
God Level Demon Novel

Shameless Xia Ping, not only did you steal my martial arts manual and medicinal pills, you even took my fiancée! "We're not finished!" "He’s the embarrassment of the Martial Way and a parasite of the human race. "A complete scumbag." "There’s nothing that he won’t do." "Not only would he not help an old person cross the road, he would even steal the lollipop of a three year old." "He causes problems everywhere." All of the geniuses in those big families have been beaten up by him before. "Now, he’s no longer tolerated by either humans or gods!" Countless Yanhuang Star martial arts experts despised Xia Ping to the bone. They were just itching to completely crush him into pieces. As for Xia Ping? Facing the hatred of so many people, he just calmly pulled up the interface of the "Grand Hatred System" and looked at all the wonderful things there. He rubbed his chin and said, "I’ve already saved up so many hatred points." What should I exchange it for now? Saint-grade medicinal pills? Or perhaps that primordial pill? The peerless martial art skill, Tathagata Palm, also seems pretty good. But then there’s that divine weapon, the Cosmic Cauldron. "It really is too difficult to choose!" Note : I am only Translator, but if you wanna support me, please vote or rate this novel with 5 star. thank you! lets share your happiness with litllesnake: https://ko-fi.com/litllesnake If you want to read advance chapter go to my patreon page, its free!!! Link : patreon.com/Litllesnake

litlleSnake · Fantaisie
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397 Chs

Rescue part 2


At this moment, Xia Ping and the others walked up to Jiang Yaru. Jiang Yaru immediately greeted Qiuxue. They were all very shocked. They did not expect that the seemingly ordinary teacher would be so powerful.

With a single move, he killed all of the bandits. Not a single one of them escaped.

"You guys okay?"

Qiuxue looked at Xia Ping and the others with a joyful expression. She was glad to see that none of them were injured.

"Teacher, of course they are fine." "We are the ones who are fine." One of them cried out in grief and indignation. He glared fiercely at Xia Ping as if he wanted to eat him alive.

Qiuxue was dumbfounded. She looked at the guy who looked like a pig's head and asked, "You, who are you? "Are you a student of No. 95 High School?"

"Teacher, don't you recognize me? "I'm Xiong Batian!" The person cried out, immediately revealing his identity.

Qiuxue's lips twitched. "How did you become like this?" She really could not tell that this person was Xiong Batian. After all, this face was too horrible to look at. It was practically beyond recognition.

"It's all Xia Ping's fault."

Xiong Batian cried out in grief and indignation. If he had not been heavily injured, he would have immediately gone to fight Xia Ping to the death, biting this bastard to death.

"Don't bite people here." "I didn't hit you." Xia Ping felt wronged.

Xiong Batian was driven mad. "You didn't hit me, but you spouted nonsense. Your mouth stinks worse than dog shit. You provoked those bandits to drag us out and beat us up for half an hour. "Half an hour!"

He was extremely indignant. This was the darkest half hour of his life. He had been pampered since he was young and had never been beaten like this before.

If not for this bastard Xia Ping's big mouth saying that they were childhood sweethearts, this wouldn't have happened at all. This bastard clearly wanted to kill him.

"Teacher, you should punish him." This guy is simply a devil. "He killed people without paying with his life."

"That's right, that's right. He's got nothing to hide. He's worse than poison. He's the reason we're so miserable.

"If we weren't so lucky, we would have been killed by him."

"If we don't punish him, we won't let him off even if we become ghosts. "We won't die in peace."

A group of pig-headed people jumped out, criticizing Xia Ping, demanding that he be severely punished.

They were also in a miserable state, comparable to Xiong Batian. They had originally wanted to speak loudly, but their faces were just too painful. Just a few words were enough to tear open their wounds, and the pain was excruciating.

"Who are you guys?" Qiuxue was a little confused. She could not recognize these people, who were beyond recognition.

They had no choice but to introduce themselves. "I'm Tao Yun." "I'm Goldman Sachs." "I'm Hong Yu."

Qiuxue was speechless. How did the top students in her school become like this? Although the other students were also beaten up, none of them were as miserable as these few. It felt as if someone had crushed them with a tire several times. It was similar to plastic surgery, but this was a failed plastic surgery, a medical accident.

"Hello." Xia Ping greeted.

Good my ass!

Tao Yun and the others were so angry that their noses were crooked. Seeing them like this, how could they not be angry? This kid actually pretended like nothing had happened.

If not for this bastard, how could they be so miserable?!

"Teacher, this bastard has a vicious heart. He even wants to kill his classmates. "The reason why we became like this is because he instigated those bandits to beat us up for half an hour," Tao Yun shouted. "Teacher, if you don't punish him, we won't accept it."

Xia Ping felt wronged. "What's wrong? What's wrong? I said something to the criminals, but I was worried about your safety. That's why I emphasized your names so that they wouldn't hurt you.

"However, you all are not grateful toward me now. Instead, you all are blaming me for being vicious. You all are truly biting the hand that feeds you. It is truly difficult to be a good person. "There are very few people like me who repay evil with kindness."

He sighed repeatedly, feeling that no one knew about his good intentions.

What a good egg!

Tao Yun and company were so angry that their heads were smoking. If you were a good person, there wouldn't be any bad people in the world. Furthermore, if it weren't for your words, those criminals would have been moved by their words. They wouldn't have beat them up.

However, they had all been turned into liars by his big mouth. The bandits were so angry that they hit him harder than before.

"Don't quibble here, asshole."

Xiong Batian said angrily, "Didn't you see Han Shan from Zhengde High School? He's the worst. He was beaten up for 45 minutes, and now he's unconscious, foaming at the mouth. "This is all your evil deeds, and you still refuse to admit it."

He pointed at Han Shan, who was lying on the ground. His face couldn't be seen clearly, as if he had been stung by a bee. His face was swollen, and his mouth was foaming, as if he were a seriously ill patient.

"I think it's better to drag him out for treatment." Xia Ping suggested.

Upon hearing this, Qiuxue immediately came to a realization and said, "Right, right, right." You guys should go and bandage your wounds. If there's anything else, we'll talk about it on the spaceship. Don't talk here."

At this moment, the spaceship descended from the sky and arrived at the peak of the mountain.

Xiong Batian and the others were extremely helpless, but they could only be brought in by Qiuxue and pulled into the spaceship for treatment. Their injuries were indeed very severe, so they could not be delayed.


The spaceship picked up all the students from Ferocious Beast Island and headed towards Tianshui City.

After rounds of examination, five to six students died and more than a hundred were injured.

Only a few of them were uninjured. Other than Xia Ping and the others, there were only a few students who were hiding in remote caves and were lucky not to be found by the bandits.

Qiuxue and the others knew what had happened and knew that it was an accident. No one had expected a gang of criminals to appear on Beast Island. This was a mistake in their job.

However, this matter was too serious. If it was leaked out, it would definitely be a huge blow to the reputation of ten schools. They might even be denounced by angry parents, and the media would come to interview them.

Therefore, they decided to keep the news a secret. Each student would be rewarded with a Body Tempering Pill as a hush money. Xia Ping and the others had done a great service by killing many bandits and saving many students' lives. Each student was rewarded with three pills.

Although Xiong Batian and the others were indignant, there was nothing they could do. After all, the other party had some accomplishments.

However, things had already progressed to this stage, so the trial naturally could not continue. Everyone decided to return to Tianshui City immediately and send some severely injured students to the hospital for emergency treatment.

The journey back was smooth. A few hours later, the spaceship arrived at the field of Tianshui City's 95th High School. Students alighted from the spaceship one by one and filed out.