
God Level Demon Novel

Shameless Xia Ping, not only did you steal my martial arts manual and medicinal pills, you even took my fiancée! "We're not finished!" "He’s the embarrassment of the Martial Way and a parasite of the human race. "A complete scumbag." "There’s nothing that he won’t do." "Not only would he not help an old person cross the road, he would even steal the lollipop of a three year old." "He causes problems everywhere." All of the geniuses in those big families have been beaten up by him before. "Now, he’s no longer tolerated by either humans or gods!" Countless Yanhuang Star martial arts experts despised Xia Ping to the bone. They were just itching to completely crush him into pieces. As for Xia Ping? Facing the hatred of so many people, he just calmly pulled up the interface of the "Grand Hatred System" and looked at all the wonderful things there. He rubbed his chin and said, "I’ve already saved up so many hatred points." What should I exchange it for now? Saint-grade medicinal pills? Or perhaps that primordial pill? The peerless martial art skill, Tathagata Palm, also seems pretty good. But then there’s that divine weapon, the Cosmic Cauldron. "It really is too difficult to choose!" Note : I am only Translator, but if you wanna support me, please vote or rate this novel with 5 star. thank you! lets share your happiness with litllesnake: https://ko-fi.com/litllesnake If you want to read advance chapter go to my patreon page, its free!!! Link : patreon.com/Litllesnake

litlleSnake · Fantaisie
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397 Chs

The Beast Island

A few hours later, the spaceship finally reached Beast Island.

"We've arrived at Beast Island."

With a whoosh, Captain Luo Jian's figure appeared on the big screen once again. He said, "After you've gathered your luggage, you'll head down to the Beast Island." "You'll stay here for five days, and our spaceship will return to this place five days later."

"When the time is up, no matter what you are doing, you must return."


The spaceship slowly landed on a beach on Beast Island. With a bang, the door opened, and a steel staircase appeared, allowing the students to descend.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

In a few minutes, the students from the ten schools alighted from the spaceship and quickly left it. The crew and teachers did not follow them down.

In an instant, there were about two hundred people standing on the beach. They were densely packed, and all of them were carrying bags, suitcases, etc.


At this moment, the spaceship rose into the air and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight. It left Beast Island and flew toward the nearby entertainment island as a temporary resting place.

For the students, these five days were training time, but for the teachers and crew on the spaceship, it was vacation time. They wouldn't stay in such a desolate place like Beast Island.

In any case, they wouldn't have much to do if they stayed on Ferocious Beast Island. They only needed to return with a spaceship five days later and take the students back to Tianshui City.

As the students watched the spaceship leave, they felt as if they had lost something. At this moment, they were really the only ones left, because this place was basically an isolated island, far away from the continent, desolate, and uninhabited.

Xia Ping looked toward the island. In front of him was a dense forest. There were lush plants everywhere. In the distance, there were mountains, rivers, and valleys.

From time to time, the roars of ferocious beasts could be heard from the depths of the forest, causing one's heart to palpitate.

All the students present could feel an aura that was completely incompatible with the Iron Dukedom. This was a primitive aura, and there was no one around. Even if they shouted for help, no one would care.

"Let's go."

The first one was from No. 88 High School in Tianshui City. Chu Rong took the lead and led her team in the northeast direction, leaving the team and heading towards the depths of the forest.

Because this trial was a competition, it was impossible for all the students to stay together. They had to be separated, otherwise, with so many people together, who would be the one hunting the ferocious beasts?!

Seeing this, the people from the other schools also split up and consciously separated in different directions to avoid colliding.

"Let's go," Jiang Yaru said.

Xiong Batian said, "Forget it. I don't want to stay with this guy." He glared at Xia Ping before turning to leave. Following him were Goldman, Tao Yun, Hong Yu, and the other sixteen or seventeen.

They seemed to have discussed it beforehand and planned to move together. They did not plan to stay with Xia Ping. Only Xia Ping, Jiang Yaru, and Zhu Erqin were left.

"I guess we're isolated."

Xia Ping sighed: "This world is too dark, this is the legendary bullying."

"Bullsh*t, it's all your fault." "You're causing trouble everywhere." Jiang Yaru glared at Xia Ping angrily. "And I want to be more serious. You're the one being isolated. We're not."

Xia Ping looked at Zhu Erqin and asked, "Aren't you going with them?"

"I've already formed a team with Yaru, and I'm not one for group operations." "Two or three would be perfect," Zhurqin said flatly, unconcerned about the others leaving.


Xia Ping shrugged. "Where should we go now?"

"First of all, we need to find a place with a water source and a place to stay. "That is the most important thing." Jiang Yaru seemed to be fully prepared. "After all, we have to stay on the Fierce Beast Island for five days. "Without a nest, it will be very troublesome."

Zhu Erqin suggested, "Just now, I saw a huge mountain in the sky above the spaceship." It seemed to be the source of a small stream that came down from the mountain. "Maybe we can go to that mountain and use that place as our base."

Their plan was very simple, and that was to find a place where they could live. Then, they could spread out in all directions according to the location of the base and hunt the ferocious beasts.

"Alright, I have no objections." Xia Ping nodded.

Hence, the three of them immediately walked towards the east and entered the forest.

However, not long after they left, Xia Ping realized that there was a group of people following behind them. They were Zhengde High's Han Shan and the rest. There were eleven or twelve of them in total.

Their eyes flickered with evil intentions.

Xia Ping and the others immediately became vigilant. They thought these people wanted to attack, but they found that these people from Zhengde High didn't seem to have any intention of attacking them. They were just following behind.

Wherever the three of them went, Han Shan and the rest would go. It wasn't too far or too close, and they were just hanging from the back like ghosts.

"Why are these people following us?" Zhu Erqin frowned and felt uncomfortable. Being followed like this was like meeting a stalker.

Jiang Yaru snorted. "It doesn't matter. "As long as they cause trouble, we don't have to bother with them." She glared at Xia Ping angrily, because this was caused by this bastard.

"Be careful, there's a ferocious beast charging out."

Xia Ping, on the other hand, had been releasing his spirit energy to observe the surrounding jungle. In an instant, he realized that there seemed to be abnormal movements in the opposite jungle. A terrifying aura was transmitted.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

In the blink of an eye, the trees shook like a gust of wind. In an instant, four to five Forest Wolves rushed from the opposite side of the trees. Every one of them was incomparably strong, with muscles all over their bodies and sharp claws on their limbs. They scratched a few traces on the ground, emitting a bloodthirsty and cruel aura.

"Be careful, this is a jungle wolf."

Jiang Yaru warned carefully, "It is said that they are one of the overlords of the Beast Island. They are numerous, extremely fast, and extremely strong. With one claw, even a rock would be torn apart."

"If there are hundreds or thousands of them, even martial artists would be torn to pieces by these Forest Wolves."

"However, even if it's just a single Jungle Wolf, its fighting strength can't be underestimated. It doesn't fear death in battle and is extremely difficult to deal with. Moreover, it will call for friends. If we don't quickly kill them, we will immediately fall into the Jungle Wolf's encirclement."

Her expression turned serious.

Xia Ping did not care much. These forest wolves were indeed powerful, but they were only equivalent to Fifth Heavenly Layer Martial Apprentices. They were no threat to him.

Just as he was about to kill the five forest wolves, the people from Zhengde High, who had been following behind him, suddenly moved. They were extremely fast and rushed to Xia Ping and the others.

In an instant, five people stepped forward, took out their long swords, and executed exquisite sword techniques. A ray of cold light flashed past, extremely precise and ruthless. With a pfft, the long sword pierced through the hearts of the five forest wolves.

With a thud, these five forest wolves had no strength to resist and immediately fell to the ground, losing their lives.


Jiang Yaru and Zhu Erqin were both shocked. They did not understand why these people from Zhengde High would do such a thing and even help them kill these ferocious beasts.

But didn't they offend these people from Zheng De High School? Could it be that these people were actually kind-hearted and repaid evil with kindness?