
God Is My Wingman

A random guy gets reincarnated from dying by the wheels of The Legendary Truck-kun. Reincarnating as the MC Yun Che or the man he is now, Xiao Che in Against The Gods, He promised himself to not make the mistakes as Scum Che. And that he will make the name "Xiao Che" a legend. In his way to becoming a legend, He finds God as his wingman.

Itachi_Hyoudou · Livres et littérature
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23 Chs

Blood Soaked Jasmine!!

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Walking out of his pavilion, Xiao Che thought back to his actions. Some might think what he did was cruel or outright arrogant. But in Xiao Che's eyes, his actions were very justifiable. The rant he let loose on Xia Qingyue was somewhat from his heart too.

Xiao Che didn't like the way at first Xia Qingyue was acting with him. In her cold and calm behavior, there was unmistakably an air of arrogance around her. Takashi didn't like that. He didn't like arrogant people.

Now many people might think that Xiao Che himself was an arrogant person. So, why does he hate the other people that were arrogant?

Xiao Che would disagree with them on this point. Prideful he might be but he wasn't arrogant. There was only a thin line that separated pride and arrogant. That line was the line of humility.

Even though he had his pride, Xiao Che was a humble guy. He would always help those who indeed deserved it. But the problem here was with world system. This was a racist cultivation world. The world where the strong ruled with an iron fist while the weak obeyed. Those who had the power had the authority. A very simple but devastating rule.

So everyone in this world was more or less greedy for power. Those who had power in their hand were more than the other who didn't. Power brought greed and greed brought more greed. So, in this type of this world, it was very hard to find those who truly deserved help.

Xiao Che didn't hate the notion of power or cultivation. He too wanted more power in his hand. That's why he trained like his life depended on his training. He had created an extremely strong base for his cultivation. From now on his powers would only increase.

But unlike the real Yun Che who didn't mind having less power if his family and friends were fine, this Xiao Che wanted more power to protect his family. He wanted so much power that several worlds would be under his palm.

Most of the cultivators who doesn't have a proper idol to look up to in terms of cultivation. And among the ones who had idol to up to, the strongest one was Ancestral Goddess. The next stages were Creation Gods and True Gods or even God Emperors.

But Xiao Che's goal was a lot higher than that. His aim was to reach Orion's level. Speaking of Orion, Xiao Che was currently talking to him.

'Orion, do you think that what I did back there was wrong?' Xiao Che wasn't that guilty of his actions but a minuscule amount was there. He didn't particularly like Xia Qingyue's actions but he didn't hate her too. Her actions were kind of influenced by her cultivation after all.

From the inside of his brain, Xiao Che could hear a slightly rugged voice. {Buddy, you should stop thinking about this already. The bygones are already bygones. You shouldn't think much of it. And if you want to take my opinion on it, I will just say it was justifiable.}

Not giving Xiao Che a chance, Orion continued. {I can hear your thoughts you know. Yes, I know that she was kind of used as a bargaining chip after her birth to release off the debt that her father had to Xiao Lie's son. But with your status of a cripple and her brilliance, she could have shaken off the marriage with some pleasantries. Her father being the best merchant of this city also helps hers doesn't it.}

Xiao Che couldn't help but hum at Orion's speech. {If she had wanted then she could have broken her marriage contract with you. But she had chose you to use you as a leverage and go on to her sect. You can still change her. You already awakened her Heart of Snow Glazed Glass. Her Heart of Snow Glazed Glass increases her talents a lot but it makes her focus range rather smaller. And I can gladly tell you that you have made your place in her heart.}

Even after saying that Orion warned Xiao Che. {But Che'er, you should beware. Because I can certainly tell you that you have a semi yandere masochist on your case now.}

Hearing Orion, Xiao Che chuckled a bit. His guilt that he had was washed away by his wingman god. He then asked Orion the question that was plaguing his mind.

'Hmm, Orion. How are we going to communicate after Jasmine enters the Sky Poison Pearl? Will she be able to hear our conversations? To be honest, I don't want to let anyone know about my reincarnation and all that. I know I should tell these things honestly to my lovers but I am a bastard. If they want to know me then they have to know me from this world.'

Orion's sagely voice came again. {You don't have to worry about that. This is the messenger system that is established between me and you. Jasmine won't be able to hear our conversations. Whenever you would talk to me, the messenger system will filter the speech on its own. We would be able to talk just fine.}

He then said again. {You can hide the information about your reincarnation or you could reveal it to the person that you want to. But I would request to do against that. A person knowing about the reincarnation cycle of the omniverse would be a problem. It might cause a glitch in the matrix. It won't be hard to solve that but it will be such shame to work.}

Xiao Che's lips and eyebrows twitched simultaneously hearing the lazy supreme god. He could never get used to how the God was. But his reactions lessen with time.

He also felt a little proud of himself. He wasn't particularly a chad guy back in previous world. So, acting like a chad in front of many people, he felt satisfied and pride.

Coming back to the moment, Xiao Che was walking towards the mountain behind the Xiao Clan. After all, he was going to meet Xing Tong or better known as Jasmine there.

Entering the forest area after being told by Orion, he finally came to the right place. There he saw Jasmine laid almost lifelessly among all the herb plants and grass.

She looks like a young dainty and has a petite body, with snow-white skin, bright red hair, and unrivalled beauty. She was wearing a matching red dress. Over all, she looked to be about 12 or 13.

Although she was young, her upper body had considerably matured. Her snow white breasts were like two jade pearls on her perfect body, as soft as the springtime shoots of bamboo.

Even though her body had still not matured yet, there was still the release of a stunning charm that would steal souls in her immaturity. It was as if all the beauty in the world had been mustered inside this body of ultimate perfection.

Her delicate face was now pale and bloodied. Her beautiful red frilly dress now had many cuts on it and was torn from some sides. Suddenly, she looked right at Xiao Che who unblinkingly looking at her. The whole scene was like of a tragical princess perishing after living her sorrowful life which was kind of true.

She had a pair of exceptionally very black demonic-looking eyes that flashed mysteriously as she blinked. Her eyes then darted to his left palm where she saw the green imprint of Sky Poison Pearl flashing. She gasped in astonishment then she muttered softly. "…Sky..Poison…Pearl."

Her muttering made Xiao Che get close to her. With his keen senses and medical knowledge, he could clearly understand that there was a very potent poison in this red head's body. But he knew that even with all of his current powers, he couldn't heal her instantly.

The Absolute God Slaying Poison is the poison that Jasmine was poisoned with. It is so toxic that it even affects the soul and the area around the person poisoned and the people around the affected person will also get poisoned. The person who is poisoned by it cannot use their profound strength or the poison will rebound greatly; the more strength used the harder the rebound will be.

The Absolute God Slaying Poison is the most terrifying poison that has been seen thus far, even going beyond Xiao Che's medical scope. Even after emphasizing most of his study sessions till towards Alchemy, Formations and Medicines respectively. This poison was yet way of Xiao Che's league.

Although Xiao Che couldn't practice his medical skills to cure the little red haired princess, he could still cure Jasmine. After the only cure of this Absolute God Slaying Poison known to all was the Sky Poison Pearl's detoxification.

The Sky Poison Pearl is one of the Seven Heavenly Profound Treasures with its rank being fifth. The Sky Poison Pearl's capabilities are centered on poison, medicine, purification, and space.

The Sky Poison Pearl is able to cure all poisons under the heavens. Any poison can be cured, regardless of how far the poison has progressed. It can even detoxify the soul. How fast a poison will be detoxified depends on how potent it is and severity of the damage to the victim.

The poison can be detoxified quickly if it had yet to invade the soul, but once it invades the soul, even with this Heavenly Profound Treasure it still takes years before it will be detoxified.

And unfortunately the poison had somewhat invade the soul of Jasmine. Even after getting poisoned on a higher realm then escaping from her pursuers and then falling to a lower realm such as Blue Pole Star, took a long time. In these certain extend of time, the poison had managed to invade into Jasmine's soul.

When Jasmine saw the man stepping close to her, she keenly stared at his left palm. And when he got close to her, she took his left hand and tried biting his left index finger. The keyword tried.

She was nearly out of her profound energy. Her profound pool was near empty after all her crusades. Thinking of Xiao Che as a weak mere mortal, she hadn't even tried using profound energy. And although she might have a higher cultivation and trained physique but penetrating Xiao Che's skin which has been hardened after the use of The Great Way of Buddha with her teeth was impossible for her.

Xing Tong or otherwise known as Blood Soaked Jasmine, might trained her whole life to prepare her physique to take blunt of many different attack, though she had trained her teeth to cut through all. She for sure, wasn't into cannibalism.

Seeing Jasmine failing to bite into his finger, Xiao Che wanted to tease her but he held the urge back in. After all, to Jasmine he still was no one. He knew that using profound energy, she could bit into in his finger. Instead of ridiculing or teasing her, he softly said. "Wait"

Taking his finger out of her mouth, Xiao Che at first wiped his finger on his sleeve, freeing it off her saliva. Then he bit into his own finger and drew blood. Wiping his saliva off the finger once again on his sleeve, he gave the finger on Jasmine's mouth who sucked his blood.

Moments later, Jasmine's body turned into dust leaving her frilly red dress and her black shoes on the ground. Picking those up Xiao Che stored them within his Sky Poison Pearl where Jasmine's soul was in right now. It was soul which was connected with the pearl, her body was already destroyed.

He stared at his left hand or more precisely at the green imprint of the Sky Poison Pearl for a while. After that he started walking back towards his pavilion. After all, he had two fairies heart to break there and one beauty to conquer.

I have already started writing the next chapter. So, fret not, the next one will come faster. But please remember that after working, the energy write sometimes doesn't come to me. So, please forgive me for my slow update speed.

Itachi_Hyoudoucreators' thoughts