
God Level Demon Novel

Shameless Xia Ping, not only did you steal my martial arts manual and medicinal pills, you even took my fiancée! "We're not finished!" "He’s the embarrassment of the Martial Way and a parasite of the human race. "A complete scumbag." "There’s nothing that he won’t do." "Not only would he not help an old person cross the road, he would even steal the lollipop of a three year old." "He causes problems everywhere." All of the geniuses in those big families have been beaten up by him before. "Now, he’s no longer tolerated by either humans or gods!" Countless Yanhuang Star martial arts experts despised Xia Ping to the bone. They were just itching to completely crush him into pieces. As for Xia Ping? Facing the hatred of so many people, he just calmly pulled up the interface of the "Grand Hatred System" and looked at all the wonderful things there. He rubbed his chin and said, "I’ve already saved up so many hatred points." What should I exchange it for now? Saint-grade medicinal pills? Or perhaps that primordial pill? The peerless martial art skill, Tathagata Palm, also seems pretty good. But then there’s that divine weapon, the Cosmic Cauldron. "It really is too difficult to choose!" Note : I am only Translator, but if you wanna support me, please vote or rate this novel with 5 star. thank you! lets share your happiness with litllesnake: https://ko-fi.com/litllesnake If you want to read advance chapter go to my patreon page, its free!!! Link : patreon.com/Litllesnake

litlleSnake · Fantaisie
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397 Chs

Are You Convinced?

With a loud thud, Zhou Tai'an fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth. His eyes were white, and his face was swollen like a pig's head. He was no longer as handsome and suave as before.

At this moment, he could no longer move. His entire body was filled with intense pain.

"Zhou Tai'an, are you convinced?"

Xia Ping looked down at him.

"Ah, ah, ah, I can't accept this, I can't accept this!" Zhou Tai An cried out in anguish and outrage.He wanted to attack Xia Ping, but he couldn't even lift a finger.

Humiliation. This was simply an extraordinary humiliation!

He was Zhou Tai'an, a sixth layer martial apprentice, and could be called the school's heavenly king. He had dozens of underlings and many admirers, but he was actually defeated by a single punch from a bastard he looked down on. He was humiliated to this extent, and his face was swollen.

How could he bear such an outcome?!

Seeing Zhou Tai'an's grief and indignation, the surrounding audience also sympathized with him.

"This is too much. "It's one thing to win, but to humiliate Zhou Tai'an like this?"

"That's right, that's right. Xia Ping's character is too bad. "He's simply a slut."

"Isn't that right? "We're all from the same school, yet he actually did such a thing."

"You've already won, yet you're still asking if he's convinced. "You're clearly rubbing salt into his wounds."

Many students discussed it among themselves, glaring at Xia Ping, feeling like he went too far.


Xia Ping stood on the stage with his hands behind his back as he glanced at the audience, saying, "If you are not satisfied, come and fight me. I can even give you one hand."

He was sneering in his heart. Zhou Tai'an was allowed to humiliate him, but he was not allowed to humiliate Zhou Tai'an. What right did he have? Was it just because he was a top student, because he was handsome and had a good family background, that he, Xia Ping, deserved to be humiliated?!

It was simply a joke. If one had the guts to provoke him, they would have to bear the consequences.

"This, this!"

The surrounding students did not dare to speak. They could feel the terrifying aura exuding from Xia Ping's body. He was like a ferocious tiger, devouring people. It was extremely terrifying.

Even a Level Six Martial Apprentice like Zhou Tai'an couldn't withstand a single punch from this man. It was like swatting a fly, crippling Zhou Tai'an with a single slap. Even the titanium alloy metal arena cracked.How terrifying was this?

If ordinary students like them went up, they would probably be severely injured with just a breath of air from the other party. Going up would be courting death, so no one dared to go up. All of them were silent, not daring to speak.

"Really? "Does anyone dare attack me?"

Xia Ping stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the surrounding audience, his tone containing a supreme authority: "Is it you, is it you, or are you?" He immediately pointed at the three students who were the loudest.

At the same time, the spiritual power in his body was ruthlessly crushed. This terrifying spiritual power covered the three students. Immediately, the three students felt an extremely terrifying aura of bloodlust. It was as if a ferocious tiger was charging over, about to bite off their necks. The illusion was extremely realistic.

They were just regular students who were growing flowers in a greenhouse.How could they have seen such a terrifying scene? They were so frightened that even their Dao hearts collapsed.

"No, no, no, it's not me, it's not me! "Spare me, spare me."

The three shouted, their faces pale with fear. They retreated in fear, their pants wet.

He peed his pants?!

The spectators in the surrounding area were dumbfounded. Just a single glance from Xia Ping had terrified them to such an extent. Exactly how terrifying is this fellow? Is he even human?

The surrounding students were all trembling violently, looking at Xia Ping with fear.

"Fearless bandits."

Xia Ping looked at the group of students indifferently. "You dare to challenge me with just this bit of ability? You can shout 'bed' very loudly, but you can't do it with real guns."

F*ck, this shameless Xia Ping was too dirty!

The group of students was so angry that their faces turned green, and their bodies trembled. They had never seen someone humiliate others in public like this. It was simply abominable. This person was simply scum.

"This is too infuriating. "This Xia Ping is indeed a scumbag."

"This kind of person will be struck by lightning sooner or later. "Everyone, wait and see."

"There's nothing great about winning. "This bastard's character is terrible."

"Has anyone come to clean up this campus bully?" It's awful."

"To openly flirt with so many innocent women and men in public, this Xia Ping is a beast."

"When school's over, everyone's going to knock him on his stick."

Numerous students were fuming with anger. They wanted to go up and teach Xia Ping a lesson, but after considering their own strength, they did not dare to move and could only give up.

However, they were all secretly cursing Xia Ping. They simply wanted to bite this bastard to death.

Gao Wan and Yang Wei were dumbfounded. F * * k, this guy was born to be hated. He probably did not target them on purpose.

It was all because this bastard's personality was too vile that such a thing happened.

The mouths of the students in Class Thirty-Six twitched. They had finally witnessed Xia Ping's ability to provoke hatred. From a certain perspective, this fellow was definitely a genius.

"Cough, cough. Alright, alright. Don't argue." The referee noticed that the situation was not looking good, so he immediately went forward and coughed a few times before announcing the results of the match. "Student Zhou Tai'an no longer has the strength to fight. I announce the winner is Xia Ping."

"No, I can still fight." I can still fight. I didn't lose. I didn't lose at all."

Zhou Tai An shouted, he was indignant, he would not admit that he lost to Xia Ping.

"How noisy."

With a bang, Xia Ping struck and knocked Zhou Tai'an unconscious with a slap.

After doing all of this, he clapped his hands in satisfaction. "Now that's good. "This guy won't argue anymore."

The referee teacher was speechless. He couldn't blame Xia Ping for doing this. After all, if he hadn't knocked Zhou Tai'an out, this brat would probably still be shouting loudly and continuing to torment him.

"Shameless, this Xia Ping is too shameless, how could he knock Brother Zhou out?"

"This is clearly a private grudge."

"Since Big Brother Zhou can't move, let's attack him. "This is clearly retaliation."

"Shameless bastard, taking advantage of me."

"Damn it, this guy will suffer retribution sooner or later."

A group of students cursed Xia Ping fiercely. They had been angered to the point of fainting by Xia Ping's actions. They had never seen such a bastard, actually attacking someone who couldn't move. He was simply too evil.

"Get a few people here and move Zhou Tai'an away," instructed the referee teacher.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Soon, a few students came up from below and quickly carried the unconscious Zhou Tai'an away.

After a few beeps, Xia Ping heard the system notification in his mind. "Hatred Points + 1, Hatred Points + 1…"

"Not bad, not bad. I didn't expect to get over 300 hatred points in one sitting. "I'm just short of 100 hatred points to exchange for Beiming Protection Body Technique." Xia Ping touched his chin. "It looks like I'm still lacking."