
God Level Demon Novel

Shameless Xia Ping, not only did you steal my martial arts manual and medicinal pills, you even took my fiancée! "We're not finished!" "He’s the embarrassment of the Martial Way and a parasite of the human race. "A complete scumbag." "There’s nothing that he won’t do." "Not only would he not help an old person cross the road, he would even steal the lollipop of a three year old." "He causes problems everywhere." All of the geniuses in those big families have been beaten up by him before. "Now, he’s no longer tolerated by either humans or gods!" Countless Yanhuang Star martial arts experts despised Xia Ping to the bone. They were just itching to completely crush him into pieces. As for Xia Ping? Facing the hatred of so many people, he just calmly pulled up the interface of the "Grand Hatred System" and looked at all the wonderful things there. He rubbed his chin and said, "I’ve already saved up so many hatred points." What should I exchange it for now? Saint-grade medicinal pills? Or perhaps that primordial pill? The peerless martial art skill, Tathagata Palm, also seems pretty good. But then there’s that divine weapon, the Cosmic Cauldron. "It really is too difficult to choose!" Note : I am only Translator, but if you wanna support me, please vote or rate this novel with 5 star. thank you! lets share your happiness with litllesnake: https://ko-fi.com/litllesnake If you want to read advance chapter go to my patreon page, its free!!! Link : patreon.com/Litllesnake

litlleSnake · Fantaisie
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397 Chs

Sex Scandal!

"What?! "Take responsibility?! ""What does Xia Ping need to take responsibility for?" A few students next to them heard Jiang Yuru's words and quickly started gossiping.

"Yeah! And not only that, it also can't be found out by the teacher! ""What bad thing did he do?" Another student asked curiously.

They had been constantly paying attention to the interaction between Xia Ping and Jiang Yuru. After all, no matter where the school's flower went, she was always the center of attention for everybody.

Just a moment ago, I saw Jiang Yuru come storming over with two panda eyes too. "I'm guessing that she didn't get any sleep last night and was under intense psychological pressure," one student carefully observed. "Who would've thought that the moment she arrived, she would look for Xia Ping? Not only that, but she managed to catch him outside, as if he were an adulterer. "With how angry she looks, I'm guessing they've got something going between them."

"Guess my ass!" "It's obviously real!" A male student mourned indignantly. "They're already at the point where they're talking about responsibility! What else can it be? It's obviously that scum, Xia Ping, messing around and then abandoning her when he was done! "He probably took Jiang Yuru to some hotel last night and accidentally got her pregnant, so now she's trying to get him to take responsibility!"

All of the other students' faces fell. That really was a possibility. Seeing Jiang Yuru's angry eyes, her reddened face, it was as if she was about to cry at any moment. No matter how you looked at it, she really did look like a three month pregnant woman who had just been abandoned by her husband.

"Not possible. Xia Ping's looks are average, and his family is poor. How could he get the school's flower, Jiang Yuru? "Even I don't have the qualifications, so how can he have them?" One student didn't believe it, so he tried explaining it away. He didn't want the other students to also believe such a ridiculous guess.

"What's so unbelievable about it?" I've long since heard that Xia Ping and Jiang Yuru were neighbors and have recognized each other since a very young age. practically childhood friends! Their feelings for each other probably grew as time passed, and one night when their parents weren't home, it just happened."

"Fuck me! I've seen this type of plot on TV before! "Now, hearing you say that, it's even more vivid in my mind!"

"That's such an unfair advantage!" "Even though Xia Ping's so ugly and full of defects, just based on his advantage of being her neighbor, we're completely outclassed!"

"It's probably that time when they were doing it that they hit the mark. "Just one mistake can last a lifetime."

"No wonder she's under so much pressure that she has panda eyes." "A high school girl becoming pregnant is definitely enough to make the headlines."

"Shameless Xia Ping! "You've already impregnated Jiang Yuru, the school's flower, and now you even want to abandon her?" "Does he want everybody to hate him?"

"According to rumors, Xia Ping may also have several girlfriends at other schools.""Five or six," they said.

"What a scumbag!" He even has girlfriends in other schools? I never thought that Xia Ping would be like that. "He just looks so honest normally."

All of the students were discussing the matter, their emotions fluctuating wildly. In the middle, some students even started to spread malicious rumors about Xia Ping, saying that he had several girlfriends at the same time. Almost instantly, the crowd was riled up.

Hearing the conversations around her, Jiang Yuru's pretty face became as red as a tomato. She hadn't thought that her words would be misunderstood to such an extent. Wasn't it clear that wasn't what she meant?

"Okay, okay, enough is enough already." We can talk about it all later, back at home. There's no need to make a scene and become a spectacle here. Although Xia Ping didn't know why Jiang Yuru was so angry, he still didn't want to stay there any longer as everybody talked about him.

We can talk about it all later, back at home!

All of the students were shocked. Such casual words! Those were the words that were often used between husband and wife when they were arguing and didn't want to make a spectacle of themselves in front of others!

That type of scene, their expressions—just how similar was it to the one in front of them right now? This was an understanding between husband and wife that was fostered over a long period of time! With that level of familiarity... They were absolutely flirting!

"Oh. My. God! I don't want to live any more! "A fresh flower stuck in shit!"

"Even 'go back home and talk'?" "They're probably living together then!"

"Beast! They're already living together as high schoolers? In ancient times, he would have been punished as a criminal for that!"

"It's probably Xia Ping, that slut, forcing this upon her. Jiang Yaru isn't that type of person.

"It's all that bastard Xia Ping's fault. He's practically a monster in human skin! "If it wasn't for him, then something like this wouldn't happen at all."

"I just wish that Xia Ping would explode right there on the spot, be struck by lighting on the streets, and get run over by a car! "Everybody who agrees, raise their hands!"

"Today is the darkest day in the 95th high school's history. "Close enough to match the start of the Great Cataclysm."

"I still haven't even managed to express my love, and now the goddess is pregnant. "Is there anything else worse than this in the world?"

All of the students were in mourning, their hearts shattered. In their pain, their hatred for Xia Ping exploded through the roof.


Xia Ping blinks. He could clearly hear the system's indications. His hatred points seemed to be increasing at a rapid pace and showed no signs of slowing down.

"This, This…" Jiang Yuru also heard the surrounding students' words. This misunderstanding was getting too big! However, all of this was that bastard Xia Ping's fault! She glared at him with gritted teeth.

Xia Ping rubbed his chin and said, "Don't worry; I'm not an irresponsible person." "With things as they are now, I'll definitely take responsibility."

"What the heck are you talking about?!" Jiang Yuru almost fainted. What she said and what this bastard said were two completely different things!

The surrounding students were all in an uproar. As expected, their relationship had already reached that point. That step where they needed to discuss responsibility?

"Okay, okay. It's almost time for class. "If there's anything else, we can talk about it later." Xia Ping waved a hand, not wanting to keep talking about this.

Talk to my a$$!If we keep talking, then it'll really become a sex scandal!

Jiang Yuru scowled furiously at Xia Ping, itching to beat him up. With a bam, she lifted up a foot and stomped down hard on Xia Ping's before turning around and leaving in a huff.

She also knew that she couldn't keep talking. Otherwise, who knew what sort of rumors would pop up next.

As for this sex scandal, news of it spread very quickly. That was just how popular Jiang Yuru really was. With all her fans, it took only an hour before those rumors had spread throughout the entire school.

"Did you hear? Jiang Yuru has a boyfriend! "And not only that, she's even pregnant!"

"Oh, my god! Is that true? "This is just too salacious!"

"I don't believe it! How could such a thing happen? "Just who is her boyfriend?"

"It seems to be somebody in her class named Xia Ping."

"That person who beat Xiong Batian?"

"Right, that's him. According to rumors, he's a slut. Outside of school, he has like a dozen or so girlfriends, with seven to eight of them pregnant. Jiang Yaru is just one of them."

"Monster! He's already like this in high school?! This guy isn't human; he's a pig! "I really want to slaughter him right now!"

"Relax, dude. In school, the number of people who want to slaughter him already exceeds a thousand. You'll have to wait in line."

"Shameless Xia Ping! He already has a dozen girlfriends, and now he wants to bully the school's flower too? "He's the shame of this school!"

"How could Jiang Yuru like such a man?" "Is she blind?"

"Women are often deceived by such scum. Just think of it as a lesson needed to grow.

"Grow your balls!" "Why can't I be the one needed to grow?"

"I hope that scum Xia Ping explodes on the spot and is killed by an angry woman."

Countless students were discussing this rumor, their hatred for Xia Ping crazily skyrocketing.

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