

So yeah after searching for a wile he still hasn't found the castle or Moka in general and its starting to get annoying considering he is supposed to have fun a with the things he finds interesting but that was mainly limited to her because this world is full of weaklings and barley any interesting powers so yeah and now that he is getting bored of trying to find her or with the concept of her in general right now he has decided to move to his next decided world Naruto and maybe come back later highly unlikely but sill.

Anyway this will need a lot of time and work to do also he has decided to try an idea to get powers since monsters each have their own powers why cant he get there blood and brake it down with his powers and add their good parts to his body and so with that idea he sets out in the monster world creating a dimensional device with his creators power and hunting monsters for their blood which consists mainly of a few ones.


TIME SKIP {9 years later}

After a long time Mason is found in a forest in the human world now 18 years old he looks pretty much the same but instead of the mix matched eyes is now filled with multicolored energy swirling in his eyes that seem to draw people in like an abyss this was happened after gaining all the powers and it being added to his blood making him not human, vampire, or just one race in general so it changed his DNA fundamentally as well luckily he kept his human form but he gained another form but that is for later.

Through his travels he completed many thing like becoming one of the strongest beings in this world mainly from the vampire, ghoul, dragon, werewolf, Shinigami and lastly succubus which if at god level is op as hell ask someone to kill themselves and done lol plus it adds to his already unreal charm from the other races.

Another thing now that he thinks about it some might wouder about Moka well he did meet her but she was already in her second year of highschool so she already was in love with that weakling but with succbus blood in him he could get her to fall in love with his just by his looks but when travling for so long with nothing but fighting and powering up along with creating a technique for demensional travel yeah he scraped the idea for a tech way to travel as it has to many problems that could happen so that was another reason why it too so long but back to Moka he lost complete intrest in her for a lover/mate as she was to childish and to proud for someone who was weak and her getting/drawing so much noise twoards herself it wasnt worth it so yeah scratch that out of the journal but he wasnt worried he already had someone who was similar in personality to his slothful nature and emotionless personality try and guess who if he can hehe.

Anyway another thing he found out was he was mistaken about magic which was cool cuz now he can use it which made things so much eaiser which he got from witchs a speices he forgot like many and so with magic he created a castle which was made into a artifact so now he lives like a king which still is kinda below him and used magic in a form of gliphs so he can travel to narutos world which he finished yesterday and so with double checking he has everthing from this crapy world so he can most likely never come back so lets do a quick check.



1.) Castle Artifact, check

2.) Journal and pen, check

3.) Extra blood samples and energy samples just in case, check

4,) Purgatory lock, check lol of course he has it he doesn't really take it off

hmmm that's about it wow he doesn't have much in the way of personal belongings might have to change that later ok now to start the magic sequence for dimensional travel.



We find a very tired and painting Mason on the ground with his cloths sticking to his body wile right in front of him is a giant magical glyph made up of a rainbow of colors radiating an atomically amount of power about to exploded so yeah he didn't make it stable as he wished but it should work.

As he steps into the middle of it quickly he starts it wile mentally counting down from five till he leaves this world.






"Goodbye mother*cking world if I see you again it will be to soon!!!!!" Mason practically screams his longs out as the rainbow of colors exploded into a Fabrinet blinding light so it can disappear seconds later to reveal Mason gone.

so yeah its been a couple of days or so since the last post also this story isn't really gonna fallow a strict script but on how my mood is so yeah also I wonder if this is interesting to you guys at all as to me it is barley any talking for Mason to others and it is mainly me stating stuff if it is interesting please say so if not ill probably stop writing

Alexia_Possiblecreators' thoughts