
God Of death

Jim had been busy partying and drinking with his friends since it was the day before graduation. Toasting ladies, and leading them onto the dance floor to seranate, Jim enjoyed himself to the fullest. Once the party was over, and everybody was on their way home. Looking for his car in the bar garage wobbling about, he couldn't see where he was going and ended up bumping into a large figure. *Thud* Falling on the cold hard floor. His head felt heavy as he struggled to balance himself before getting back up. Pushing off his hands, his body swayed from side to side, until he managed to gain considerable balance. "Hey who the hell are you?!" he asked, drunk. The large figure said nothing, and the next second, Jim could feel something sharp penetrate his abdomen. "My name... is irrelevant," thrusting the blade further, the pointed edge seemed to have punctured through Jim's back. He spat out blood as his eyes grew wide in shock. Whatever hangover he was having, didn't nullify the pain in any way. After a few minutes of struggle, the frail body of Jim stopped moving, and slumped onto the ground as the large figure pulled out the blade. "My job is done." _______________ [Congratulations: Host has awakened his attribute] [Child Of Death] Mass Release for; 50 Power Stones= 10 Chapters 100 Power Stones= 25 Chapters 150 Power Stones= 60 Chapters

Darkvirus_18 · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

Meeting His Match

The next day, Jim had thought of something that had to do with his Energy. He was thinking of a way he could perhaps enhance it, but he didn't have it all thought out yet. Even now, his energy was still consistently running out due to the rule.

His plan was more so an idea. Similar to how a game works, he thought he could perhaps enhance his energy. Find a way to fine tune it. Although the system never told him whether or not that was possible, he still wanted to try.

He firstly wanted to let his energy go all the way down, then, he would try to keep himself in the human realm for as long as he can without energy. Simply, he would be attempting to overpower the pull of the universe on his being.

For a second, he thought that was insane, but later pushed those thoughts aside. He never knew when he would find himself in such a situation anyway, and it would be best to gain as much experience as he could now. It's not like the experiment would kill him, he was already dead.

His energy was still considerably high, so for him to lower it down, he decided to use a huge chunk of it in his inventory tab. With most of it, he bought two pairs of daggers what he could only assume are of minimum quality, considering the fact that he was able to purchase them for 5000 energy points each, leaving him with a little less than 10000 energy points.

The daggers had a weird looking insignia on them. Using his inspect skill, he realized that there were merely basic daggers with no special attributes. This just made him think more about that amulet. If he had it, then perhaps he could locate the person who had killed him.

All he could remember from that night was the fedora hat. Still, there were other things he could do with the amulet. For one, perhaps there is a way for him to uplift the energy rule altogether. To live in the living world with no restraints.

For now, he would just have to practice fighting with his new weapons. While swinging them, he focused on an imaginary opponent before him. He imagined swiping diagonally at his chest, drawing out lots of blood, then kicking his opponent back, causing him to fall to the floor. Jim knew he had to hone his fighting skills if he wished to sustain himself.


Back in the underworld, the land of death and suffering. Located somewhere at the centre of it all, was a large castle. This castle was the living quarters of the ones known as the seven deadly sins. They were the sons of the one who calls himself the god of death.

Currently, they were all seated at a round table discussing important matters regarding the undead, the demons, and other monsterous creatures. As the leaders of hell, it was their job to ensure that everything their subjects did was in fulfillment of their purpose.

"Why have you called us all here, Prune," one of the brother's asked. His appearance composed of glowing red eyes, twisted horns sprouting from his head, elongated, serrated teeth, and long claws. As his spoke, it was almost as though his voice was muffled. Slamin g his fist against the table in frustration, the whole castle seemed to vibrate from the impact.

"Calm down, Glum. I didn't call you all here for nothing," the one known as Prune replied. "You have all been called to discuss a great matter."

"And what might that be?" Glum said, folding his arms.

"This is a matte that has to do with our sworn enemy. It seems like they have been planning something for a while now, despite the agreement we had made all those years ago."

"Are you saying that are planning an attack?!" another Demon yelled in anger. His name was Grezon, and from the looks in his eyes, everyone present knew what he was thinking.

"I understand how you might feel, but we shouldn't just jump into attack mode. From the looks of it, they seem to hold more power as it is. We would simply be running into death if we attempt to attack them now.

"Not to mention that their leaders are also extremely powerful. I fear that even our death god would be no match for them."

"How could you say such a thing?!" Glum retorted. "Have you forgotten how our leader draws his power? He is the ruler of death. Whoever dies, additional power is added to him."

"Exactly," Prune replied. "However, there may be a solution to our problem."

"We're listening," Glum said, glancing at the others sitted at the table. Everyone looked interested in hearing what Prune had to say. If it was a good idea, then they would back him up, but if it wasn't, well, then all hell breaks loose in hell.

"Recently, there has been an undead with a rather unique attribute. His attribute is the very same one that Galapagos has. Currently, it is oy at the infant level. But, with our involvement, he could quickly grow to be as strong as our death god."

Everyone seemed pleased upon hearing this. Still, there was another issue. Say they help this undead attain a power equal to Galapagos, what if he decides to use it against them? There was always the chance of betrayal.

"Prune, what if this undead chooses to betray us? How would we fare against someone as strong as the death god?" Grezon asked the question that was on the mind of everyone present.

"I have already considered that, which is why I had already interfered. You see, unlike the other undead, he has a system. This system contains a fraction of my power, and with time, the stronger he gets, the more control I have over him."

This response didn't sit well with everyone present. Prune was practically saying that he would have the most power in the near future, causing everyone to stand to their feet.

"Prune, you power-hungry bastard. Do you think we are stupid?" Glum said, as purple aura started to gather around his fists. "I will have my army tear you limb from limb!" he roared, charging forward at Prune.


Meanwhile, back in the living world, Jim was still practicing with the use of his daggers. Amongst his current goals, he was disappointed that there wasn't anything he could do at this point in time.

It would still take a long time till his energy would fully deplete, so for now, he decided to head outside and take a walk. This side of Memph City would usually be quiet and peaceful. Remembering the Shadow Gang he had met more than a week ago, he just hoped the place was still as safe as he imagined.

He couldn't imagine a gang member targeting someone like his sister. If something like that were to happen, he didn't know how he would react. Just thinking about it, he didn't know when he had hit his foot against a stone hiding amidst the grass.

Of course, he didn't feel any pain, but it still made him think, that would becoming a demon mean he would feel pain. Of course, from reading his favorite online novel, he had read about undeads who couldn't feel pain, but never about a demon possessing similar attributes.

To him, a demon was a living being that belonged to the underworld. They could feel pain just as much as a regular human. Their existence was meant to serve the purpose of the one they serve.

In th middle of jugging, seemingly out of no where, a group of kids had appeared, chatting happily and blocking his path.

Seeing this, Jim had decided to just walk around them, but ended up in the same situation.

"What do you want?" he asked, not wanting to waste much time with them.

Out of the group of kids, a little girl stepped forward. She had light blue eyes and blonde hair which curled at the edges. She wore expensive-looking clothes that made that of the other kids pale in comparison.

"Sorry to disturb you, but we were hoping if you would attend our concert that's happening tonight. We'll be playing at DreamLand tonight," she hand, shoving the flier and ticket in his face.

Other than gangs and schools, people such as these little children lived their lives as usual. While some would be in groups such as a brigade or red Cross, these little kids were in a band.

Seeing as he had nothing else to do, he shrugged his shoulders and accepted the flier and ticket, and with that, the children went onto disturb someone else's day.

Reading the name on top, he couldn't help but chuckle. There was more to the band than he thought.


Seven years ago, back when teenagers were still infants, Jim had just been offered the opportunity to join a band known as the Air Heads. Back at his former school, they were the most popular kid bands in the city.

Jim was so excited to be in the group that on his first day of band practice, he had pestered his sister until she had agreed to bake as much cookies to feed all his fellow band mates.

Everyone was excited to taste his sister's cooking, and he quickly became a favorite in the group.

On their first concert with him as their new guitar player, they rocked the stage with all their flair. Everyone who attended cheered them on with loud screams. Some even went as far as to throw money at them.

At the end of it all, they had emerged the top kid band on a platform called Playtunez. They had managed to hold the spot for over two months, with no one pushing them back.

"I love you guys," he said, hugging all his band mates after the concert that seemed to have set their career for life.


"I... love you guys," Jim said, squeezing the flier tightly.