
God Of Ice In Naruto World

Ice...what does it truly mean? is it merely water in its solid form NO! it is much more. All can be frozen. The seas,the oceans,the sky,stars.time,space,wind, anything,everything and even nothing: all can be frozen and all shall be turned into a frozen world of all encompassing.........Ice

HollOw13 · Autres
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35 Chs


Shisui led Mugen to a patch of trees near the shopping district. As expected, Itachi was there waiting. Mugen leaned against one of the trees. He looked at their faces. Itachi looked young but he still gave off his 'Itachi' vibe, though not as strong as his older self. Shisui was young as well, he had a ordinary and kind look, nothing special really.

"So?" Mugen asked looking up at the tree leaves with the rays of blinding sun shining through the gaps .

"Can the uchiha really not be saved?" Shisui asked with gritted teeth.

" If the uchiha stage a coop then if successful, outside forces shall grasp the opportunity to invade, if not, then if unsuccessful they shall all be killed. The uchiha as a whole must perish. However the uchiha name shall live on through us and your descendants. Even if we momentarily stop them what about the future? " Shisui looked conflicted.

"Your parents? " Mugen looked at Itachi. His father was clan leader and the leader of the rebellion. Itachi recognized that. "Can I give you an answer at a later date? " Mugen nodded. It was to be expected, he was just five currently.

"Your baby brother is innocent and can be saved, they however….. " Mugen gazed at him.

"Shisui you can come with me on our next mission however itachi, I'll have you finish school first. "

"Our team shall consist of people with kekkei genkai abilities, excluding me, you two shall be the only ones with the same kekkei genkai. As of right now, We consist of us three and one other."

"Well now, time to exchange cups, yes" Mugen brought out the dishlike sake cups and actual sake. Under the blazing sun within a clump of trees, Chop. Mugen cut down a tree leaving only a stump, after turning his hand into ice and using it as a blade. He rested the cups and sake bottle in the stump. He beckoned them to come cover.

He crossed arms with both of them and drank. "From this day forward, you two serve me. " Mugen smiled as he put one arm around each their shoulders.

"I'll be counting on you, not only will you entrust me with your lives, I shall do the same as well. " Mugen encouraged, "Don't worry some day in the future, peace will dawn on the ninja world. "

"We can train together in the future. " Mugen said after he gave them a run down of his future plans.

Suddenly time seemed to stop. It was as if Destiny was taking a picture of this historical moment. The Formation of Frost eye.


Over the course of the week. Mugen sparred with the two. Even though he couldn't utilize his some of his techniques, it was still his overwhelming victory. What did you expect? Though Mugen was young he could be considered a war veteran and the two kids had yet to realize their potential. He could see improvement in their moves and teamwork since it was usually two against one.

Mugen quizzed Shisui and found out the scope of his abilities. He could not fully materialize the Susanoo currently, he could barely manage a ribcage and arm. Afterwards he would be exhausted and unable to fight a while. His kotoamtsukami could also only be used once a day and not in succession, it also couldn't affect a group of people, for now at least. It must be world's way of balancing things, like Itachi liked to say, every jutsu has a weakness. That was his.

Itachi had yet to awaken his eyes. Mugen went ahead and went on several dates with kurenai and Pakura. He checked up on the yamanaka's and as planned, ino was born ahead of time. She was the same age as itachi. The ino-shika-cho would probably still be formed. Choza was older than shikaku and inoichi yet he was apart of the squad, the same would probably apply for ino.

Mugen went on several afternoon strolls and drinking tea with Hiruzen. He felt sorry for the old man. While his hair was not grey as yet, his future was bleak. He kept the old man some company. As for whether or not he would save him from orochimaru, he'll cross that bridge when he gets to it.

He had left saber in a range of mountains a distance away from the village. He had no choice, the little fellows growth was astounding. He was already around 15 meters tall. He could reduce his size but not to a kitten anymore. The most he could manage was an ordinary sized tiger. He could still bring him in the village but he didn't want him to lose his wild nature. So he left him in there from a while back. He could summon him whenever he needed to. His wilderness life would end soon anyway, he'll eventually get bored and rather stay with him.

On his stay in the village, he saw minato a few times as well. Mugen knew he was going to die but he didn't want to interfere, if he did he would be on kurama's side but it was too soon to let him loose. He planned to release them all at once and have them carry out their duty. The sage originally intended for them to protect the ninja world. He built them shrines and everything. Somewhere down the line the plan went awry and they began to hate humans. The humans hunted them and listed for their power.

One day, he decided to pay kushina a visit to get a look at kurama. She was pretty easy to find, her movements were done in secrecy due to the seal being loosened at birth. He looked from stop the stone heads with his sharingan. The nine tails chakra was easy to find, it was subtle however they couldn't seal away all his power in a room. The birth had yet to begin.

He 'coincidentally ' bumped into her. "Oh sorry about that, " Mugen apologized with a smile.

"Why youuu!!!!! Watch where you're going bumping into a pregnant woman…. " Veins bulging in her fist as she ranted, kushina was planning to continue after pausing due to her anger however,

"A fiery temper indeed and pregnant woman are cranky" Mugen thought.

Shwkok (Eyes activated)

She suddenly froze as she looked at his cold deep blue eyes, the almost opposite of the original blood red colour. Those eyes stared into the depths of her soul.


Suddenly they appeared in a strange place.

Grrr Roarrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!

"Kushina, How dare you appear before me, grrrr Roarr!!!! " A deep voice sounded, it sounded pissed and unfriendly as well as terrifying.

Mugen looked over at the Orange furred nine tailed beast, "Hoh, " Seeing was believing, this terrifying catastrophe was quite scary indeed. Especially those chakra levels, he could see it clearly with his eyes. It was a terrifying amount of chakra