
God Of death

Jim had been busy partying and drinking with his friends since it was the day before graduation. Toasting ladies, and leading them onto the dance floor to seranate, Jim enjoyed himself to the fullest. Once the party was over, and everybody was on their way home. Looking for his car in the bar garage wobbling about, he couldn't see where he was going and ended up bumping into a large figure. *Thud* Falling on the cold hard floor. His head felt heavy as he struggled to balance himself before getting back up. Pushing off his hands, his body swayed from side to side, until he managed to gain considerable balance. "Hey who the hell are you?!" he asked, drunk. The large figure said nothing, and the next second, Jim could feel something sharp penetrate his abdomen. "My name... is irrelevant," thrusting the blade further, the pointed edge seemed to have punctured through Jim's back. He spat out blood as his eyes grew wide in shock. Whatever hangover he was having, didn't nullify the pain in any way. After a few minutes of struggle, the frail body of Jim stopped moving, and slumped onto the ground as the large figure pulled out the blade. "My job is done." _______________ [Congratulations: Host has awakened his attribute] [Child Of Death] Mass Release for; 50 Power Stones= 10 Chapters 100 Power Stones= 25 Chapters 150 Power Stones= 60 Chapters

Darkvirus_18 · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

Three Idiots(Part 1)

The sound of an alarm clock irritated Jim awake. Rolling along the bed groaning, he couldn't take it anymore. Leaning closer to the source of the noise, he kicked the device across the room, and a loud crash was heard as the metal hit the wall, bouncing off it and hitting the wooden floor.

"Keep it down, Jim, I'm trying to sleep!" a feminine voice yelled.

Jim could finally breathe out a sigh of relief as the blasted trinket was finally silenced. It wasn't often one like him would have the courage to destroy his own belongings so carelessly. He comes from an average family, where things like that didn't come so easily.

Pushing himself off the bed, he shook his whole body to get rid of whatever bit of sleep was left. Pushing his hair back, he went into the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face. Looking at his reflection, an image of golden yellow hair and blue eyes could be seen, as well as a bruised right eye.

"I knew I should've iced it last night," lightly touching the injury, Jim would feel a slight pain that got sent past the entire eye. It felt off-putting, and there was this fear that he might loose an eye if he wasn't careful. "Now it's gotten all swollen."

Finishing up in the bathroom, Jim took a cold shower and quickly got ready before heading downstairs. Jim lived with his older sister, ever since the accident that claimed their parents lives years ago. Amanda Wesley is a twenty-six year old woman who works as a taxi driver.

The two ate their breakfasts in silence. After which they both went to their respective destinations for the day. Amanda Wesley wasn't a talkative person. She prefers silence and only talks or prefers being talked to about something serious. In other words, not a people person, which seemed questionable, considering her line of work.

Jim was already in his school uniform as he left the small house and walked to school. Since his school was only a couple blocks away, he would usually just trek there, sparing his sister the trouble of driving him to school everyday. Although he would usually make it late to the first period and would have to serve punishment, he didn't mind.

Staring blankly into space, a familiar scent wafted into his nose. Awareness kicking in, he turned to know where the scent was coming from. Long black hair came into view, falling below her back but mostly covered by her back pack. Jim knew her become she had been the apple of his eye ever since freshmen year.


"Alright Jim, I have work to do. Be a good boy and don't get into any trouble while you're here, okay?" his sister said to him. She had just finished enrolling him into the school, and was saying her goodbyes as she had to get back to work. Jim's eyes were glued to the floor, but he still nodded his head to show that he was listening.

"In that case, I'm leaving. See you at home by seven," Amanda waved Jim goodbye as she got into her taxi and drove out of the school gate. Once she had left, Jim snapped out of his daze and straightened his head up. It was 6:58am, and classes were supposed to start by eight.

"Hey, did you see that new guy? He's kinda cute."

"I know."

"But who was that woman with him? She looked like an absolute goddess."

"Still, it's a shame she's nothing but a taxi driver. He must've paid her to drop him off in front of the school. Seems the new guy wanted to make a good first impression."

The four girls laughed together, shaking hands. Walking into the school hallway, Jim still felt sick to his stomach. He wasn't really the best when it came to new beginnings. He always thought he would do his high school in his former school, but Amanda Wesley certainly had other plans in mind.

With his mind preoccupied, on his way to his first class for the day, he ended up bumping into someone sending them both crashing to the floor. Everyone gathered around the two as they were interested in knowing how the latter would react.

"I'm so sorry. Here, let me help you," Jim got up to his feet and offered the girl a hand. After a few seconds of silence, other than the whispers of the gathered crowd, her soft palm met his rough skin, and he lifted her to her feet. Everyone standing by were shocked by her reaction, as they all expected something else to happen.

"Thanks," she said, quickly pulling her hand away and walking off. As her figure eventually vanished, Jim felt his surroundings suddenly turn a tad dull. Without knowing, he had been in hailing her perfume, but not only that, he could suddenly feel an overwhelming sense of emotion towards the girl.

"Who... is she?" Jim gasped, his mouth hanging open.


"Best day of my life," Jim suddenly quickened his pace, closing in on the love of his life. Once he had arrived just a few metres behind her, he quickly slowed down, not wanting to be noticed. All he wanted right now was to be near her.

They both attended KeyStone High, one of the most expensive High schools in the Memph. Although Jim got in through a scholarship from his former school.

Arriving at the entrance, that was when she noticed one of her classmates was right behind her. Waving at him, the boy looked confused as he stifled an awkward smile and waved back.

The beautiful teenage girl walked into the school compound, while Jim remained outside still with the weird smile on his face, his eyes now twitching. 'Keep it together, idiot!' Jim yelled internally.

"Alright, everyone, gather outside for the morning assembly!" a message rang out from the megaphones hung allover the school. Entering the compound, Jim quickly went to his class to keep his backpack before coming out for the assembly, that was when they bumped into eachother again.

This time, she was the one that pushed him, as she was also running late. Quickly apologizing and helping him up, she rushed downstairs to join the other students in line outside.

"Did her scent get stronger or has it just been a while since I've been so.cpose to her?" Jim was left dazed, but after the principal started his countdown, he bolted downstairs and managed to make it out just in time, although huffing and panting. Those who didn't make it before the countdown was over would have to serve punishment. Once the defaulters were led to a separate part of the compound, the principal started with his announcement.

"Welcome, everyone, to a new day. I am glad we are all still here, because as I always say, each day passed, is one day we are closer to our graves," some groans could be heard from the crowd of students. They were teenagers, wild and full of energy. They hated hearing about anything that had to do with their time of death. All they wanted was to live in the moment and enjoy it.

"Anyway, considering our graduating students. Today is their last day in this school, and I have decided to free all students from classes for today," the crowd went wild upon hearing the last part of the message. Naturally, the students hated school and loved any opportunity to avoid it.

"No classes? Yes! This is my chance to shoot my shots on Madison before we officially graduate!"

"Keep dreaming pal. With your shyness, I'll be damned if she accepts your advances."

The former felt offended by the statement, but couldn't help but agree. He preferred spending his time in his shell, not enjoying the idea of interacting much with people. His only friend being the boy who gave the brazen remark. Although he always seemed harsh on the outside, the shy boy knew he meant well.

"Hey Tyler, Blake, what're you guys talking about?" Jim asked, hanging his arms around both their necks. These three were akin to best friends for life, who were experts at getting on each other's nerves.

"Come on, Tyler, tell him what we were discussing," Blake said.

"We weren't talking about much, other than the fact that June said she loves you," Tyler replied.

"What!!!" Jim yelled, loud enough for everyone to turn towards him with weird looks. "Did she really say that?" he wondered if it was true.

"Yes, in fact, she told us to tell you she wanted to meet up with you during lunch break in class once everyone was out." Jim couldn't believe his ears, but before he could say anything, the principal said his final words before the assembly was over.

Having no classes for the day, the three decided to head towards the computer lab to watch movies and play some arcade games since there was nothing to do. Once it was break time, the two escorted Jim to their classroom once everyone was out for breakfast. Since it wasn't allowed for students to be in class by this time, Jim had to be quick with what he had to do before he got caught.

Entering the classroom, the long black hair of June Madison came into full view. "I've been waiting for you, stupid," she said, hugging herself while bending slightly as she sat on one of the desks, facing the open window.

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting," Jim replied as he walked closer towards the window.
