
God of Football

Rocky, who was banned nationwide for beating the leader of the Indian National team, won the football master system. Get the Pirlo template at the start. The coquettish passing makes Rocky the hottest midfield master in the entire world football. He is the player the strikers would most like to work with! It is also the midfielder that every coach dreams of! ==================================== 1 chapter per day! Time: No idea!

SidNaz · Anime et bandes dessinées
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96 Chs

88: Enthusiastic fans!

"Congratulations to the host for winning the English Premier League"

"Reward Template Points: 500,000"

"Congratulations to the host for being the best player in the English Premier League"

"Reward Template Points: 500,000"

"Congratulations to the host on being selected as the best team in the English Premier League"

"Reward Template Points: 200,000"

"Congratulations to the host for becoming the assists leader of the English Premier League"

"Template Points: 500,000"

"Congratulations to the host for becoming the European assist king"

"Template Points: One Million"

Late at night, Rocky entered the system and was frightened by the swiping news.

A full 2.7 million template points.

Add the template points accumulated by him during this period of competition, as well as the template points of the best of the month and the best lineup of the month.

Rocky directly has 2.8 million template points.

This was a huge fortune that Rocky had never before.

It can raise his strength several notches.

Rocky can also exchange his favorite defensive template.

Of course, he wasn't in a hurry.

He plans to see which team in which league he would be going to first.

Then decide what template you should redeem.

April 3.

Leicester City face Southampton's challenge at the King Power Stadium.

But in this game, the protagonist was undoubtedly Leicester City.

Greg Clark and Premier League CEO Scudamore walked into the King Power Stadium with a trophy together with smiles on their faces.

Behind them, followed by a large number of hostesses in evening dresses.

Each of them held a tray in their hands, and in each tray, there was a medal that symbolised the Premier League champion.

Leicester City have already built a podium inside the stadium.

What they've been waiting for was today.

Southampton players lined up in two rows, standing on both sides of the player tunnel, applauded warmly, and welcomed the arrival of the championship team.

The referee and assistant referee of the game were also among them.

The Southampton players looked at the Leicester City players with admiration.

When they played against each other in the first round, they had no idea what to do.

This Leicester City team will be the biggest dark horse this season.

Then, it was the clichéd awards ceremony.

"You are very good, but I still hope you can stay in the Premier League team, no matter which team you want to go to, I can help you."

When Greg Clark put on the medal for Rocky, he whispered these words in his ear.

As the chairman of the FA, Greg was well aware that Rocky was unlikely to stay at Leicester.

Not to mention that his liquidated damages were only 100 million.

Even if he was willing to stay, this Leicester City team may not be able to maintain the current strength.

"Thank you, Mr. President, for your kindness, but I'm still going to think about it."

He replied politely.

Greg sighed helplessly, didn't say anything, and continued to award the next player.

After the awards were over, the competition officially begins.

In this game, Rocky and the Leicester City players still gave their best.

They were not going to let the next game go because they won the Premier League title.

Although Van Dijk and Mane still played well.

But in the end, Leicester City still won 3-1 and continued to maintain an unbeaten record in the Premier League.

Wait until the referee blows the whistle of the end of the game.

The fans in the home stands can no longer contain their excitement.

They rushed straight from the stands.

Under the leadership of the security staff, they came to the stadium.

Rocky, who had just arrived near the stand, was going to be caught off guard by the fans, but was thrown by the enthusiastic fans.

Then, enthusiastic fans turned their hands on Rocky.

"Rock! Stay!"

"Rock! We will always remember you!"

"Rock! This is your home! You can come back anytime, anywhere!"

"Rock! We love you!"

Countless shouts reached Rocky's ears.

They were the most loyal fans of Leicester City, and they were also fans of Rocky.

During this time, more and more news reported that Rocky was going to transfer, and Leicester City fans naturally knew it.

Raiola was sometimes in Paris, and sometimes in Madrid and Catalonia in Spain.

Then, then came to Milan and Turin, Italy.

Even on the German side, Raiola went for a walk.

In addition, there were also many players in the team passing news of leaving the team.

Leicester City fans knew it.

Brought them a miracle dust.

The city of Leicester, the fairy tale, will eventually come to an end.

Miracles always disappear.

And fairy tales are just fairy tales.

So they didn't expect Rocky to stay.

They just wanted to be close... close to Rocky in the last time they have Rocky as a Leicester City player.

When Rocky heard what the Leicester City fans were saying.

He couldn't hold back his emotions and burst into tears.

His journey wasn't easy.

It was because of his own insistence, his parents came to Delhi so he could play and chase his dream here.

His father, Abhishek gave up his well paid job and started again from low position just to let his son follow his dream unlike him who couldn't do as he wished during his childhood.

Mother, Ritika had to endure language barriers and was sometimes unable to speak in Hindi which caused her to had less and less friends.

But, reality was often cruel.

His career was on verge of being destroyed after that incident.

If not for this system, he really wouldn't know how to face his own parents?

And, Leicester City was the place where his dream began.

It gave him chance to show and prove his worth to the world.

Also, these wonderful fans who kept standing strong despite many bad phase like a family.

Rocky was also a human.

His starting journey wasn't easy at all.

But, we should always look ahead.

One should always learn to walk forward and should never lose faith and hope in yourself.

Remember, even when this world throws its worst and then turns its back, there is still always hope.

Joy & Sorrow, Hope & Despair, Victory & Defeat are two sides of the same coin.

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