
God of life

Karl a university student discovers that he lives in a world with supernatural entities able to shatter mountains with a snap of their fingers. He is unable to uncover the mystery of his origin.Earth has a strong will which prevents normal humans from seeing supernatural. This will is called Jal with unfathomable powers. Will he be able to create his own path in a world full of darkness with his women oops companions he holds dear.

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10 Chs

Understanding about supernatural

Luxuria and Karl sat facing each other on a couch in the living room. She had changed into her casual outfit since it were more comfortable.

"Do you remember those stories I used to tell you. The supernatural humans are called 'Espers'. They have various abilities but sadly they can have a maximum of only 3 elements. Those at the peak are referred to as heroes since they protect humanity. Then there are other races like Vampires, Werewolves, Yokai, Foxes, Demons,etc and many other entities like Gods. These races are superior to humans as they are born strong. Remember this world has many supernaturals some of which even I don't know about so be careful. This world has its own Gods who were born here but so far I haven't seen any. I am telling you this not to underestimate your enemies since any mistake is a direct ticket to death." She finished her explanation with a warning.

"From the start that has never crossed my mind. Anyway aren't their things I need now that my identity will be exposed to the supernatural side." He asked.

"You will need to register with the Esper association since everything about you appears human but you are an Eternal not a human." She said but didn't continue. He also noticed this but didn't probe though he could more or less guess that their background must be strong."Just keep training for now."

She said and turned to watch news. He remained silent as he pondered about his future plans. I will have to tell Aina and Anastasia about this to clear any misunderstanding but what should I say.

"Luxuria by any chance do my friends know about you." I can't help but ask. If they know it will be easier that way.

"Yes, but I think they decided to keep it a secret."

"It seems I was worrying about it for nothing."

Nothing special happened. He kissed Luxuria on the lips and went to his room to rest. He was mentally exhausted as he spent a full day training with Nemesis. His control increased by heaps and bounds.

[Nemesis, is it a good idea for him to join the underworld.]She asked with a doubtful expression on her beautiful face.

[There is no better way than this. I will just have to guide him and in case of an emergency don't worry about it.] Nemesis replied through telepathy.

[I don't have much to do for him as of now, so it rests in your hands.]


Karl woke up early at 5am and went out jogging. He returned and took a shower. He went downstairs and headed for the kitchen. He started preparing breakfast and it didn't take long for Luxuria to join him. She was slightly surprised at first but nothing less

they prepared their meals.

A bright smile could be seen on their faces as they looked like a young couple. Nemesis was slightly jealous as her powers allowed her to see everything around him.

It didn't take long for them to finish and ate happily. Luxuria didn't want him to change even though joining the underworld such things were to be expected.

'Even though I have a strong aurge to bed her, I will respect her decision. She is damn hot.' He couldn't help but glance at her bewitching face.

She saw his gaze which was filled with love but pretended not to have noticed. Even though she pretended to be skilled, this was her first time in a relationship though she said she didn't want to rush things, she wanted to strengthen their bond first.

After breakfast, he kissed her passionately until they were out of breath. He backed off but her ears were red with misty eyes proof that her lust was at its peak.

Karl walked out of the house deep in thoughts, what was he going to tell his friends anyway. Eventually he pulled out his phone and decided to text Aina and Anastasia before going at the University.

Karl:[Hey, good morning, can we meet before school.]

Aina:[Where are you now?]


Karl:[I have just left home.]

Aina:[We will be there in a few minutes.]

Karl:[Are you guys together already.]

Aina:[Yes, so wait we are about there.]

It didn't take long for a Luxurious black limo to reach him to his surprise.

"Hop in, it seems you have much to explain." Aina said as he sat at the back seat with them.

They were shocked as his aura had changed plus his appearance not to mention he was also strong now.

'This happened in just two days or has he been hiding it, but he would have told us if that was the case. Its not surprising since his aunt is also a supernatural though I know little to nothing about her.'Anastasia thought.

He smiled bitterly as he looked at their expressions which were changing rapidly. "Don't think about it very much I will tell you everything but first."

He looked at the driver slightly. Aina nodded and created a barrier around them.

He was surprised as Anastasia turned around and sat on his right with Aina on his left. Now that he wasn't a normal human anymore, nothing could stop them. He recalled his story of half truth half lie. He learnt martial arts from his aunt and that's the reason he defeated the thugs. As for his awakening he told them that it was his aunt's doing when he returned home. "I met a strange 'entity' in my dreams or can I call it a dimension. It called itself the 'End' was covered in bright light. It had male features but I couldn't see 'his' face. There time is much slower, it taught me various things about the powers I have now. And needless to say I 'trained' my ass off as if my life depended on it. Sorry but 'he' made me promise to keep other things a secret. Let me hope you guys are fine with it."

[This is total bullshit. Then a gain who did you call a man, is it me or my ears can't keep up.]

Although he felt bad lying at them, it was better that way, maybe they would come to know the truth in the future.

Both ladies remained silent after hearing his encounter. Although they knew he had left out some things, it was normal to keep secrets.

"Now congratulations on joining the supernatural side. Do you plan on doing anything now." Anastasia asked curiously.

"I don't have any thing on mind now so it will take time to decide." He said as he also wasn't sure of his plans now.

He looked around but even if he was to be dense, the position they were in meant otherwise. 'Making a harem is really straining. I will just leave everything to flow naturally.'

Both ladies knew the position they were in but none was willing to leave.

"You know now that your charm has increased, I won't be surprised to see some guys coming at you for revenge as their girlfriends leave them."

"I will be even more grateful if you were one of them." He said casually but both knew what it meant.

"Should I take it as a proposal." Aina asked but it was hard to know what she was thinking.

"What do you think, are you interested but don't worry I don't mind."

She was going to say something but his reply was not what she had expected. 'He is twisting words on purpose though I see he is interested in both of us. This is not a problem for me but this wolf girl. Werewolves don't like sharing their mates. It will be he decision on that.'

It didn't take long for them to reach the University. They attracted much attention as they students recognized them. Both ladies were beautiful in their own league. Many ladies were attracted to the handsome guy who walked out of the car. They immediately left as the situation became unbearable.

"I don't know if I should be happy or sad about this." He lamented as he sat down on his sit followed by Anastasia.

"You will become used to it. There are even terrible looks filled with murderous intent." Anastasia said.

"Karl what are you going to do about Lao Zhu?" Aina asked curiously.

"Are you sure you want to know." He said and looked her in the eyes. Not fazed at all, she nodded.

[Name: Aina Armstrong

Race: Yokai


Elements: Dark, Fire, Lightning





Unique abilities: [Illusions]

Skills:[All combat; Lv-3] [Spirit eyes; Lv-2] [Void steps; Lv-3] [Sword mastery; Lv-3]

Note: Very strong for you to fight. Do not be blinded by her cute side.]

He was shocked by her powerless but it didn't show on his face. She was really strong indeed.

"Am not stupid to think I can face him now. I will face him when am strong enough." He was not a fool as her stats were proof of that. It also meant that Loa Zhu was not at all behind her.

'Atleast you are not blinded by power.'

"It will take that bastard sometime to come after you, so take your time." Anastasia who had been quiet said.

[Name: Carla Anastasia

Race: Werewolf


Elements: Lightning, Earth, Ice





Unique abilities:[Shape shift] [Alpha aura]

Skills:[All combat; Lv-3] [Sword mastery Lv-3] [Spirit eyes; Lv-3]

Note: Very strong for you to fight. ]

"Their bloodlines are still evolving, and they also have a good foundation. Never let them go as it might be your biggest regret." Nemesis said as she was impressed. She grinned but didn't tell him that both girls had internet in him. That was for him to find out.

It didn't take long for professor Catherine to enter. He could swear that she smiled slightly as she glanced his side but the girls didn't notice anything.

The lesson commenced and it was some how entertaining.

[I will just hunt some berserk vampires in the night to improve on my skills what do you think about it.]He asked for her opinion first.

[It's good to test your capabilities but if you are not strong enough it's not wrong to flee. You can get your revenge later.]

He found her thinking really funny but it was at the end of the day true.