
God Of Chaos In Modern World

The gods are the higher beings worshiped by humans. They are seen as the holy and divine beings who have infinite kindness. With unmatchable powers and immortality, they oversee all humans and ensure their continuity. But are these words really true? Are gods really as kind as they are told in the holy books. Or was it all just a facade to collect the fate of peoples in order to wake the gods from their deep slumber. This is the world where the humans are between the chaos started by the gods. How will the weak humans survive between the clash of multiple supreme gods. Can they even survive or not? The earth which will be divided between gods, Is it capable to handling these things? What will be the attitude of gods towards the humans? In the end, who will be the winner and loser? The fragile world which is already in chaos will get further in chaos as the old gods will awaken from their millions of slumber. And what will the Primordial God of Chaos who awoke earlier than other gods will do?

TheSage12 · Urbain
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32 Chs

Prime Minister

With his divine eyes, Zigeyr find the prime minister. He again teleported himself in the room of prime minister of Aidni.

The Prime Minister of Aidni, Idom, was sitting on his chair, deep in thought. He was a man of 45 years of age. At an instant, A boy of 25 years of age with black, short hair appeared in the room from nothingness.



Zigeyr has just opened his mouth to speak when he was shot straight into his head. Though the bullet hit him, there was no sign of blood. Seeing this, Idom was momentarily stunned, unable to believe his eyes. But just after some second, he fired multiple shots.





He fired multiple shots, and they hit him, but still nothing happened to him. There were no signs of injury, and no one knows where the bullets have gone.

He finally stopped shooting and spoke,"Y-you how are you unscathed?, How did you get past my soldiers?"

"Finally, It seems you are ready to talk." Zigeyr saw Idom with amusement in his eyes. He had seen the gun on the table beside Idom and knew that he would probably shoot him, but never thought that he would not even get the time to say hello.

"Decisive, Very Good" He praised Idom as he walked near the empty chair and sat on it.

"I see that you and your nation is in crisis right now. I am a god and can help you solve your problems."


Idom was speechless. 

"Guards!" He tried to call his guards several times but no response.

"It's useless to scream. No one can hear anything from this room" Zigeyr said while analyzing his face.

Idom face got tense, and he finally believed it that the boy in front of him is not simple.

"Alright, so you are a god. May I ask which god?"

"God Of Chaos."

"God Of Chaos? Isn't it a goddess?"

"There can be multiple gods with the same divinity. Just shut up and tell me what is the situation of your nation" Zigeyr was annoyed by his request.

"We are still fighting the Malsic terrorist. We have lost 3 of our states. Many of our main cities are devastated by bombs and missiles. With other countries supporting them with guns and equipment, it will be very difficult to defeat them."

"Heehee, Malsi, a religion full of terrorists" Zegeyr said with a chuckle. Though it was wrong to say bad to other religions, but Idom still nodded.

"What religion do Aidni follows?" Even though he knows the answer, Zigeyr still asked the question.

"We are a secular nation, with no religion affiliation. All religions are equal in our country."

Zigeyr was silent for a moment before asking another question," What religion do you follow?"

Idom hesitated before saying, "I follow the path of enlightenment which is rooted in Udnih Religion.

"Very Good, You are lucky to follow Udnihism." He was really lucky to be a follower of Udnih Religion. If he was not, then Zigeyr would had to replace the Prime Minister.