Qi.

Yue Long thought." Let's go to bed now because I am fucking tired!"

Yue Long then tried to go to bed but couldn't so he sat in the Lotus position and meditated again.

As he was meditating two swords a white longsword on the left and a black great sword on the right floated on their rightful sides making a humming sound but it's like he didn't hear them or see them because he kept on meditating with a peaceful smile.

~2 Hours Later~

Now we can see Yue Long get up from his Lotus position and stretched making some bone-cracking noises.

Yue Long." Haaah now let's see if I can go to bed."

When he laid on his bed he went to sleep in 2 minutes.(Author note - I wish I can do that🤣😂😢😭)

When Yue Long woke up he would then train during the day and in his dreams at night.

The Heavenly Sword Goddess would instruct him with the skill and then disappear immediately making him have a deeper understanding of skills she instructs him on.

At first, the process of assimilating the [Spiritual Energy] from the earth and the atmosphere was very fast even for him. Even after trying to absorb for the whole day, he managed to collect 1 quarter of drops.

However, Yue Long found that his mind could better connect with the earth and atmosphere in the mysterious space in his dreams. The [Spiritual Energy] absorption speed also increased by multiple folds. Hence, Yue Long would usually be fast asleep, training in his dreams. He slept as much as possible until his head hurts, before getting up to stretch and continue to train inside his house.

Fourth mother visited him a few times but had found him deep asleep. She thought that Yue Long was training and felt happy for him.

Sometimes she would see Yue Long meditating seriously. She thought that he was training his summoning skills diligently, and felt extremely glad.

Every day, she would visit both of Yue Long and Yue Yang with little Shuang ER.

And Today, Fourth mother told both of them good news. " Long-er, San-er, your Fourth Uncle had heard the news that both of you had successfully made a contract with a summoning grimoire. He was extremely ecstatic and had gone to our Clan's Main Castle to report the good news to our clan elder. He would come back in a few days. Also, with the one thousand gold, we had saved these few years, he had managed to buy a [Spirit Beast Awakening Knowledge Pill] from the Floating Mist Market. We believe it would help one of you a lot with training if you took the pill. You could even be promoted to level 2 and break into a new realm, advancing from your current [Beginner] rank."

Amongst the Four Major Clans, if there were talented warriors who could not make a contract with a summoning grimoire, they would usually seek help from the Four Great Sects.

These Four Great Sects would usually have a few [Spirit Pills] for sale, and these pills were extremely expensive.

After taking these pills, the probability of successfully contracting a summoning grimoire would increase a whole lot. Although the success probability was not 100%, but it was at least 30%. Because of this, naturally there would be countless of people after it.

However, the [Spirit Pills] released by the Four Great Sects was a luxury good that commoners could never afford.

First, the amount was limited, and second, the price was exorbitant.

And Based on the currency here, 1 gold is equivalent to 100 silver or 10,000 copper coins.

A thousand gold means ten million copper coins.

Fourth mother had sold all their family's wealth and even pawned her dowry in order to raise the funds for the [Spirit Beast Awakening Knowledge Pill]. Yue Long had seen that the beautiful woman had only been wearing simple ornaments in her head. From this, one could only imagine the worth of a thousand gold coins. If not for the inheritance they received from their clan, who would have such a large amount of money to buy a [Spirit Pill]?

Fourth mother had tried to support both Yue Long and Yue Yang.

Yue Long said righteously." You could give the pill to Shuang-er meimei, we both have already made a contract successfully."

(Author Thought- ~Meimei~ Means younger sister in Chinese)

"What foolish things are you saying? Shuang-er is still young, how would you know if she could not make a summoning grimoire contract in the future? Maybe next year this girl could even already successfully contracted a grimoire! This [Spirit Beast Awakening Knowledge Pill] is bought for one of you. Although both you have successfully made a contract, you both contracted it a little late and even better for you Long-er because you waited for San-er. If one of you take the pill, one of you could catch up to your peers and live up to your Fourth Uncle and my hopes. Your parents would also hopes that both of you would be successful in the future and bring glory to our Yue Clan. Why are you so stubborn?" The beautiful woman was immediately unhappy hearing Yue Long rejection and showed a displeased expression. She advised him with thoughtful words, " Long-er, although your Fourth Uncle a low-ranked government official, our family could be considered well-off. But it was not easy to save a thousand gold, so one of you shouldn't waste our good intentions and Long-ee you should be more selfish now and then."

Yue Long thought." But I am super selfish!" He wanted to yell at the heavens for being so unjust but couldn't because he trying to blend in his new 'family' for now.

So he acted."Yes, yes…I was wrong." Yue Long said hurriedly making it look more real.

"I have already written a letter to ask Bing-er to take a leave from her school and come back home. She could teach both of you some basic summoning skills. I think she would be back by tomorrow, maybe one of you can check if you need to prepare anything. Si Niang knew both of you are hardworking, but don't train too much, you have to know your own limits. Rest well tonight, don't meditate anymore."

Fourth mother didn't know that Yue Long had been sleeping and eating well these few days. The [Innate] Invisible Sword Qi could only be mastered by absorbing the [Spiritual Energy] from the earth and the atmosphere.

The more Yue Long trained, the better his body would feel. He would never be too tired from training.

However, in order to not worry Fourth mother Yue Long and Yue Yang were forced to go to bed early.

Maybe because he loved sleeping or trained a lot, his state of mind went through a change. When Yue Long trained inside his dreams, he had felt a sudden deeper realization of his skill progress.

All the [Spiritual Energy] in his body had congregated into one flow.

They gathered at his armpits and flowed to his hands. The Spiritual Energy filled his Yun Men acupoint in his shoulders, Tian Fu, Che Zhe and Kong Zui acupoints in his arms, and also the Lie Que, Tai Yuan acupoints in his wrist. (Author Thought- I gave up searching for english names for these Chinese TCM Acupoints. ._.)

(Author Thought- For curious readers, here's the acupoints positions: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/88/6d/48/886d48e7ffc77b74059c3ab657a26a9a.jpg)

Lastly, it filled the Shao Shang acupoint in his thumbs.

The energy surged a few times, and flashes of Sword Qi started shooting off from his thumb.

Seeing such a pleasant change had caused Yue Long to have a pleasant surprise and he accidentally woke up from his dream.

In the actual world, Yue Long tryed hard to re-enact the experience in his dream.

He kept trying until he saw nine flash of Sword Qi pierced through his walls.

Yue Long finally realized that he had successfully broke through the first energy channel of the first stage of the [Innate] Invisible Sword Qi skill, the Hand-Taiyin.

The Nine Sword Qi that came from his body was only a few inches long each, incomparable to the Heavenly Sword Goddess' 10-meters long Sword Qi that could be swung around. However, although his Sword Qi was still was better than Yue Yang it's was only about five-time better, Yue Long felt so satisfied that a Black and Divine yellow Nine-Headed Nightmare Hydra with Divine yellow eyes came into existence and let out a loud hiss like declaring to the world it's dominance.

When the Nine-Headed Nightmare Hydra hissed everyone powerful around the world suddenly felt suffocated like a Snake that is tightening and wrapping around them not letting them breathe at all.

Then anything related to the Nine-Headed Nightmare Hydra put their heads on the floor showing its sumission with eyes showing full of very deep respect like they meet there God in person.

All this happened in 5 secs and disappeared right after like it never existed.

When it disappeared everyone and everything signed in relief with cold sweat rolling down there back and down there face.

Then they got their bearings back and started to write and send laters to there friends to see if they're ok.

After it made a loud hiss it went back in Yue Long's body like it never happened in the first place making the surrounding scary quiet.

The only people that heard the loud hiss was people with power or people that meet it before so No one in the Yue Clan heard it.

But before Yue Long can celebrate the moonlight hit his body and it started to change.

(Word Count-2438)

Hi, it's the Author I hope you like what I am writing and you find it readable.

Question 1- What do you think the change is at the end for Yue Long?

Question 2- Ability/Skills ideas for Yue Long?

~Author out weebs~

SniperHunter2003creators' thoughts