
God Level Demon Novel

Shameless Xia Ping, not only did you steal my martial arts manual and medicinal pills, you even took my fiancée! "We're not finished!" "He’s the embarrassment of the Martial Way and a parasite of the human race. "A complete scumbag." "There’s nothing that he won’t do." "Not only would he not help an old person cross the road, he would even steal the lollipop of a three year old." "He causes problems everywhere." All of the geniuses in those big families have been beaten up by him before. "Now, he’s no longer tolerated by either humans or gods!" Countless Yanhuang Star martial arts experts despised Xia Ping to the bone. They were just itching to completely crush him into pieces. As for Xia Ping? Facing the hatred of so many people, he just calmly pulled up the interface of the "Grand Hatred System" and looked at all the wonderful things there. He rubbed his chin and said, "I’ve already saved up so many hatred points." What should I exchange it for now? Saint-grade medicinal pills? Or perhaps that primordial pill? The peerless martial art skill, Tathagata Palm, also seems pretty good. But then there’s that divine weapon, the Cosmic Cauldron. "It really is too difficult to choose!" Note : I am only Translator, but if you wanna support me, please vote or rate this novel with 5 star. thank you! lets share your happiness with litllesnake: https://ko-fi.com/litllesnake If you want to read advance chapter go to my patreon page, its free!!! Link : patreon.com/Litllesnake

litlleSnake · Fantaisie
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397 Chs

Big News

The next morning.


Xia Ping sat upright on the bed and exhaled a breath of white air. It was almost solid, as if it had been refined. The muscles on his body trembled, and a layer of black filth covered his body. The air was filled with an unpleasant smell.

"As expected of the body-tempering pill, the effect is too good."

He opened his eyes and let out a terrifying glow. He could feel his body relaxing like never before. After consuming two or three body-tempering pills last night, he immediately practiced his Martial Art for the whole night.

In the end, this morning, the effects of the body-tempering pill were exhausted. He felt that the impurities in his body had been removed quite a bit. His body seemed to have become twice as relaxed, and his strength had increased by 30%.

Even the inner qi in his body strengthened a little as he approached the peak of the 7th heavenly layer Martial Apprentice.

"Take this Body Tempering Pill for a while more. I might be able to break through to the eighth heavenly layer Martial Apprentice very soon." Xia Ping clenched his fist and felt the powerful energy in his body.

Originally, he had been thinking of ways to obtain some elixirs after consuming the gold potions. However, he did not expect to find 20 to 30 body-tempering pills on the Zhou father and son. This was simply like someone giving him a pillow when he was sleepy.

Furthermore, the effects of the Body-Tempering Pill were also very powerful. It was indeed worthy of its reputation. In just one night, he felt that his physique was even stronger than before.

"But the impurities removed from my body are too smelly." "It seems that I have to take a shower before I go to school." Xia Ping immediately got up and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower before coming out refreshed.

An hour later, Xia Ping changed his clothes and went to school. He returned to his seat.

"Something big has happened, do you know what it is?"

Xia Ping had just sat down when a classmate shouted, "Last night, there was an explosion at Zhou Tai'an's house." "The entire villa was destroyed and turned into ruins."

"At that time, Zhou Tai'an and Zhou Ding were inside the villa. They did not manage to escape in time and were blown up into pieces. "Even the police could not find their bodies."


This news shocked all the students in the class. Even though Zhou Tai'an had lost to Xia Ping in the previous combat competition, it did not diminish Zhou Tai'an's reputation as an influential figure in Tianshui City's 95th Middle School.

After all, Zhou Tai'an had been famous in school for three years. It was impossible for him to disappear so easily.

"It can't be. "Is this news true?" One of the students asked suspiciously. "I heard that Zhou Tai'an lives in a high-end district like Zhengde Residence. "There are villas inside, and every one of them is worth ten million Federation coins."

"In fact, the security system of every house in the house is very good." "If anything goes wrong, someone will immediately go up and investigate to prevent any accidents from happening."

"Something like the Varsity explosion would have disappeared centuries ago."

Many students also nodded, feeling that this matter couldn't possibly happen.


That student said disdainfully, "This matter wasn't fabricated by me." The news has already reported it, making it the headlines of Tianshui City today. "If you don't believe me, you can see for yourself."

Some students immediately opened their phones and clicked on the news.

"Oh my god, this is actually real." A tall student suddenly exclaimed "The news is out, and there are even pictures of the explosion." Nothing was left behind. "It's too tragic."

Many students also saw the report on the webpage and were shocked.

"Hehe, my dad is a police officer. News of what happened last night has spread like wildfire. I know some inside information," a fat student said mysteriously.

Quite a number of students immediately asked, "Don't leave us hanging, hurry up and say it."

"According to my father, they were at the scene of the villa." "Although they couldn't find the corpses of Zhou Tai'an and his son, they found a large number of military weapons."

The fat student looked around and said in a low voice, "It's said that these weapons are strictly prohibited by the Federation's laws and are absolutely not allowed to be privately owned." "Ordinary people can't buy them without channels, but they can be found in villas."

"As you can imagine, Zhou Tai'an's family must have some unspeakable secret."


The group of students was shocked. They did not expect there to be such an inside story.

"Therefore, some police officers speculated that there must be something behind the explosion," the fat student continued. "And the source of the explosion was actually the bomb in Zhou Tai'an's house."

"If not for Zhou Tai'an's bad luck, he might have accidentally misfired while fiddling with these bombs and killed himself."

"Then it must be the Zhou family's enemy who wanted to take revenge on the Zhou family. That's why they planted a bomb in the villa and blew up the entire Zhou family."

He told her what he knew.

"That can't be." Isn't Zhou Tai'an's father a restaurant owner? "Why would he have enemies?"

"Didn't you hear that his family has found a large number of prohibited weapons?" Zhou Tai'an's father is probably not just a simple restaurant owner. Perhaps he has some unspeakable secret.

"That's true." "To be able to have so many weapons in the villa, it doesn't look normal at all."

"Zhou Tai'an is really unlucky. Earlier, he was beaten up by Xia Ping and lost all face. "Now, he was even attacked by his enemies, and his corpse was blown up."

"Indeed. "Looking at Zhou Tai'an's life, it is a life filled with tragedy and drama."

Many students discussed this among themselves. They were all lamenting Zhou Tai'an's death, but they were not too sad. To them, Zhou Tai'an was just a stranger.

Even if he died, he would only treat it as news. The world would continue to function without anyone.

As the instigator, Xia Ping was unmoved. His expression was the same as usual.

"Xia Ping."

At this moment, Jiang Yaru walked over from afar and came to Xia Ping's side.

"What is it?" Xia Ping raised his eyebrows. He thought that Jiang Yaru was here to cause trouble because he had spread a lot of rumors previously. She was probably very angry.

However, Jiang Yaru didn't look angry at all. In fact, her expression was very calm. She said, "Teacher has something to discuss with the two of us. He wants us to go to his office now. "Let's go together."

Her beautiful eyes were filled with complex emotions, as if she had something to say to Xia Ping.

"Teacher is looking for us?" Xia Ping blinked in confusion.

Jiang Yaru said in a low voice, "It should be about the school's trial."

School trial?

Xia Ping was even more confused. He had never heard of such a thing.

"Anyway, just follow me to the teacher's office. "I'll explain to you then," Jiang Yaru said. She grabbed Xia Ping's hand and pulled him out of his seat.

Then, the two of them left the classroom and walked towards the teacher's office.