
God Level Demon Novel

Shameless Xia Ping, not only did you steal my martial arts manual and medicinal pills, you even took my fiancée! "We're not finished!" "He’s the embarrassment of the Martial Way and a parasite of the human race. "A complete scumbag." "There’s nothing that he won’t do." "Not only would he not help an old person cross the road, he would even steal the lollipop of a three year old." "He causes problems everywhere." All of the geniuses in those big families have been beaten up by him before. "Now, he’s no longer tolerated by either humans or gods!" Countless Yanhuang Star martial arts experts despised Xia Ping to the bone. They were just itching to completely crush him into pieces. As for Xia Ping? Facing the hatred of so many people, he just calmly pulled up the interface of the "Grand Hatred System" and looked at all the wonderful things there. He rubbed his chin and said, "I’ve already saved up so many hatred points." What should I exchange it for now? Saint-grade medicinal pills? Or perhaps that primordial pill? The peerless martial art skill, Tathagata Palm, also seems pretty good. But then there’s that divine weapon, the Cosmic Cauldron. "It really is too difficult to choose!" Note : I am only Translator, but if you wanna support me, please vote or rate this novel with 5 star. thank you! lets share your happiness with litllesnake: https://ko-fi.com/litllesnake If you want to read advance chapter go to my patreon page, its free!!! Link : patreon.com/Litllesnake

litlleSnake · Fantaisie
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397 Chs

Sweet promise

With the first surrender, the second and third surrenders were only natural. If they did not want to be eliminated due to hunger, they could only agree to Xia Ping's conditions.

Therefore, the hundreds of people who wanted to find trouble with Xia Ping all agreed to Xia Ping's request and became his temporary lackeys.

After that, Xia Ping instructed Han Shan and the rest to distribute a cup of instant noodles as a form of advance payment.

Immediately, a spectacular scene appeared at the villa. Hundreds of students were squatting on the ground and eating instant noodles. They even looked happy, as if this was the happiest moment of their lives.

Some students were still choked with tears.

"Oh my god, I never knew instant noodles were so delicious before. "It's simply a delicacy." A student looked up at the sky and sighed. He was even tearing up.

Beside him, there were also students who were very emotional. They looked at the instant noodles in their hands and said, "Isn't that so?" Looking at the soup, the noodles, and the condiments, it's simply the most delicious delicacy in the world. "No chef can make it."

"I actually thought that it was junk food and didn't care about it at all. "It seems like I was wrong."

The other students nodded in agreement. After starving for an entire day and night and being hung up for an entire night to enjoy the cold wind, they were already about to go crazy. To exaggerate, even if they ate tree bark, they would still think that it was potato chips.

Not to mention a delicacy like instant noodles, even exotic delicacies could not compare to it.

"In that case, we have to thank this Xia Ping. He was the one who let us know how precious food is.

"Gratitude my a * s. I can't wait to cover this bastard with a sack and drag him to a remote alley to give him a beating. "If it weren't for him, we would not have fallen to the extent that even a cup of instant noodles would taste so good."

"He made us suffer so much." Just a cup of instant noodles, and you're grateful to him. "Why are you so cheap?"

"I'm sorry, that guy up there is my classmate." He just came out of the mental hospital and didn't have time to take his medicine before coming to the competition. But don't worry; other than his mental illness, he is fine.

"Damn, this is the real problem." "What if they don't differentiate between friend and foe and suddenly beat up their own people?"

Many students were secretly discussing, but their voices were very soft; they were afraid that Xia Ping would discover them. Otherwise, they would definitely be captured and beaten up.

That was why he only dared to secretly curse.

This scene was naturally seen by Yang Wei, Gao Wan and the rest who had enemies with Xia Ping.

"Damn Xia Ping, look at what evil deeds this bastard has done!"

"Isn't that so?" Initially, the top students in these schools all had good families. Even if they didn't eat delicacies every day, they would have at least three dishes and one soup. Now, look at how Xia Ping starved them to such a state. "They even shed tears when eating a cup of instant noodles."

"If this Xia Ping were to become the boss of a business, who knows what he would do to his employees?" He would just reward them with some instant noodles and make them shed tears of gratitude. They would be treated like gods."

"Dig out his heart and take a look. I guarantee it's all black."

"To be honest, I'm considered a stingy person." I never turn on the air conditioner in the summer. In winter, I use cold water to save electricity. A piece of clothing can last ten years. When I go out to eat, I'll definitely lick the bowl clean.

But this fellow can't even stand me being so stingy. This bastard is clearly exploiting his employees. Even if I work hard for him, he won't be full. He's not human at all.

Gao Wan and the rest were all cursing Xia Ping, despising his character. If they were present, they would definitely raise their voices and lead everyone to resist this bastard's tyranny.

Half an hour later, these students finished a cup of instant noodles one after another, but it was completely insufficient. They could only barely recover a little of their energy. At least, they were not as hungry as before and could not even move.

Moreover, they had also taken advantage of this period of time to bandage the injuries on their bodies, and they could be considered to be able to exert 60–70% of their combat strength. As martial arts experts, their physique was extremely strong, so some light injuries were nothing.

In fact, the students who could still continue to participate in the competition did not have serious injuries. If they had serious injuries, they would have been eliminated long ago and would not have stayed here.

"Alright, since everyone has finished eating, let's get to work." Xia Ping stood with his hands behind his back and looked at the students.

A student blinked. "Work? "What kind of work?"

The other students were also perplexed.

"To snatch the badge, of course!"

Xia Ping's eyes revealed a glimmer of light. More than a day had passed, and people in the entire Simulation City had already successively snatched the token from Monster.

Even though the monsters guarding the tokens were very powerful, the students did not want to fight to the death with them. They just wanted to snatch the tokens beside them.

Thus, as long as he used a scheme to lure those monsters away, he would be able to easily obtain the title plate.

However, even though it sounded simple, it was actually extremely difficult to achieve this. It required extremely strong martial arts cultivation, a calm mentality, an intelligent mind, and other qualities to succeed.

However, all the students who could participate in the high school combat competition were among the top ten students in the school. It was normal for them to be outstanding. There were also many who could do these things.

However, don't think that the competition will end just because you obtained the token from Monster. The token had a locator on it, and any student would know the location of the token.

Thus, the students in the vicinity who knew the location of the command token would go up to seize it, and the student who obtained the command token would be besieged from all directions.

Unless the competition ended, there would be no peace.

Only those who could withstand the attacks of countless students and retain their identity tokens would be qualified to advance to the top sixteen. This was an overwhelming strength that no one could dispute.

"Brother, I've investigated."

Feng Hetang immediately stepped forward and said, "There are already two or three tokens near the eighth region." It seems that someone has already obtained them. "They are currently moving frantically to avoid the attacks of the other students."

"Maybe we can do something about those three."

When he heard this, Xia Ping grinned. The reason he didn't kill these students with a single strike and eliminate them was because he wanted to obtain the strength of these students to help him obtain the command token.

With so many people surrounding them, those students who obtained the tokens definitely had nowhere to run!

"Alright, let's attack these three!"

Xia Ping looked at the students and said, "If I can get three tokens, I only want one of them. The remaining two will be given to the two who have contributed the most. I will not go back on my words."


Many students were moved when they heard this. The reason they stayed behind to continue the competition was because they hoped to obtain the token to advance to the top 16.

Previously, if he had only relied on his own strength, he might not have been able to obtain a token. However, if he had borrowed the strength of everyone, it might not have been impossible.

Their thoughts flickered. Even though Xia Ping was using them, how could they not make use of this opportunity to obtain the command token?

Once he obtained the token, he would immediately flee. This bastard couldn't do anything to him.

Instantly, the mental appearance of these students changed, and they were no longer as perfunctory as before because this was a great opportunity.


Feng Hetang and the others sighed with emotion. It was just a simple painting, yet so many students were willing to work for him. Little did they know that they hadn't even obtained the tokens yet, and everything was just like a flower in the water.