
God Of Destruction in Tower of God

I'm not the best at synopsis but he basically an OC climbing the tower while training to be a God of Destruction. Another thing, English is not my native language, therefore I use a little Google translator, I am also a newbie writing. Read at your own risk

TheNiggDj · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Act 6: I am your God


Disclaimer: The characters and analogy used in these fics belong to their respective creators, I do not own anything, other than my fics and my characters that I create throughout the plot. The dialogues and other powers are taken from the original authors. The Tower of God and the dragon ball belong to both Lee Jong Hui and Akira Toriyama respectively.

Friends, before I start with the story I want to give you some bad news ... I'm dying ...

Dying for them to use my kwai code !!!


It is super easy to do, you just download the kwai application in your Play Store, register, click on the golden coin and go to the part where it says to use a friend's code, enter my beautiful code, and easy and simple I they help a lot

But of course, they won't do that for free, right? Well obviously not! For that reason, to the people who do it, they will not only come out as a thank you in my story, but they will decide which couple the protagonist will have, as well as many actions that I will take throughout the story, what do you think of that? Cute, right?

Well, without further ado I leave you with the chapter bye bye

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None could move even when the cells were destroyed and there was a declaration of war, no one dared to move, the atmosphere was suffocating almost like when the examiner Leero Ro took them out that time with that shinsoo attack ... No ... It was much worse if seeing Leero Ro was like seeing a wall, this time it was like seeing a building

I realized that I did not know what was happening to me or why I was behaving that way, when I was locked up something hit my pride Demons I am a God of destruction! (Even if I am only a candidate and not an official one) how dare he treat me that way? I don't remember Beerus being treated that way in the anime, even the proud Vegeta lowered his head in front of Beerus ... So what the hell differentiates me from them, one day I'll be in the same status as them, they have to learn to respect me... No. To venerate me !!

Unconscious to him, little by little the seed of arrogance that consumes the Gods was controlling him

My eyes fell on a particular cell, I saw three people with capes emerge from it, two figures that had the complexion of women and a giant beast the size of Rak. Now this is interesting, I knew who they were, Rachel, Androssi, and the person who gave Rachel Headon to help her up ... I knew Androssi is strong, she is a Zahard princess who received the blood of Zahard himself, the second Ranked strongest of the tower and the 'King' of it, but he never thought that he would easily get rid of his killer instinct, well I suppose that the environment where he grew up and having met Zahard in person made him accustomed

The surprise lies in Rachel and in that guy, it's easy to deduce that he was already used to it, that's why he wasn't so affected, who knows where Headon got it from, nobody knows what that damn rabbit has in his head, but Rachel is another story, that girl I know well from the manhwa, a girl who, although she was half raised by Arlene, has no experience in anything like this, a manipulative coward and weak girl who in her life has gotten into battles

So what the hell did the girl do to move freely like a fish in water? Even when her power was released ... Without a doubt, this girl is more than she appears

My gaze went to the other side and I saw how many already began to get used to it and leave little by little, I saw how a girl with a full latex suit that covered her face left her cell in the same way that Androssi, without a doubt she was Hwa Ryun, Baam's guide red witch or (Jyu Viole Grace) and heck she looked sexy in that damn outfit ... I'm deviating from the topic

When everyone finally left, they were scattered in front of me, some clutched their weapons roughly and others stood watching cautiously, hell, Laure himself has not fallen asleep all this time and he has observed me like a Hawk "Well, what are you waiting for? attack" contrary to his assumption they all started to attack ... among themselves? These morons ... Were they underestimating him? It is obvious that the best course of action is to attack him directly together for more opportunity ... No, it is different ... Then I saw how the people who initiated the attacks were three, a strange being with tentacles on its head? A teenager in a mohawk and a little black-haired Loli with a cross on her chest, then the realization hit me. They were the trio that Khun smuggled into his bag from the first test


Why did Khun order them to fight each other? Didn't Khun want the crown? No, that's impossible, currently, Khun wants to go up as fast as possible not only to help Baam but to find Maria ... So why did the boy put together this whole revolution? Most likely, he wants me to climb the tower first, but that doesn't make sense, when I said that if they took off my crown they passed it was a joke, I don't know if that would be passed as an exam and Khun is sure he knows about that, then why?" In a whisper I asked out of the blue, catching the attention of the girl who was still curled up in my lap.

"Why, what. Perverted beast?" A tic appeared on my forehead

"Will you stop calling me that sometime in your life?" The girl stuck her tongue out when she heard my words "and answering your question, it's nothing. I just found it intriguing that they attacked each other before me"

"Hmm it's normal" well that caught my attention, while I saw how Hwa Ryun mercilessly attacked some participants and kept stroking the girl's head, what the girl said caught my attention

"What do you mean, it's normal?" The girl stared at me like he was a fool, do you hear her passing with that shitty look?

"You are not only a perverted beast but also a fool"

"Could you stop with your insults brat?"

With a click of the girl's tongue, I ignored a mutter of something along the lines of 'I'm not a brat' "It's more than obvious that they are distracting you, they can't fight you directly, but they can try to distract you to remove the crown. .. I thought that with that bestiality of power that you have, you would know something as basic as that "

Well, I don't know anything about that, I don't have a shit of fighting experience, I'm just raw power and nothing else, something like a bull ... Heh, if I'm a bull, a black bull! Should I create black bulls in this world? I would love to be like Yami and smoke a cigarette while kicking butt ... I'm going off on a tangent ...

"Yes, it is more than obvious that I knew, I was just testing you" my Miranda aside as she gave me an insightful and doubtful look.

Complying with the girl's words, I felt a presence approaching. I prepared for battle, but then I saw that it was from Baam. Did Khun send it? No, his presence does not come with a danger sign "Hello Baam" Anaak and I looked to our left and saw how the Baam boy approached us with a silly and friendly smile "Are you coming to attack me?"

"A-ah I would never attack you brother ... I just wanted to know how you were" The boy frowned as if he was thinking of something "I haven't seen you since Miss Margaret knocked you unconscious and took you with her"

My eyes widened in surprise when I heard that ... Was Margaret the one in this whole plot? Why the hell did she do all that? Something is on that girl's mind and she will do whatever it takes to find out ...


There is no reason other than to be angry with these people! Originally he was furious because he thought that Leero Ro or some Ranked knocked him out, but it seems that that was not the reason ... Oh ... Hehehehehe well ... Nevermind

"Don't worry Baam I'm fine, so what brings you here?" Now he had that doubt, if the boy did not want to attack him then what is he doing here?

"Oh about that, Mr. Khun told me to stay by his side, he was somewhat sorry for not helping him back then ... And he mentioned something about letting you go up to make up for it ..." The boy looked down sadly and murmured "Although I would like to go up with you and everyone together if possible"

A soft smile adorned my face when I heard the boy "Baam, sit next to me" then I put my palm next to my position to point out "The throne is big enough, we can both fit" the boy did not hesitate and ran with a smile to sit next to his older brother

Anaak observed the interaction between the two in silence, but felt threatened by the child next to him ... And it was not a danger of battle, but a threat to steal the affection of a certain person who continues to caress his head, the young God noticed his She looked and passed her hand from her head to her cheeks, gently caressing her face now, causing the girl to melt more in his touch and close her eyes to enjoy ... It was too cute to see How a pet!

When I was about to speak to Baam I saw how the Hwa girl jumped over Rak and came to us swinging her staff to attack me, although I knew that she would come towards us, I did not move at all.


A kick in the abdomen by Androssi towards the latex girl was the answer, then the girl got down and took off her cape revealing a beautiful brown-haired girl with a Bob cut and honey golden eyes, the most distinctive thing about the girl. it was his little horn that stood out on his forehead, giving it a tender touch "Stay away you perverted girl, he is my prey!"

"Perverted?" I couldn't help myself asking that, where did Androssi find out that Hwa Ryun is perverted?

"Eh? Oh, it's you ... It's obvious, only a pervert like her would wear that kind of suit" Androssi gave me a contemptuous look, then said what he thought as if it was the most normal thing in the world ... Well, The truth is that in my old world if I saw someone with that suit I would also think that she is a pervert ... And it would not be bad to meet her ... Damn the hormones attacking again!

Ignoring the conversation Hwa got up and began to fight with Androssi, ignore that battle because although it is interesting to see two cats fight, I already knew that they were not fighting with all their power, especially Androssi who could end that battle quickly

"They are very powerful ..." Well, for Baam his thinking is different

"I could beat them both with my eyes closed" Anaak puffed out his chest with pride and gave the boy a contemptuous look as if to say 'I'm better than you and he will love me more' Baam noticed the girl's gaze and didn't understand at first, but then frowned in realization. He was the first brother! No one will take that position away

For my part, I ignored both of them and concentrated on one thing ... Rather on someone ... It seems that a certain Ranked has woken up from his daze ... And he is a little angry ...

The battle was still raging, everyone was battling, and the test took a back seat now they were battling out of spite or to prove themselves. But they all froze at the moment when they once again felt a powerful presence like that of recently.

This time it belonged to the blond examiner who released his power and now purple shinsoo with blue were battling and dancing in the air "And to you who gave you the right to lead my test ..." It was in a low voice, almost like a whisper. but everyone could hear it

"I felt like doing it, do you have a problem with it?" I admired this guy in the manhwa, he is powerful and calm. But right now his attitude is exasperating a lot ... I am his God! Only I can be arrogant!

"A mouth so sharp to be just a regular ... What arrogance ..." Leero Ro was on the edge of his patients since he disrespected him by killing someone in front of him without his permission in the previous test and now he comes and not only does he hit him, he also does what he wants with the evidence he's examining ... Since when did the regulars get so bold!

"Arrogance is only true when you have the power to reciprocate" undeterred I also released my power, of course, it is a Ranked who has lived more than 1000 years, but that is not why I will let him be arrogant in front of me! I am a god damn it!

"And do you have the strength to support your words ..?" Leero Ro also released his power at full power

"Why don't you come and find out for yourself ..."

..... And the battle broke out .....

For many years it will be remembered as the most commemorative battle on floor number two, the legend of the regular who faced a Ranked classified as his just like him, will be engraved on everyone's heads. The day that another irregular did a feat that succumbed to the tower, that day Evankhell's hell alluded to his name ... Because for the regulars who witnessed the battle

It was total hell!


In a dark cave, you could see three presences, the cave itself was very extravagant. Large rose petals adorned the walls like creepers and Given the structure, you could see what a cave that had been abandoned for years was. On the floors, large amounts of diamond and precious pearls were seen, the strangest thing about the cave, was that the three presences were not interested in the minerals

These three presences belonged to two men and a woman, one of the boys was sitting on top of a large diamond ignoring everything around him and just concentrating on his video game, the other presence was a short, silver-haired boy wearing a suit green police-style while carrying a large green backpack, the boy was observing the footsteps on the ground when he was startled when he heard the screams of the other presence

"Evan !!! When the hell is you taking us to the second floor" The third presence due to his voice was undoubtedly a woman. Long strands of dark hair adorned her head, a beautiful red ribbon in the shape of sharp red petals held her long black hair to form a beautiful ponytail, the girl was undoubtedly a beautiful woman who would steal a sigh from more than one. .. Only now, an ugly expression was present on her beautiful face "You are so useless, I am going to have to discard you and change guides"

The boy Evan gave her a blank look, he was not affected by the girl's words, they have been together for more than 100 years as friends, it is more than obvious that the girl is not speaking seriously "it is not easy to enter the second-floor princess .. To do it directly is to antagonize Lady Evankhell, remember that the empire is not on good terms with her "that's right, the girl in question was Ha Yuri Zahard, formerly belonging to one of the ten great families and currently one of the most powerful princesses. Zahard

Everyone present was her group of hers, some came up with her since she was a common regular, and others were provided by her head of hers and crony of the organization in which she is currently a member of her, Wolhaiksong.

Speaking of them, one who is a boy with a dark complexion and quite large, ran up to them "Miss Yuri, it is true what they said, the only method to enter is through that place" the boy left one of the 'rooms' who had the dungeon, which implied that he was exploring the area

"Hmmm, very good! What are we waiting for? Come on!" The girl of the Zahard family did not wait long and began to walk happily! There was little left to meet him again! ... Not that he will be interested in that boy, hell no! ... He wanted to recover his black march .. Yes, yes, it was just because of his needle!

"Princess Yuri, doesn't she think she's very excited to see him again?" Evan gave his princess an insightful look.

Yuri waved him away "of course not, when you guys meet him you will realize what I'm talking about!" The girl looked at her colleagues while she kept walking and jumping with joy as if it were a girl who goes to her favorite candy store.

Evan just sighed in exasperation and shook his head 'You have to be careful princess, that boy has immense power, it still gives me chills just remembering what happened when he ignited with black March ... Not to mention that I can't see his way ... The same happens with that child 'both the silver dwarfs and the scarlet witches are two races of guides that live in the tower, their power lies in the fact that they can see the paths of people into the future and be able to guide them. Unfortunately, he, Evan! one of the strongest guides! he can't see the way of those boys!


"Aaaah it hurts !! Slow down, woman !!!" In a hospital room you could hear screams of panic coming from a room, now if one will hear the screams of a curse, the least people would think was that the person in that room is being tortured or at least they would be operating without anesthesia ...

Nothing more out of reality...

"Damn, do you like to see me suffer !?" Inside the room were several people gathered, among them was Baam, Khun, Rak (in what looks like a strange chibi form of himself), Leesoo, Hatsu, Anaak, Laure and their group and strangely enough it seems the same Rachel (That at some point in history he met Baam) was in that room. Yes, many people were in a room, but what were they doing in that room?

"If you stay still, it won't hurt so much" the owner of the voice is a beautiful brown-haired girl who is in her best adolescent years. That's right, the girl is Androssi Zahard, Princess Zahard who was present at the crown game and who was currently healing a small wound on the protagonist's forehead with alcohol. Yes, everyone was visiting the protagonist.

A few hours had passed since the fight between the Ranked and the irregular one ended, after some first aid, our young God who had entered the emergency room with four broken ribs, a dislocated arm and leg, some ecchymoses, other excoriation, and burns second grade, he was recovering quickly, unfortunately, there was a lot of blood in his wounds that were not healed well, therefore he had to change the bandages constantly, which led him to the situation he was currently in. "Honestly, how is it that in some moments you are so incredible putting him in front of a Ranked and in others, you are a silly crying child "

"Oh, do you think I'm amazing?" the protagonist gave him a shitty smile ignoring the other part of what the girl said, earning a hard look from the girl who had a little blush "Ay !! Damn, you didn't have to do that" clearly the girl was he retaliated by hitting the boy's wound and it was obvious he did it on purpose from the arrogant smile he was giving young God

The others just looked at the interaction of both young people with blank looks, how is it possible that not a few hours ago they did not know each other at all and now they were interacting like an old married couple "Brother, how do you feel?" Baam broke everyone's thoughts when he went to the bed and sat to the side "When we brought you here you were very hurt ..." Baam gave a sad look to the figure of his older brother, he still has engraved in his memory that horrible fight he saw. He never in his life would have imagined that he would see two people fighting in such a brutal way

His concern was enough to warm the protagonist's heart "You don't have to worry Baam, I'm more than fine ..." The young man patted him on the head and then ruffled him "To all this ... I understand that Baam Khun and Rak and the ladies be present here, I'm irresistible "I close my eyes and puff out my chest with narcissism, ignoring the fact that everyone gave him a blank shit" but what the fuck are everyone else doing in my room "I didn't mean to sound rude, but no It is as if he has been in a coma or something similar, he did not know them either for them to visit him casually

"About that ..." Leesoo gave a nervous smile as he grabbed his arm with his hand.

"We are here for a particular reason perverted beast" Anaak completely ignored the nervousness of his group partner and started walking towards the bed, once he got on it and went directly to the lap of the protagonist who was currently sitting, then automatically the girl grabbed the arm that was not in a cast of the young man and put it on his head, he did not even care about the strange look that the others were giving him, then he raised his gaze and continued "I do not know the others, but not all the days you find someone who can fight with a Ranked being a regular. I want you to train me "the girl then gave him a look with a glint in her eyes expectantly, catching her hint the boy began to caress the girl's head

Anaak looked at Baam and shot him a shitty look and then stuck his tongue out at him, earning a scowl from the boy. Everyone went unnoticed from that tender scene as they were now seriously looking at the young God

The protagonist was looking seriously at everyone, he never thought they would tell him to take them as students, of course, he is powerful, but he hardly knows how to fight. If it weren't for Black March, the fight with Leero Ro would have ended differently ... "I can't, I'm sorry" the boy gave them an apologetic look when he observed that the others looked at him helplessly "I'll be honest, I'm just learning, I don't see myself in the capacity to teach anyone "

"What about Miss Margaret?" Baam asked that question, he briefly recalled that Margaret proclaimed herself as her older brother's teacher, he did not care much about training, but after witnessing that fight, he knew that if he wanted to continue climbing the tower with his brother, he had to be strong. Not only that, but he also needed strength to protect Rachel

He doubted that that was possible, I vaguely remember in the anime dragon ball, for an angel to agree to train someone, it is because he was a candidate to be God of destruction. Whiss agreed to train Goku to guide him as a God, that's why Goku knew how to do the hakai against Zamasu, Whiss is unconsciously preparing him to relieve Beerus ... But of course, that's in the anime and right now it's real life, he doesn't know how angels behave in reality "That would be something for her to decide, but again, I don't know where she is. The last time I saw her was when I met you Baam"

The boy looked on in frustration, as did those present. They all had a goal to be strong and were hopeful that such training would serve them well. "But don't be too bad, if my assumptions are correct ... We will most likely receive training from a Ranked in the future .. . "

That got everyone's attention

And from the way he said it, it's like he's 100% sure


Inside a Japanese-style room, someone was sitting drinking coffee, the person was Yu Hansung who was currently deep in thought of him. Not long ago the news reached him that one of his examiners had a lawsuit with a regular ... Yu Hansung knew who that regular was, the irregular who arrived with the other irregular child, the androgynous young man had plans for that young man, of course first it was to hide it from FUG and then use it for their needs, but everything got out of hand from the moment his boss Evankhell herself got involved in this whole thing. Then to top it all, Leero Ro fought against him in a battle of equals ... It is a matter of time for the whole tower to know about that fact, which translates to that he will not be able to hide it from FUG and by looking at the letter that He had on his lap with the logo of that organization, without having to open it, he would know what he had in that document. Someone of the caliber to fight a Ranked being a regular would be more than perfect for the assassin organization, with an acquisition like that every time the objective of FUG to overthrow Zahard would become more real ... It A shame to waste such a promise on matters vain like that ... But again, they were their bosses (their true bosses since I agreed to work for them as a spy for the empire) so, all they have to do is lower their head and obey ... This whole thing will undoubtedly be a pain headlong

And speaking of a headache

"I can pass?" At the entrance you could see a bruised figure full of bandages, this figure is the same Leero Ro who had already left the medical wing not long ago, he was covered with a black cape that hid his entire body

"Go ahead and sit down" Hansung waved his hand and pointed to the cushion in front of him "What is your visit, I swore you were still in recovery. Coffee?" Hansung got up and walked over to a sitting room and pointed to a coffee pot

Leero Ro just nodded and waited for the coffee to be brought to him. Hansung ignored the coffee pot and grabbed a pot containing water, then poured it into a cup and using his shinsoo he heated it directly, from his sleeve he took out a coffee envelope "go ahead, it's one of my best coffees" he smiled at the young man

'It's just instant coffee ...' I look at the coffee and then to Hansung who was looking at him as if he had prepared the best coffee in the world, shrugging his men began to drink from the cup "You knew this was going to happen right? " Leero Ro unscrupulously threw the question directly

Hansung put his cup on the table and still with his eyes closed replied "What made you come to that conclusion?"

"You organized the crown game" he didn't have to say much more

"I did it to help Quant" still Hansung didn't flinch

"I don't think it would have just been to help Quant, otherwise you wouldn't have let that boy escape when you were tasked with watching over him."

"You saw him, you saw his power firsthand, which makes you think that I was going to stop him" Leero Ro did not believe him and his angry look was enough to know it

"I doubt that would have stopped you ..." Leero Ro wasn't eating the shit his 'Boss' was throwing at him as an excuse

"Certainly, the inconveniences experienced were not the best results, but I must admit Mr. Leero, that I had nothing to do with the events experienced" Hansung drank another little coffee and then sighed with satisfaction "Now, you do not have another question ... I beg you to leave me with my work "

Leero Ro took the hint and got up, when he was about to leave he turned around and asked something that was eating at his mind "I have one last question ... Do you know of someone who knows how to handle shinsoo without any contract? .. . "

Hansung this time stared at him seriously, then his gaze relaxed and he smiled mysteriously "Throughout the years of history in the tower, many formidable individuals have emerged, each of them undoubtedly has characteristics that differentiate them from the others. others, among them, few have emerged with these characteristics .... Of those that I know, there is only one ... "

"Urek mazino..."

Without amazing another word Leero Ro left the room deep in thought of him 'Hansung what the hell do you have in mind?' A breeze blew strongly raising the cape to the air, revealing the body of the young examiner, you can see some bandages, but what stood out the most

Was that

..... He was missing an arm...





Tower of goodness

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Now, sorry for not having uploaded the chapter yesterday ... Some idiot tried to commit suicide with a fork and an electrical outlet and left many neighbors without electricity ...

By the way, today I entered the web novel application and I realized that many leave me questions and messages within the lines of the chapter, unfortunately, that technology is too advanced for an old man like me, so if you have any questions, leave them in the chapter comments, there I will be able to see them and answer them

Also, a user asked me if my MC was gay just because of interactions with Baam ... Dude is he serious? Have you ever had a little brother that you love very much?

Another thing, the funny guy who sent me a death message, a friend is it serious? A death threat in the middle of 2021? If you don't like my story, you can just leave, you don't have to threaten me with death xD

Don't forget to use my kwai code if you want more chapters in a row ;)
