

"Althea! Heal me!"

After the fight was over, both me and Anna hover into the audience seats, where our team and all our classmates currently chattering after watching some good fight.

A lot of my bones were broken because of that stupidly strong shockwave that the Kapak guy put me through. Hitting against the wall with my back was not pleasant at all!

"As your wish Your Highness."

The she-dragon then started casting her spell. All of a sudden, many spots on my body got crowded with Kokkradrium attached to them, which is invested by the Sap of Life.

Step by step and my body slowly healed into perfection. Oh, speaking about healing, Anna actually also possessed the ability to tend the wounded, since the Vasurha family got blessed by Phoenix, the Bird of Healing.

Though of course, it won't be as powerful as those who carry the Sap of Life. If I remember correctly there's also a combat class who can heal but didn't carry those saps. I think one of them exists in my class…

"Yo brother… that's one interesting match to watch." With a sarcastic look, Hada approached me and massaged my shoulder as if I'm some kind of boxing contender.

"Screw you! You dirty water! By Conqueror's name… I hate dealing with Ambawak's counter, they always hit so hard! What I wanted is some friendly fun match, not having a giant trying to severe my neck!" I'm bitching like a baby, not my proudest moment but it really did hurt like hell.

"Hahahaha it takes pain to be on top brother." Hada laughed his ass off, I had never seen him this satisfied before.

Meanwhile, between our conversations, I saw Mrs. Senaria walk into the arena, slowly approaching that unconscious opponent of mine.

She summoned a shortbow by turning the ring in her left hand into it and started shooting cageurparing (healing arrow) at the big guy.

*Tack!* *Tack!* *Tack!* As the arrows got stuck, not only did his wounds got healed, his thorn armor also got repaired.

This is one of the specialties of Nu Manah, the combat class of Sarma who was directly born from the Tree of Life. They can easily restore any attire, whether they are clothes or armor, or anything.

"That Dubalang Kapak… do you know anything about him?" I curiously asked Hada.

"Nope, but Chiya maybe…" That ice brother of mine then pointed at the black-dressed Survya lady who seems to be holding a notebook in her hand.

"Chiya? What you got there?" I called to her.

"Oh, this? Prince Hada asked me to copy all of our classmates' front page~" Her face radiated happiness, I guess that means she just finished doing the given task.

"And you just agreed to it?" Hada tends to like to manipulate people, though not because he's evil, he's just lazy. I bet he gonna do some research on all of those data she just gathered.

"Hm? Why not? He may not be a Crown Prince, but he's still a prince, isn't it just natural to follow the will of the royalty?"

Chiya stared at me in confusion. I guess I need to realize our status more as members of the royal family, and who else got the same privilege as I do.

"Forget I ever asked then…" I waved my hands to wipe the words away. "Now, do you have any information related to the two Dubalang I just fought?"

Ah, I just realized I also seem to like ordering people around, almost becomes a hypocrite there… or… am I already one?

"In fact, I do… here, take a look~" The lady opened her notebook to the pages she wanted to show me. She then gave me the book for me to get more personal.

"Hmm… Lysias Esel… Gea Esel…"

Just like Draconus, Esel is a clan name rather than a family name. Every single Dubalang will carry the name Esel as they're brothers and sisters in arms. Although, since they don't do such thing as marriage and just mate, it's quite hard sometimes to see those royal guards' lineage.

There's a lot of notes written in Chiya's book, not just those that exist on the archstudent's front page. I guess Chiya is the type who really commits to her works. I see a great future in her taking some role in this team management.

"2767… 2516… a soldier statistic eh?"

Hada and the others also reading the notebook alongside me.

Name: Lysias Esel

[*Strength: 957]

[Agility: 147]

[Intelligence: 212]

[Perception: 237]

[Vitality: 674]

[Max Stamina: 425]

[Max Mana: 115]

[Max Speed: 32]

*Scaled based on Scientist size.

Name: Gea Esel

[Strength: 415]

[Agility: 172]

[Intelligence: 184]

[*Perception: 579]

[Vitality: 617]

[Max Stamina: 375]

[Max Mana: 174]

[Max Speed: 30]

*Scaled based on Scientist size.

"Perception? Dubalang Kipeh's main attribute is perception?"

I asked as if it's already confirmed that the star on the attribute means the main attribute. I know it's just a theory Hada made, but it felt logical to me.

"Huh…? That's interesting, I thought her main would be vitality with all that shield and pottery lying around." Hada seems intrigued, something out of his expectation occurs.

"I also use defensive magic, yet my main is Intelligence," Falisha commented.

"Then there's Chiya who use vitality as a supportive attribute," I added.

"What about you My Prince? Most Santi Waraney only strikes once each skill, why are your main is agility like myself?"

Now that I think about it, Anna is right, my main is supposed to be strength then, to power that one strike as a Santi Waraney.

"Hmm… looks like there's a lot more to learn about the statistic system, research is in dire need to be conducted!" Hada grin like a freak, no one can stop him if starts putting his mind into something. Best to leave him at it.

"By the way, college is over for today… or the official one at least… are Highnesses and Graces have anything you wanted to do after this?" Asked Chiya, she seems to want to tag along with whatever our agenda is.

"We gonna fill the CSS (Course Selection Sheet) after this, it needs to be submitted no later than 23:59 tonight," I replied.

"Ca-can I come?"

Hazana asked, looking extremely shy and hesitant. I guess she still felt not worthy to be on our team. I can't blame her though, seeing 5 of our members are from the main bloodline of their tribes, and 2 members are blessed by a God. She's the only mage among us.

"Of course, you're part of us now."

I smiled, as sincere as I can. People like her should be embraced for the sake of the success of the team. I won't let any of my comrades get left behind.

Hearing my words, faint happiness emitted from her face, I guess this is a good start for her.