
God of all System

What will happen to your life if the strongest god deems you to be his successor? Join Jyu D. Viola adventure through the realms while fighting people and mastering the strongest power!

JyuDViola · Oriental
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30 Chs

Extreme North

The four Supreme Elders looked down toward the forest and furred their brows. There was a huge seal around the forest, but that not what bothered them, but the aura that the forest wat emitting, immensely powerful life aura. Seeing that they couldn't help but get close to it, but before they could do anything.

"Halt your movement immediately!" A voice roared through the forest! Hearing that they didn't dare to make another move, that voice was, without doubt, belonged to the Emperor!

Just when they are thinking that a man appeared in front of them, With a long golden hair and golden eyes, his body was emitting a hot fierce aura, yet rich, full of life, like a young man in his prime!

Feeling it they couldn't help but be shocked! But that was not all, his cultivation was 6 stage False-God realm! All of that was too much for them to take - "Took you a long time to arrive, I order to have you come immediately!" He said in a grave tone!

Hearing it they had no doubt anymore, the man in front of them was their Emperor! "We humbly requesting your forgiveness!" All of them said while kneeling on the floor! They could feel the rage in his tone, he was very angry, considering his daughter current stat, it will be weird if he didn't!

"Rise up, we don't have time for that now." He said. Hearing that they rose up and was surprised, he wasn't so forgiving usually. "As you can see, the forest behind you contain extremely powerful life energy, absorbing a little bit of it made me, breakthrough two stages, and my longevity to essentially reborn."

Hearing that they couldn't help but take a deep breath! Such a forest actually exist?! But it's impossible! This forest is supposed to be nothing special! it's just another random forest in their kingdom territory!

If it had such a powerful life energy they would have found out about it long ago!

"Emperor, Forgive my rudeness but is it even possible? If such a heavenly forest existed in our territory until know there was no way we wouldn't find out!" Said Huo Fen.

"I know, I also find it extremely wired, there is no way that the forest was like that from the beginning, must be some kind of treasure that changed this place!" Said Huo Heng. 'It's hard for me to believe that a treasure that capable to do such a thing actually exists, but that's the only explanation.'

"Anyway, We must not waste any time, help me take this forest to the kingdom!" Said Huo Heng! And with that, Emperor Heng and the four Supreme Elders was started moving the forest!


* North region - Extreme North *

In a north region, a place that almost no normal living being can survive. This place contains nothing but an Ice, Here exists the most powerful of divine beasts, these that's capable to survive here is nothing but ridiculously powerful beasts! That place is known as the Extreme North!

In this place, exist the Snow Flower sect! This sect contains mostly females, but there are some men, though most of them aren't happily accepted.

In a secret place in this sect, one that even elders don't aware about it existent, a female was walking, she wore a white robe, but it didn't hide her elegance, on the back of her robe there was a blue phoenix mark, her eyes were like shining crystals, and her hair was a long reaching to her hips, Her hair was Jet-black.

Snow was covering this place, and fall from the sky yet mysteriously it didn't touch her at all like the snow didn't wish to taint her beauty! She was slowly waling until she reached to a creating place, it seemed to be a simple house, but nothing special about it, and if someone is to take a single look at it they won't bother to take a second one.

She slowly got closer and stopped at the entrance, while bowing down and saying "Disciple greeting master." While saying these words she didn't move at all and kept bowing until she got a response.

"Silly girl, enter." A voice that sound like a melody said.

Lin Lianxiang slowly rose up from the floor and opened the door, inside the house didn't seem much better than the outside, there was nothing special here, it was a plain simple house, there was bearly anything here, only a chair and a table, most of the house was empty.

Lin Lianxiang slowly closed the door and walked to the only room in the house, and knocked on the door before entering, she slowly opened the door and in front of her there was an extremely beautiful woman, her hair was black yet it was shining like the stars.

This woman was Lin Yexue, The sect master of the Snow Flower Sect, and the master of Lin Lianxiang.