
God Of death

Jim had been busy partying and drinking with his friends since it was the day before graduation. Toasting ladies, and leading them onto the dance floor to seranate, Jim enjoyed himself to the fullest. Once the party was over, and everybody was on their way home. Looking for his car in the bar garage wobbling about, he couldn't see where he was going and ended up bumping into a large figure. *Thud* Falling on the cold hard floor. His head felt heavy as he struggled to balance himself before getting back up. Pushing off his hands, his body swayed from side to side, until he managed to gain considerable balance. "Hey who the hell are you?!" he asked, drunk. The large figure said nothing, and the next second, Jim could feel something sharp penetrate his abdomen. "My name... is irrelevant," thrusting the blade further, the pointed edge seemed to have punctured through Jim's back. He spat out blood as his eyes grew wide in shock. Whatever hangover he was having, didn't nullify the pain in any way. After a few minutes of struggle, the frail body of Jim stopped moving, and slumped onto the ground as the large figure pulled out the blade. "My job is done." _______________ [Congratulations: Host has awakened his attribute] [Child Of Death] Mass Release for; 50 Power Stones= 10 Chapters 100 Power Stones= 25 Chapters 150 Power Stones= 60 Chapters

Darkvirus_18 · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

Some Attention

Keystone High was always fond on organising such events. Whatever it took to ensure that more students got enrolled. Back when Jim was still a freshmen, he had gone through the exact same thing. Back then, his class teacher had made he and his classmates prepare and perform a play on stage. Of course, Jim wasn't the main character, but merely a side piece because he was a shy person back then, and he just wasn't able to get the role.

Today, it seems like something similar was taking place, as the stage was being set. Using imitative materials, the stage was transformed to look like a grassland with a tower in the centre if it all. The story that was about to be told reminded Jim of one his sister would tell him about.

Standing in the tower, a panicked look on her face, was the damsel in distress. With added flair, she made it quite obvious that she needed saving, but it wasn't only from the tower she was trapped it.

Flying in the air, was a dragon breathing fire. Its mighty breath set the grassland ablaze, killing both the plants and the animals. Everything that breathed either ran for safety or perished, all except for one.

The hero of the play. The boy had light brown hair and wore a makeshift armour while wielding a sword. He was fearless as he challenged the soaring beast. Pointing his trusted blade as the flying behemoth, he called its name, ordering it to fight.

"Hahaha! Do you really expect me to satisfy the wishes of a child?! I am Esper, the strongest dragon! I do the biddings of no one!" following his statement was a heavy breath of flames. Of course, the flames, as well as everything else, weren't real, but we're simply the working of CGI and other imitative gadgets.

Jumping back, trying to create some distance between he and Esper, he knew he had to consider his battle strategy carefully.

"I know what I must do," the young knight said, pulling a necklace that hung around his neck. "This was giving to me by the Queen, your mother. She sent me here to save you, and that is exactly what I plan to do."

So far, through out the play, Jim had been mute, just staring at what was going on on the stage. He wasn't interested in what had been happening. But that all seemed to change upon receiving a notification from the system.

[A demon artifact had been discovered]

[Quest Received: Obtain the artifact]

[Reward: 1000 Energy Points]

Reading the messages, Jim was surprised. Although this wasn't the first time he had heard of something like this. Back in the underworld, he had seen other undead who wielded a vast array of weapons. And even the demon auctioneer had a vast array of items and artifacts on display.

Although he wished to get something for himself, he wasn't able to at the time. But now, seeing as those stopping him we're ordinary humans, he saw his chances of getting the artifact quite high. Besides, the school might not free too much about loosing a piece of costume, seeing as they were able to give it so freely to their actors. It was clear they didn't know its true value.

'I just have to wait for the perfect opportunity to steal it,' he thought, as he had gained a newfound interest in the at do you plan on doing with a tiny piece of jewelry, boy?" Esper bellowed. He was no stranger to mystical trinkets. Of course, he had lived for thousands of years, many brave knights had tried to slay him using multiple weapons: swords, axes, Spears, and even enchanted items such as amulets. Alas, none were able to kill him, and as the saying goes, what doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger.

Seeing the young knight grasp the dull-coloured amulet so bravely, he could help but burst out laughing. This had to be the most foolish human being he had ever met. Perhaps, the boy was merely asking for a death wish by testing his patience, and by pulling out the jewel, he wished to offer more comic relief before the deed was done.

The crowd booed at the antics of Esper the dragon. Most were deeply rooting for the hero, as they should be. That was the point of good entertainment. If they didn't feel concern for the characters, then it can't be called entertainment at that point.

"I will show you what it means to be a knight," the young knight said. Closing his eyes, he received an incantation in an unknown language, and the next second, the dull amulet began to glow purple.

Opening his eyes, they were going purple as well. Everyone was shocked by this, but that wasn't the end. As he continued to receive the chant, purple wings sprouted from his back, allowing him the ability to fly.

"Now, fight me at this level!" the knight said, brandishing his sword. The purple aura had spread to the sword as well, giving it additional power and the ability for him to send out aura attacks.

And so he did. Swiping the air, a line of purple aura was released. Heading for Esper the dragon, he retaliated with a breath of flames, and in the exchange, a clear winner emerged as the flames dispersed, but the aura kept pushing forward, leaving Esper with no other choice than to dodge.

"You seem to be a formidable opponent after all. Yes, I have finally encountered someone that is worthy of being called a challenge!"

Esper seemed to have more tricks up his sleeve, as his body caught aflame the next second. The brilliant glow and heat emitted could be felt by even the audience, which just added more tension to the situation.

"Let's see you work well under all this heat!" Esper said, as the temperature quickly soared. Visible sweat could be seen on the knight, but still, he persisted.

"Don't give up, William! I believe you can defeat him!" the one known as Princess Selina shouted from the tower. Trapped, there was nothing she could do to help William defeat the dragon. So all she could do was cheer him from. She could feel the intense heat even from the tower.

"What are you waiting for? Just die already?!" Esper roared, the heat soaring even higher. This was one of his abilities. Not only could he blast fire from his mouth, but he could also emit that heat through his skin, covering himself in flame, making him resemble the legendary phoenix.

"Lonodania Premiska," William muttered, and the purple aura intensified. The aura now seemed to take a darker shade of purple, as from the amulet, wines began to grow.

"The Queen said that she would let me keep this amulet as long as I save her daughter," he said as more wines sprouted out. "And let's just say, the princess isn't the only one I wish to have."

Suddenly, the vines began to spin rapidly, hitting the floor and ceiling. The crowd was surprised by the fact that the power was destroying the very stage.

As the vines were gaining more centrifugal force, they suddenly spread out, hitting the dragon repeatedly. The attack was packed with the purple aura, as as each wine connected, a sizzling sound could be heard. The wines were melting away the great dragon Esper.

"Now, it is time you die!" As the attack came again, this time, they managed to pass through the body of the dragon, killing it, and causing it to fall to the floor.

The crowd went wild upon seeing the hero slay the dragon. Now, everyone was yelling "save the princess!" and that, he did, with no one around to stop him.

"Oh William, I love you," the princess said, as they both leaned in closer and shared a kiss.

And with that, the curtains drew down, indicating that the play was over.

"You go, sis!" Kevin yelled happily. Although his sister didn't really do much, she managed to do her little part right, and that was enough in his eyes.

'That boy, he... Did he just activate a demon amulet? But how is that even possible?' Jim was dumbfounded by what he had just witnessed, but then, he remembered the incantations the boy recited before the amulet's power was activated.

'There has to be more to that incantation, but for now, I have to focus on getting that amulet."