
God level talent in Supernatural universe.

VoidTime · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Supernatural universe.

New calendar Year 50 December 29st.

Magic school 1 class 3th year no 1.

50 students in a class room about the age of 15 are talking to each other about the important event in there life that is about to come.

"I am super excited about the awakening tomorrow. I don't know what ability i will awaken but i wish it can be a attack type"

"I think you should pay more that you awaken at last a B level ability, otherwise you will not be able to apply for Major college letter."

"Do you think B level ability is easy to awaken? if i can awaken a c level ability that will do. at least i can apply for high level college"

"yes, teacher said that from (F,E) is low level, (D,C) is mid level, (B,A) is high level, (S,SS) is top level and (SSS) is super level so we should be ok if we awaken to mid level "

"Last year a upper class student awaken to a top level S class and i heard his awakening ability is Element type. after that he upgraded his top class Element mage and become super powerful and admitted at a major college, his future is super awesome "

" Ooo i almost forgot that when we awaken our ability we can get the same type of class like game stats window. "

when the classmates were taking at the back of the class a student who look like a immortal from the fairly tails was also looking at them. his facial expressions and quality is super perfect and he look like an immortal because his black hair is as long as his back and he fix them like the immortal of the past. he is about 5.10 f long and a have a perfect body.

from time to time some classmates look at him some with envy some with blashs etc because the boy not only looks good but he is also the number 1 student in the class but he is not so talkative so he has no friends but the boy was lost in his own though.

the boys name is tang san.

tang san was sitting and looking around him and thought "is it already 15 years that i have been reborn in this parallel world??"

he thought "in the last life i was a 20 year old orphan who was a student and part-time job employee because of a job that requires me to fix an AC i was shoked to death because of electricity connections"

"After i open my eyes again i found i was a new born baby fast i was shoked but after that i feel relaxed i thought i will be able to make something out of myself because of the memory of my past life"

"But who would have thought that the reality was so deferent? i found that i was also a orphan here i was ok with that but waht i found letter is that the world i was in was totally different "

" in 2050 in this world some changes occurred that no one know about after a message come to all the people in the world and said he was (congratulations to all the people of the blue planet, I am "Heavenly Rule" and i am in charge of the upcoming evaluation of all planets and the people but i will not give the opportunity to you all for nothing you all have to fight for that")

"After that in many places in earth many Tower appear and the tower is called the tower of awakening.with this we can awaken our hidden ability and class to evolve and upgrade as Heavenly Rule said."

At this time the class room quite down and a teacher walk in and said "students for the past years that you have worked hard it is about to come to an end tomorrow because we will go to the tower of awakening tomorrow and awaken our talent"

after that he also said some more words but tang san didn't pay attention because he was thinking" what kind of ability will i awaken? many people say that you will awaken the ability that you are most obsessed with and want to have but that is not 100% true even if that happened something but the ability that i want is something that is super powerful if it is like that then i want that ability that i wrote abut in the novel that i was working on when i died."

"the ability to interfere with reality and make the reality bend to my will" like the marvel universe movie.

well we will see what will come will come.

after the scholl ended all the students left the class and went there own way tang san also went to a place not far from school. because he was an orphan in this world because of ability all the children will be supported untill they awaken there ability so he han so problem living.

After coming home he began to meditate because it will make his mind peaceful. and he began to wait for the next day of awakening.